
Running After You

Growing up sometimes means growing away and that couldn't possibly be more the case for Youta Morikawa and his childhood best friend Mitora Fukaminato. With her having been a part of the track team going into their second year of high school and him... Not applying himself in any club whatsoever. The pair have spent less time together than ever before. While this may be a fact of life and reality, that doesn't mean he's particularly happy about it. So when an opportunity comes up that could bring back their relationship to what it once was, he's interested. But being a sports manager is far from what Youta believes his skillset to match and he'll end up working with athletes who have troubles of their own. Yet this is his best chance to get what he's after, and perhaps might even lead him to a new unexpected relationship.

bigbear51 · Real
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31 Chs

Tears of The Tennis Star

"Huuuah!" Youta awoken suddenly and shot right up from the bench. He hadn't planned on falling asleep as it was morning time, which mean classes would be starting soon. No one was around, but the sun hadn't gone far up into the sky yet either. A quick check on his phone revealed it was still too early for most to be arriving outside of some staff and studious students.

In fact, only 15 minutes had past, but there was no Chinemi around practicing. Odd, he wondered. Did she take advantage of him sleeping to make an escape? But there was no place else for her to practice, so that didn't seem likely.

He stood up from the bench, stretching his body out to loosen up the stiffness of such a short and improper nap. This wasn't the time, nor place, for anything bad to have happened to her on her way to the restrooms. Did her father take her away? No, that didn't seem likely either as he had just left when he last saw that man.

So Youta had no idea on what would be taking her so long. Given there was nothing better to do, he decided to head in the direction she went to see if she was just freshening up before classes would begin.

As he walked towards the nearest restrooms, assuming she was there, the boy began to hear some distinct sounds. It was difficult to hear and determine what it was supposed to be, but he was able to track them down in one of the classrooms. As he neared the source, it became clearer this was the sound of someone crying and sniffling their nose.

At first instinct, he knew it wasn't good. Someone sounded like they were in trouble and immediately he dropped it original goal of finding Chinemi to aid whomever was in need. To his surprise, his new goal and original goal were one in the same when he opened up the door to see her sitting alone in the classroom in tears. "What's going on here?" He asked, announcing his presence.

"Huh?" She turned to see him, where her eyes were revealed to be red from all the tears. Her face would soon match his shade as her mind slowly registered Youta being the one calling out to her. "Wh-what are you doing here!?" She yelled, throwing her racket at him. It wasn't meant to hit him, as it brutally slammed into the wall besides him as a warning shot. "I'm not doing anything here."

Chinemi got up from the desk, doing her best to wipe away the tears as she walked towards the windows away from him. "I was just taking a break from practice. It's nothing serious. Just go away."

"I don't know if I'd say it's nothing serious." His tone changed, staring at the tennis racket lying by his feet. She had stated before she wouldn't hit him with it due to the expensive cost, yet now she had thrown it without a second thought. "Is it about what your dad said?" He said, bending down to pick it up. Fortunately there was no damage, likely owing to its high cost and therefore higher quality.

"Not like you care." She replied, not turning to face him in their conversation. He could see her reflection in the window, revealing that she continued to try and hold back her tears and didn't wish to have him see her in this state. Yet no matter how hard she tried, her body wouldn't stop producing tears. "I bet you're real ecstatic to see me torn down like that."

After all her harsh words sent his way, along with the physical pain he had endured due to her actions. It would make logical sense for him to wish some payback against her. Yet watching what unfolded before him was the complete opposite of joy. Pity would be a more accurate way to describe his feelings towards her in this moment.

He walked towards her, intending to stand besides the girl in an admittedly meager way to try and console her. His mom would always tell him if a girl was crying, he should be strong and help her no matter what. So hopefully he would be able to follow her advice and make that woman proud if she saw him. "Don't take another step." Said Chinemi, who could see his own reflection in the window.

"Why not? I just want to give this back to you." He said, holding up the racket.

"Just put it down and walk away." She ordered him with the same level of sternness her own father spoke in before. Despite the differences in appearance, she certainly was her father's daughter. "And I can't believe I've been reduced to begging, but please don't tell anyone else about this. Though I can't blame you if you do."

"Your secret's safe with me." He said, but didn't do as she asked in leaving. "I'm not leaving you alone here. Not like this."

"I don't get you at all." She said, shaking her head as he got right behind her. "There's no reason for you to care. It's not like it has anything to do with sports either. Just let me deal with my personal affairs."

"Is what he said why you're so hard on the others on the team?" He did find a reason to relate it to his role, even if Youta didn't need that excuse to want to help her. "Because you're trying to win games and all?"

"This year's my last chance." She answered. "Two years of hard work and I've got nothing to show for it. Now I'm a captain and I got to whip everyone into shape if we're to stand a chance." Chinemi wiped her face one final time, finally able stop her tears. "Every time I see someone fail, I'm watching him be proven right. That this is all just a dumb game I like and that it doesn't matter once I'm an adult."

"That all sounds pretty rough, but I don't think you should take out your issues on the rest of the team."

"You're lucky you're my junior, so you just don't get it." The small part of her that had bite returned. "You still got plenty of youth left. But when I graduate, it's straight to studying and preparing on handling the company." She sighed, shaking her head after saying her words out loud. "Maybe you really don't get because it sounds like I'm complaining about being set for life."

"I'll be honest, it's hard for me to relate, but it definitely doesn't sound easy." Youta knew if he was treated that way by his dad, then he'd likely react in a similar way. Maybe it was better after all that his dad was a dunce. "And I do want to help you get better. Your coach says you're very talented. Good enough to go pro, actually."

"She really said that?" She took a moment to think on what he told her. It seemed she was about to cry again from such praise. "Yet here I am, squandering myself away."

"She wants to help you." He told her, trying to assure the girl of the process. "I do too. It doesn't matter if we got off on the wrong foot or anything. We just need to figure out a better way to lead the team and become stronger tennis players. A lot of the girls on the team respect you, even though none of them realize your current methods actually work."

"Am I truly supposed to expect someone like you to know the answers though?" Even with his encouragement, she continued to doubt him. "Honestly you're not so different from my father, even if you are much kinder." This backhanded compliment did little to assure him she held any higher opinion of him than before.

"But your coach knows better, right?" He argued. "So I may not be an expert, but surely you trust her a lot."

"Of course I do. That's another reason why I'm giving my best effort as the captain. I can't allow her judgment to be proven incorrect by failing in my duty."

"Then that's where we'll start." He said. "Your way just doesn't work here. So as long as you stay calm and trust the process. I guarantee that things will work out just fine." Privately Youta still had doubts on her professional ability. However after hearing that tear down from before, there was no way he'd express this belief to her.

"Deal." She held up her hand, which he assumed was for a handshake as he grabbed it. Chinemi gave him a strange look, though gave him a firm handshake in response. Then with her other hand, she hastily took the racket back. "Now how about I get back to practice before classes begin?"

"Be my guest." The pair returned to the tennis courts where they were greeted by her coach, who had been getting some machines set up ahead of time.

"Look who's here bright and early." She smiled warmly to them. "Oh wait, sorry Youta. I'm not supposed to-"

"It's fine." He cut her off, not revealing another restriction he had previously placed was to keep the coach away from her as well. "Actually, I believe now is the time to allow Chinemi back to the team."