
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Student ranking

Having gotten some shuteye, Yasuo woke up. Not from the noise, but from all thousand students in the auditorium falling silent all of a sudden.

Opening his eyes, Yasuo looked around and saw that all seats were now filled.

'O, all students have returned.' Yasuo thought before he took a glance at the podium, where the president of the academy could be seen standing in front of the lectern.

Seeing the president standing there with a serious expression on his face, Yasuo instinctively sat up straight and took off his hood.

The moment Yasuo had done this, the president started talking, almost like he was waiting for Yasuo.

Jeon Park, the president of the academy, cleared his throat and began talking. "I know that all of you know what I will be announcing, so I will try and keep it short. All students have finished their evaluation test in the augmented reality and the results of the evaluation will be revealed in the form of a student ranking in just a moment."

As Jeon Park took a second to take his breath, the atmosphere in the auditorium became tense from students who were both nervous and excited to see their results.

With the room becoming louder, Jeon Park continued his speech. "As I have previously said, higher ranking students will receive better privileges. And frankly, there are a lot of different privileges, so I will not announce what they are as that would take too much time. Instead a list of privileges will be provided in your room. Oh yeah, which room you get will also be shown on the student ranking. Mind you, housing is also a privilege."

Looking around the room, Jeon Park noticed that he was losing the attention of the students, so he wrapped up his speech. "Without further ado, here is the ranking."

Having abruptly ended his speech, Jeon Park walked of the podium and a beamer descended from the ceiling, which soon projected the student ranking on the wall behind the podium.

The auditorium became louder than it had ever been before. Loud chatter could be heard from some people who found their names on the ranking, but most of the noise came from the people in the back who couldn't read their rankings from so far away.

As soon as the president left the auditorium and the door behind him closed, students in the back began standing up and going towards the front to get a better look at the student ranking, which was soon followed by a mob of students, including Yasuo.

Being pushed from all sides, Yasuo wormed his way to the front where the text finally became readable for him. Looking at the header of the list, there were three things displayed, the ranking number, name of the student and a room number.

Full of excitement Yasuo began searching for his name. Guessing and being hopeful that he would be in the top fifty, Yasuo started his search at the number fifty spot looking for his name. Not finding his name on the number fifty spot, Yasuo started looking at the names above it.

As he continued searching for his name he soon reached ranking number forty, but he still hadn't found his name.

Reaching ranking number thirty, there was still no sight of his name.

Number twenty, still nothing.

'Did I overestimate myself, am I below number fifty?' Yasuo thought, beginning to doubt himself. But having started looking, Yasuo continued and had now reached ranking number ten.

As he read the name on number ten, he wiped his eyes and read it again: "Yasuo Mun, ranking number ten…" Yasuo was in disbelief of having found his name that high in the ranking.

He was left speechless and didn't know what to think, his head was so filled with thoughts that nothing came to mind. As he glanced over, he saw the room code that he had was 'A10'.

The screaming of students didn't help him with processing the fact that he ranked number ten, so Yasuo muscled his way through the mob of students and went out of the auditorium in search of his room.

The campus was filled with directional sign posts that lead to all facilities on the academy grounds. Finding the sign for room A, Yasuo started following the path towards his room.

While walking there, Yasuo was still thinking about the fact that he had become number ten, meaning he was the tenth strongest person out of a thousand students. Trying to process that idea, Yasuo had made it to an area where ten big modern bungalows stood in a big open grass field.

'Did I go the wrong way?' Yasuo thought, expecting to arrive at an apartment or something similar.

Looking around, Yasuo spots another directional sign. But this one was different from the previous sign, which pointed in the direction of 'Rooms A'.

Walking up to this sign, Yasuo could finally read it. The signs pointed at the different bungalows, where Yasuo quickly spotted a sign to 'Room A10'.

'Wait, didn't I have room A10? Does that mean the whole bungalow is for me…?'

Yasuo was in disbelief, but from all the things he had experienced today, he just decides to come to terms with the possibility and started following a beautifully paved path towards the bungalow.

Now in front of the door, a nameplate could be seen hung above the door: 'Yasuo Mun'.

'So this really is my… room.' Yasuo thought, with a stunned look on his face.

Having quickly accepted this fact, Yasuo entered the bungalow. At this point Yasuo wasn't even shocked anymore, just being overwhelmed while accepting everything that was happening.

Walking around the house, Yasuo finds the most modern and luxurious rooms. A living room, kitchen, bathroom, sauna, library and bedroom, all bigger than his previous apartment. Not even having taken this all in, Yasuo spots an elevator and took it down one floor.

As the elevator doors opened, Yasuo couldn't believe his eyes and just stood motionless until eventually the elevator doors started closing again.

"NO WAY!" Yasuo screamed, sticking his arm out, blocking the elevator doors from closing.

With shaking legs Yasuo entered the room, which looked and felt all to familiar to him. It was a room completely made out of white forged metal, just like the training room from the evaluation room. Looking around the room confirmed Yasuo's thoughts, as he spots a full body suit.

A big smile formed on Yasuo's face, who couldn't contain his excitement anymore. Yesterday he was still living in a small apartment room, sneaking around in portals with an anonymous awakener ID, and now he had become the tenth ranking student, living in a big bungalow with more space and luxury than he could ever hope for.

In the midst of all his excitement, Yasuo remembered that the president told everyone that a list with privileges was provided in the room. Yasuo thought to have seen some kind of document on a table in the living room, so he quickly took the elevator up and ran to the living room.

And Yasuo was correct, as he immediately found a document titled: Privileges, top ten ranking. Grabbing the document, Yasuo sat down on the couch and turned the page where a big list could be seen.

Main privileges for the top ten ranking students:

- Luxurious house with a personal training room, provided with an advanced augmented reality system.

- Access to the highest grade meal plan of the academy.

- Access to the all levels of the library.

- Private combat instructor, which can be personally chosen.

- Premium seating arrangement in theoretical classes.

'Is this really all for me?' Yasuo thought, as he was in disbelief.

Reading these first five main privileges were already more than Yasuo could have imagined. Flipping through the pages, more and more privileges were stated which overwhelmed Yasuo by how helpful and convenient some were.

Having read the long list of privileges, Yasuo was so excited to begin school. But he didn't really know what to expect from the academy. Luckily there was a pamphlet provided named: All things you need to know about the academy.

Reading this pamphlet was exactly what Yasuo needed. As he read it, more and more questions that he had were being answered and Yasuo got a grasp on the general working of the academy.

First of all, the academy would start its lessons two days from now, which meant that students had a whole day to familiarize themselves with the academy.

The second, and arguably the most important thing that was explained on the pamphlet was how the theoretical classes worked. Apparently no class was mandatory and you could choose to go to whatever class you wanted to.

There were a lot of different classes that were given, from general knowledge classes to portal raid strategy classes to sword technique classes and so on. With an online list displaying all different classes, you could arrange your own schedule.

'Wow, this is great. That means I can both follow classes for rune drawing and for dagger wielding.' Yasuo thought excitedly as this was the first time he was ever going to be officially taught.

Having taken in so much information, Yasuo had become tired even though he was full of excitement. Deciding that he would better go to bed early so that he could do as much as possible on the day of tomorrow, Yasuo took a quick shower, sat in the sauna for a bit, grabbed himself a late night snack and went to bed.

… a little later than he had hoped for, but upon reaching his bed, he immediately fell asleep.