
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs

Achievement haven

Upon walking through the barrier, Yasuo finds himself in the third level of the library and was stunned at the sight of it. Unlike the normal looking library on the first and second floor, the space he was now in looked like a different dimension all together.

It was a fully white room spanning as far as the eye could see, brightly lit up, but no lights could be seen in the room. The room was scarcely filled with books and cases displaying some sort of cards.

Almost not feeling real, Yasuo walked towards the nearest book and started flipping through it and soon found out why there were so few books.

The few pages that Yasuo had seen by flipping through were of much higher level than any book he had read. Rare books where once again achievements could be found, ones way more exclusive and with much higher rewards.

Quickly picking up books which were related to general achievements, dagger achievements and rune drawing achievements, Yasuo sat down at a weird floating table and started writing down all the achievements in his notebook.

Yasuo had organized his notes in such a way that the achievements were categorized by type, difficulty and reward. All the achievements he was now writing down were either of high difficulty, which were very intricate and specific to obtain, or had a high reward.

And unlike before, where he would be lucky to find a few achievements in an hour, he was now finding achievements every few minutes.

Once again Yasuo followed the same routine, and before he knew it he had flipped through all the books he had picked out on the third floor. Having no sense of time in the fully white room, Yasuo looked at his phone. "What, it is already nine o'clock?" It had gotten late, so Yasuo called it a night and started to clean up.

When he was putting the books back, he sees something that he overlooked out of his excitement for books. Not only were there books, but also glass cases that were displaying some kind of card.

With a book still in his hand, Yasuo walked up to one of these cases, where he noticed that something was inscribed on the card. Looking closer Yasuo could read what was written on it.

Achievement: [Portal Rush]

Description: Achievement which can be obtained inside a portal with any class.

Reward: +20 speed stat points

Status: n/a

Cost: 100.000

"No way.." Yasuo said out loud, immediately getting an understanding that even higher level achievements were displayed in these cases. The rewards were even greater than almost every achievement he had seen so far.

The achievement, description and reward spoke for themselves, but Yasuo couldn't quite figure out what the last two things meant, the status and cost.

'The cost of 100.000 is pretty obvious, but in what kind of currency? Real money? And the status n/a, I don't even know where to start with that.' As Yasuo thought long and hard about this, he couldn't find the slightest clue.

Not being able to find it out himself, Yasuo thought that maybe the librarian could answer his questions, so he quickly left the weird third level of the library and rushed downstairs.

"Miss librarian, I have a question about something on the third level of the library." Asked Yasuo, looking the librarian in the eyes with curiosity.

The librarian smiled at Yasuo in the same way as she has always done and said. "My name is Julia Levine, you can call me by name from now on if you want. And please ask your question, I will try to answer to the best of my ability."

Yasuo looked surprised, but quickly responded. "Oh, yes miss Levine. My question is about the cards that are displayed on the third level. I couldn't figure out what the status and cost meant, could you perhaps explain them for me?"

"Ah yeah, of course. The cost is pretty simple. While at the academy you can earn points, which you can buy a lot of different things with, those achievement cards being one of them. Tomorrow the introductory classes will explain more on how to obtain points, so I won't explain that right now." Julia Levine said, carefully explaining while she saw Yasuo listening attentively.

"Wow, I would have never expected something like that, I will have to go to the introductory classes for sure than. And what does the status on the achievement cards mean?" Yasuo asked, being curious about that the most.

Julia Levine waited a few seconds before she started to answer Yasuo's question. "Before I tell you the answer I need you to promise that you won't share the information with anyone else, inside or outside the -"

Before Julia Levine could even finish her sentence, she saw Yasuo nodding his head excitedly, which made her chuckle, and started explaining further.

"Some achievements get bonus rewards if you are the first, or one of the first to obtain them. If a status says top five or top ten, that means that only a few people have obtained that achievement and that you will be able to get the bonus rewards for them." As she finished explaining that, she heard Yasuo quietly whisper something, which made her freeze up.

"Can you say that again!" She asked all of a sudden, eagerly wanting to confirm if she heard correctly.

Yasuo was flustered at the sudden change in tone from Julia Levine, but explained what he said to himself. "I just realised that I got that status in two of my achievements, and now finally know what they mean."

After Yasuo said that, a few seconds of silence fell, with Julia Levine having an astonished expression on her face from what she just heard coming out of Yasuo's mouth.

Julia Levine couldn't wrap her head around the fact that a student of the academy, a sixteen year old boy, had gotten not one but two achievements with a status on them.

She could only come up with one explanation, which she immediately asked to try and confirm. "Are you a young master from a famous family?"

Yasuo chuckled from the expression on Julia Levine's face and the question she asked, and replied in a playful way. "Well, I don't think so. If I was, I would have lived in a place better than a small rundown apartment."

With the only explanation Julia Levine could come up with being refuted, she straight out asked him: "What were the two achievements you got that had a status?"

Without hesitation Yasuo happily started to answer her. "The first achievement -"

"WAIT STOP!" Julia Levine suddenly yelled out, cutting Yasuo off as soon as possible, not having expected that Yasuo would actually answer her. "You are not supposed to reveal such things to other people."

"Why not?" Yasuo asked, as he genuinely didn't know.

Julia Levine let out a sigh before she answered Yasuo. "Achievements with a status are very valuable, so you shouldn't tell anyone for free. You could normally sell them for a lot of money and inside the academy you can also sell them for points if you want."

As the only thing on Yasuo's mind at the moment was getting as many achievements as possible, wanting to get the achievement cards on the third floor, he answered Julia Levine instantly: "Than I will sell the two achievements to the academy."

Julia Levine was dumbfounded by how quickly Yasuo responded and at how nonchalantly he said this and wanted to say that he should think about it for a few days, but she couldn't suppress her curiosity as to what two achievements Yasuo got that had statuses to them.

"Okay, If you are sure about selling them, than please come with me." Julia Levine said, walking towards the back of the library.

Yasuo gladly followed, and they arrived at a barrier similar to the one on the third floor. Walking through the barrier they arrived in another room, similar to the one on the third floor, where a single table with two chairs opposite of each other being the only thing in the room.

Having sat down, Julia Levine took out a piece of paper and laid it in front of Yasuo. "This is a contract for the transaction, please read it carefully." Julia Levine said, having a serious expression on her face for the first time.

The contract read as follows:

This achievement selling agreement contract is made by an Awakener and will ensure that both parties will adhere by the contract.

By signing this contract, Party A, Yasuo Mun, agrees to exclusively selling the rights to his achievements to party B, Julia Levine of the national Awakeners Academy. After signing this contract, Party A will show his status window with the two achievements to Party B, who will then determine the purchasing price. If the purchasing price of Party B isn't satisfactory for Party A, the transaction will be cancelled and Party B won't be allowed to disclose the information she has received. If the transaction is successful, Party A has sold the full rights to the achievement to Party B and isn't allowed to tell or sell the achievement to anyone else. If either Party A or Party B violates these conditions, a penalty will be Imposed.

"Okay, I agree." Said Yasuo after having carefully read the contract and signing his name under the signature of Julia Levine.

With the contract signed, it was now Yasuo's turn to show his achievements. Being a little hesitant about showing his achievements, Yasuo decides to first show the [Portal Maniac] achievement.

Thinking about the achievement made a hologram of it pop up.

Nervously, Yasuo looked at Julia Levine, whose serious expression hadn't changed.

"Uhm, what do you think of the achievement?" Yasuo asked hesitantly.

As Julia Levine heard Yasuo say this, she broke character and let out a giggle. "If you want me to evaluate it, you should probably show me first. Just think about sharing the hologram's visibility with me." She said, instantly knowing that Yasuo didn't know how it worked.

And Yasuo did just that, and it popped up:

Achievement [Portal maniac]

Requirement: Having entered and cleared 10 portals in one day.

Rewards: +10 unassigned stat points + Top five bonus: 10 unassigned stat points

Having seen the achievement Julia Levine looked pleased, and after writing some things down, she summed up her evaluation: "Difficulty level not too high, rewards decent and a good status. I can give you 300.000 points for that."

Yasuo's eyes widened as he heard the number. 'Did I hear it correct, 300.000? The achievement I saw on the third level of the library only cost 100.000 though…'

As Julia Levine saw that Yasuo didn't really understand how much this was, she said: "Don't worry, the price is calculated on worldwide standards, so you don't have to worry about the price being unfair."

Having heard this made Yasuo feel reassured. "Okay deal, I will now show my other achievement."

Achievement [First portal, Solo portal]

Description: Achievement for solo entering and clearing the first ever portal you go into.

Rewards: 30 unassigned stat points + First completion bonus: 30 unassigned stat points

As Yasuo took out the second achievement, Julia Levine stood up all of a sudden, slamming both her hands on the table and looked shocked at the achievement Yasuo just showed.

For a few minutes, it was deadly silent in the room. With Julia Levine's expression constantly changing, she finally sat down and quickly wrote some things down.

"Okay!" Julia Levine said loudly all of a sudden. "I can offer you 2.000.000 points for that achievement!"

Yasuo was baffled by the shockingly high price, and stuttered while asking Julia Levine: "W-wHy is it w-wOrth so much?"

Julia Levine had changed to a serious expression again. "Difficulty, extremely hard. Reward, Extremely high, plus all unassigned stat points. Status, the best possible, first achiever."

Yasuo was left completely baffled by this. His thought process being overwhelmed, all events after this felt like a fever dream, faintly remembering agreeing to the deal and walking out of the library.

When this 'fever dream' ended Yasuo had found himself lying in his bed, thinking to himself:

"What just happened…?"