
run away with me

Kimberly Westwood is a vampire hunter but not just any, she's one of the best and the future heir to the family's business. She always does as she's told and when she's told to do so. Everyone trusts her to finish a job within a timely manner without fail. Well, until she fails to kill a vampire of a high status and instead runs off with his wife. Now she's on the run from both this psycho vampire and vampire hunters who all want her dead. But hey, at least she's not alone as she tries to get away from everything and everyone.

chxoswriter · Fantasía
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10 Chs

chapter four


"You're right, it is my job to kill you but that doesn't mean I have to do it now." Letting go of her hands, Kimberly goes over to the bathroom window. She makes sure not to open the curtains completely, just enough for her to look outside. The queen's bedroom faces the back of the mansion, giving her a perfect view of the garden down below and even a large pool. But alongside that gorgeous view stands the few vampires still alive, most likely looking for Kimberly and her crew. Great. She turns back to the Yeong-Ja. "I'll help you get out of here if you promise to help me with something."

Yeong-Ja squints. "What is it?"

"Tell me more about that man, the Vampire King. This is the first time I've ever heard of him, the association only talks about you and your following," she says. "I want to know more about him and who he is. And you're the only person who can tell me what I want to know."

Yeong-Ja squirms in place, arms crossed over her chest. "Wouldn't it be best to just kill me now?"

"I mean, yeah, probably--" Yeong-Ja pouts and Kimberly finds that adorable. Whoa, okay, chill. "-- But like I said, I want to know more about him and you're the only one who can help... So?"

Her hand is outstretched, offering it for Yeong-Ja to take. If she does, then they'll get out here. If she doesn't, well, Kimberly will be completing her mission in under a minute. But either way, she leaves it up to the beautiful vampire queen standing before her.

And to her surprise, Yeong-Ja places a shaky hand in hers. "I'm not going to regret this, am I?"

"Hopefully not!" It should be Kimberly regretting all of this.

. . .

After waiting for Yeong-Ja to get dress ("Wear all black! Make it seem like you're one of us! Oh, if you have sunglasses then wear those too, to hide the red eyes."), the two jump out of the vampire's window and land in the garden. Well, it's more of Yeong-Ja who jumps and carries Kimberly down. Ha, gotta love that super strength and agility of a vampire. They land beside a large oak tree, Kimberly slowly peaking out to scan their surroundings.

There's at least seven vampires, all scattered about, looking for the intruders. If she was alone, Kimberly would've taken the time to kill all of them before running to the car. But she has Yeong-Ja with her and while the vampire queen can hold her own, she's afraid that she'll only attract more attention. Especially the attention of her husband and Kimberly is not ready to see that guy, not one bit. When the coast is clear, she takes Yeong-Ja's hand and pulls her in the opposite direction.

Having Yeong-Ja is nice since she knows the grounds better than Kimberly. She knows where cameras are hidden, she can sense any vampires who might be coming, and if need be, she can always carry Kimberly and run to wherever they're going. Vampires are the epitome of evil but damn, they can be helpful when you need them to be!

They've made it to the front, though now there's more vampires crowded together, all eyes on the gate. While Kimberly can't make out what they're saying, she has a good idea of what they're saying to each other. To guard the front gates, that the intruders might still be inside, and that they'll ambush them. "Shit," she says. "How are we going to get pass them?"

Yeong-Ja is silent, watching the group of vampires and then to somewhere to the right. She then looks down at Kimberly. "I'll distract them."


"I'll distract them," she repeats, pushing her black sunglasses up onto her face. "I'll run to the right, get their attention, and distract them long enough for you to get to the gate and get out of here."

"B-but they'll kill you."

Yeong-Ja scoffs. "Please, I'm stronger than all of them. Now give me your knife."

Kimberly pulls out her knife, holding it out for the other to take. Yeong-Ja grabs it carefully with her black jacket sleeve, she probably thinks the handle is covered in holy water too. "As soon as I start running, you count to ten and then you run, okay?"

She doesn't even wait for Kimberly's answer, she's already flying off at the speed of light. She starts counting a second later, eyes watching the vampire speed off, attracting the attention of the other vampires. When they take notice of her, however, she does slow down as if she's hiding the fact that she's one of them. Kimberly wonders how long that will last before they take notice that she's just like them.

Yeong-Ja is amazing. She jumps over them, kicks them, throws a punch, and even stabs whoever she can. Vampires are dropping like flies because of her, more than what Kimberly could do on her own.

When she hits ten, Kimberly is running now herself. She gets probably halfway across the front lawn before someone takes notice of her, the Vampire shouting, "There's another one!" Fuck!

She's pushing herself to the limit in order to get out of there, trying her best not to look behind her. No need to, she can practically hear them dashing towards her, soon enough they'll be there to stop her and she's going to have to fight. She's prepared for that, she can handle her own, it wouldn't be her first time. And it definitely won't be her last.

One vampire tackles her to the ground, Kimberly and him rolling on the ground. He tries to bite her but she stabs him before he could. She's on her feet, now she sees that there are two other vampires ready to pounce and three more running towards her. The second vampire lunges, Kimberly ducks and throws herself at the third one, stake plunging through his heart. As the third one turns to dust, the second vampire grabs her from behind, putting Kimberly into a headlock. She tries to elbow him in his gut but it's not working, fuck this guy.

"His majesty told us that if we find one of you rats that we need to keep you alive," he says into her ear, squeezing harder. "But I'm hoping that we find the rest of your friends because I want a taste of you."

"Fuck you!"

She can hear his smile. "If you want to then sure."

She needs to get away from this big guy, stab him, kick him, or something before she passes out from his hold. Luckily, she has a guardian angel watching over here, the big vampire loosening his grip on her and falling to the ground. Kimberly almost falls to her knees before someone grabs her hand, pulling her to start running. Yeong-Ja.

"Sorry if I was interrupting your little flirting session with Harold but we need to get out of here."

"We weren't flirting."

"Sure you weren't."

They're finally at the gate which is great until Kimberly notices that they're surrounded. Shit, shit, shit!

"There's nowhere for you ladies to run," says a vampire. "To think our intruders included a hunter and a vampire! Not the first time I've seen a vampire as a vampire hunter but it's always a funny sight to see." The vampires all laugh at them, Kimberly keeps a straight face as she acts as a wall between Yeong-Ja and the others. "If you come with us, I'm sure his majesty will forgive you and treat you as his proper guests. You just need to cooperate with us, that is all."

"Like hell we will."

His smile turns sinister. "Suit yourself then."

"Void, duck!"

She can recognize that voice form anywhere, Kimberly grabbing hold of Yeong-Ja and pulling her down to the ground. Then came the sound of an AR being fired and the screams of the vampires. Now it's their time to get the hell out of there.

"Let's go!" She says and Yeong-Ja nods her head, picking Kimberly up princess style and jumping into the air and over the gate. Yeong-Ja lands on the ground but she doesn't let go of Kimberly, she continues running with her until they're inside the car. Kimberly slides in first, Yeong-Ja next, Reggie, and finally Clarence. They're all squished inside of the jeep but it doesn't matter, none of them care to think about any of that as M speeds off the premises.

There are some vampires chasing after them, though Clarence and Wren are shooting nonstop at them. The farther they get from the mansion, the less they see of the vampires until they completely stop, the six individuals in the jeep all breathing calmly at the realization.

"Are they gone?"

"I think so, I don't see them anymore."

"Don't worry, they're gone," says Yeong-Ja. "They don't have a reason to chase after us anymore."

Without the chaos of the vampires chasing after them, the men in the car can finally take proper notice of the new passenger. "Kimberly, " says Wren. "Who is this?"

Kimberly smiles awkwardly at her childhood best friend. "Oh, uh, did I not introduce you guys?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Well, men, this is Yeong-Ja... the Vampire Queen."