
Ruler Of The Realm

[Chapters erased. The whole story is to be republished with revised version.] Ji Chen, a reincarnator who braved hundreds of years without the help of any system and cheat, suddenly found himself possessing something that would change not just his life, but all the people surrounding him. For his dream, his sect, his brothers, and his beloved disciple, Ji Chen will do his best to be the best leader, the ruler of all the realms, with the help of his new cheat system.

MadCrow · Fantasía
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65 Chs

The Arrival Of The Prince

The day of competition finally arrived, sending the Whitedrift City into an overdrive. Countless visitors from neighboring cities and itinerant cultivators swarmed the city to witness the battle between geniuses of the Northern Prefecture.

Majority of inns had already been fully booked, prompting the latecomers to camp in nearby parks and open areas.

The volume of people overwhelmed the restaurants and businesses. The owners didn't know whether to cry due to profit or cry due to soreness of their joints.

Large groups of people wearing their sect or clan's uniform even held banners to announce the presence of their representatives.

The scene made Ji Chen and the others from the Frozen Plateau City realize once again how vast the prefecture with countless cities in the bed of endless forest.

"So many people." Bai Ningshuang, not a fan of crowded places, said in annoyance.

"Let's move while the venue is still not accepting spectators." Ji Chen said to the group before they ventured out of the Governor Residence with the help of the two personnel assigned to them.

A vast open ground measuring kilometers in both sides greeted them after a half-an-hour walk. Since flying was strictly prohibited in the city, they could only move their asses to reach the destination.

"This is the venue?" Ji Chen was dumbfounded. Not just him, even the others had confused expressions.

"Yes, Sect Master Ji. Since the battles of emperors will likely be in the sky, the organizers decided to use this plot of unused land. Naturally, we placed an array formation around to avoid attacks from reaching the spectators at the sides." One of the personnel explained before pointing at a double solid yellow line encircling the open ground.

Ji Chen twitched his eyes seeing this familiar road sign again. 'The hell with this place. Some things are the same as on Earth.'

"Sect Master Ji, there will be temporary platforms on the opposite side. The contestants and their guardians have special reserved spots there."

The two personnel then led their group to the opposite side where they saw dozens of cultivators cooperating with some formation masters.


The ground violently shook after several moments.

Solid rock slabs gradually emerged from the ground. Platforms of different heights with the back row at highest elevation formed, creating viewing platforms.

Ji Chen and his group were placed in the last row of the middle zone. It was evident that the treatment was different based on the origin of the group.

For those coming from third-rate cities, they were placed farther. Ji Chen and his companions were only able to make it to the middle zone reserved for second-rate cities since he was a great emperor.

After all, people only labeled a city as third-rate due to the absence of great emperors. Ji Chen technically belonged to a second-rate city.

After an hour of waiting, the surroundings of the open area were finally filled with spectators.

The collective noise of countless conversations and arguments made the prior silent open area to become much alive and brim with enthusiasm.

"Who do you think will win the competition?"

"Do you even need to ask that? It will be the Immortal Tree Pavilion with their three emperor candidates." A local spectator proudly said out loud, bringing countless mocking and hostile gazes.

"You're kidding, right? How could a sect focusing on alchemy win the competition?"

"Haha! He's probably drunk. You think your Whitedrift City is the only one with emperor candidates? How about our White Cave City? We have two unparalleled emperors at the young age of 75."

When Ji Chen picked up the last one through his sharp hearing, a strange expression formed on his face before shifting his eyes to his disciples. 'Then how about these four if those two are unparalleled already?'

"Is there something on my face, Master?"


"Quiet." A distant yet powerful voice suddenly echoed throughout the open area, bringing the noisy crowd into silence.

At the same time, cheers seemed to erupt from the direction of where the entrance was located. It didn't take long for a group of people in procession to appear. All of them exuded the air of authority and the strength they possessed could be felt by everyone.

All of them, except for a seemingly haughty younger man wearing a different regalia at the front, were emitting the aura of a great emperor.

Beside the younger man was a tall man with straight back, chiseled face, and long hair tied up and behind them were five great emperors wearing the regalia unique to the Palace Officials of the Royal Household, the ruling party in the Great North Kingdom.

Behind these five great emperors were also great emperors wearing a white garb with the insignia of the Governor Residence of Northern Prefecture.

Just their positions in procession and their outfits already hinted to the crowd that the younger man and the five great emperors behind must be from the Northern Capital.

Of course, those who were more knowledgeable and had gone to the capital knew more than that.

"The Thirteenth Prince has arrived!" They exclaimed in unison, sending the crowd into silence before jubilant cheers resounded continuously.

"His Highness, welcome to our city!"

"His Highness, it's our lowly ones' honor to see you here."

Naturally, only those weak cultivators and mortals fervently cheered while the stronger ones just showed courteous acknowledgement of the prince' existence, specially those people from the major forces of the city.

After all, no great emperor would call himself or herself 'lowly one' even in the presence of a prince.

The Thirteenth Prince neither shy nor accepted the cheers as if he knew he should be praised but the praise must come from someone of stature.

His aloof and arrogant expression made Ji Chen ang Bai Ningshuang want to punch his face. The master and disciple seemed to have the same temperament about these kinds of people.

"The Northern Governor and the Thirteenth Prince have arrived. Everyone, be quiet for a moment for their speech." One of the officials behind the procession shouted using energy.

Governor Cui, in contrast to the haughty younger man beside him, smiled with his charismatic face sending his girl fans into shrieking.

"Are they dying?" Ling Jingjing muttered after hearing such high-pitched cries. Hesha replied, "No Little Jingjing. It's the sound of wet creatures."

Governor Cui made a gesture with his hand and it stopped the noise coming from his fans.

He kept his hands on his back before sweeping his gaze around. In a voice full of pride and resolution, he said, "The Saint Star Competition is of utmost importance to our kingdom. I hope that someone in our Northern Prefecture can represent the kingdom and showcase the strength of its future leaders."

After his little speech, the Thirteenth Prince also spoke some half-hearted words and even said, "I hope the winner here can provide a real challenge to the geniuses in the capital."

"What an obnoxious brat." Hesha made a 'tsk' before shifting back her attention elsewhere.

After several more speeches from other officials, the competition finally took off.