
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: Starting Point

ORC Building

(Rias POV)

I just recovered from the backlash and now I am sitting in the Sofa with Akeno by my side.

Akeno: "Buchou, are you okay now? What happened to you awhile ago?" Akeno asked with a worried tone.

Rias: "I am okay Akeno. If I did not do that, I may have missed a hidden gem". I explained.

Akeno: "what did you find out." Akeno asked in a surprised expression.

Rias: "I don't really know. It is not a Sacred Gear but there is something inside of him that is more terrifying than my brother." I explained what I felt that time.

As we are continuing our discussion, the door opened and I saw Koneko came back. She approached and greeted us.

Rias: "Koneko how did Lucas react? Did he say something?" I asked as I want to know what Lucas thought of what happened.

Koneko: "He asked me to explain things but I answered that you will explain it to him tomorrow. After that, he did not asked any more and we just went to his apartment." Koneko explained.

Rias nodded and said: "Thank you Koneko for the hard work, you too Akeno." I said and expressed my gratitude.

Rias: "Akeno, tell Kiba to come back. We do not need to monitor Issei Hyoudou anymore as it will be Sona's responsibility from now on. I also need....."

As I was explaining things. Koneko seems to react. "Buchou!! Lucas is in danger!!" She said with panick in her eyes.

Rias: "What!!" I stood up in a hurry. Akeno also became serious.

Koneko: "I can't sense my familiar that is following Lucas. It seems that the area was sealed." Koneko hurriedly explained.

Rias: "Akeno, how long does it takes to break the seal."

Akeno: "It will take 5 minutes or so Buchou." Akeno replied.

Rias: "Let's begin immediately!" I hurriedly said.

After 7 minutes, Akeno successfully breaks the seal. Koneko was the first to rush in through the magic portal and we followed hurriedly.

(Sealed Area)

As we were teleported to the area, I saw Koneko parried a light spear that was going to hit Lucas. I sighed a breath of relief and look at the two figures in front with a frown.

Rias: "Fallen Angels? What are you doing in our territory?" I asked.

Dohnaseek was surprise when someone appeared next to his prey. He diverted his eyes from Koneko to Rias.

Dohnaseek: "Hmm, Red hair?... I see, you are from the House of Gremory?" He replied with a sudden realization. He looked at the unconscious Lucas and asked: "Is he one of your household?"

Rias: "Rias Gremory!! You can't touch him or I will show no mercy." I warned him with a serious tone. Akeno from the side is ready to attack upon my order.

Kalawarna: "Dohnaseek, let's retreat." Kalawarna came to the side of Dohnaseek and said.

Dohnaseek: "Well well my apologies, but you should not let your servant run around or he will get hunted down by others." He replied sarcastically with a teasing tone. "Farewell, Heiress of the Gremory House." He said as they retreated.

Rias just watched them retreated as he needs to heal Lucas first.

Koneko: "Buchou, his chest is bleeding." Koneko at the side checked Lucas condition and said.

Rias: "Akeno, create a portal to base." I said and Akeno complied and created a magic circle. Koneko summoned back his familiar that is hiding and carried Lucas into the portal.

(ORC Building)

Koneko lay down Lucas on the sofa and check his condition.

Rias: "Let me heal him Koneko." I said as I approach and Koneko stand aside.

I unbottoned his shirt to see the injured part more clearly. As I unbottoned Lucas shirt, I actually felt nervous and I don't know why. 'I should not be like this'. I shook my head and continue to remove the buttons. After exposing Lucas' chest, I can see clearly the 2 stabbed parts and I immediately put my hands to heal him.

I said in surprise: "His body is actually healing himself". I said to the two girls beside me. I noticed the two of them and I can see their faces blushed a little. I realized when I looked at Lucas' chest and down to his abdomen, I can see his toned abdominal muscles. I subconscously touched his muscles and gulped. 'What am I thinking. I need to focus on healing him' I continue to concentrate on my objective. Even though Lucas is self healing himself but it is too slow. I closed my eyes and started the healing process.

As I was healing Lucas, he suddenly opened his eyes and he suddenly grabbed my hand. He sat up and released a sudden killing intent. I tried to escape but I can't actually escape from his hand.

Koneko: "Lucas!!"

Akeno: "Agawa stop it!! Rias is healing you!."

Koneko and Akeno shouted from the side. I felt the killing intent on Lucas and I released my aura to defend for any attack. He seems a different person again. As he look at me, he emitted a cold and emotionless temperament.


(Lucas POV)

I remebered I was fighting for my life. I sense the presence of someone beside me and I subconsciously want to kill him. I woke up and grabbed her.

I suddenly heard a shout from the side and saw Koneko and Akeno. My mind returned to clarity but I did not lowered my guard. I looked around to where I am and then looked at the person I grabbed who is emmitting a red aura. I recognized her and let go of her. I watched her coldly as she retreated back to Akeno and Koneko.

I was silent and expressionless as I look towards them. My past self that I buried a long time ago, this feeling of helplessness, the feeling of powerlessness and the feeling of greed for power. The emotionless and ruthlessness that made my heart cold and feared by many is resurfacing.

Lucas: "Gremory Senpai, can you explain things for me now?" I asked coldly without emotion.

I frowned when I saw the three of them did not respond and became wary of me. I also saw Koneko seems to be worried about me.

As I saw Koneko's worried expression, the memories appeared in my head again. My parents, my lovers, my mother in this life and what I want in this second life. I sighed and closed my eyes to meditate. I eased up and clear my mind. To be honest, I subconsciously revert to my past self when I experienced this life and death situation again. The feeling of endless fighting and killing that seeped into my bones will always haunts me.

I opened my eyes and gently smiled at them and said.

Lucas: "Sorry about that. I was having my chunibyuu moments there." I joked to ease up the atmosphere.

I saw there stunned reaction and tensed body eased up a little. Koneko seems to pout her mouth. 'Cute'. I thought.

Akeno: "Ara Ara~ Agawa kun, I did not know you want this kind of play. Fufu." Akeno also smiled and teased me back.

Lucas: *Chuckle* "I looked Handsome right!" I stood up, hold my waist with both hands and said proudly with my chest out.

The three girls were stunned for a moment.

Rias: "Pfft". Rias hold her laugh and smiled.

Akeno: "~Oh you look handsmone Agawa kun~" Akeno chuckle and went with the flow.

Koneko: "Shameless Lucas." Koneko murmured.

I saw them like this and sat back down. "Okay, guys lets discuss what happened? I almost lost my life there." I said it casually in a relaxed manner.

The three of them nodded and took their own seats.

Rias: "Sorry Lucas, I was careless and this happened. I should have been more careful about those fallen angels." Rias said apologetically.

Lucas: "Fallen Angels?" I asked back in surprise.

Rias nodded and continue to explain to me about the "Great War" and the three factions. She also introduce the Evil pieces and peerage system invented by a guy named "Beelzeebub".

Lucas: "So you are saying that you are Devils and you want to recruit me as one of your evil pieces?." I asked in confirmation.

Rias: "Yes, there are many advantages like your life span will be extended....." Rias nodded and continue her scam recruitment.

I carefully listened as I digested all the informations I heard. It seem I have a lot of things to learn about this world's supernatural background. I was really tempted with the lifespan and abilities that I will gain because I never had this things during my past life. I calculated and started what my next plan would be. I felt excited to explore and discover this new world, this will be my new goal. A world unknown and a new journey to the top.

I am not like others, like Rias or Souna, who was born in a super big family or started with a good background. My starting point is at the bottom of the heirarchy. Even in my past life, I was not born as a King's Son who is destined to rule. I was just born in a village and a normal family, a person who reached the top step by step.

I am a man who acts according to the situation. I maybe a Ruler from my past life but this is an upper world were power level is different. Too much pride will only hasten your demise.

So I need some kind of a spring board as a starting point to reach the peak of this world.

I look at Rias who finished explaining her scam talks like a veteran. Young and a little naive, have a little experience, easy to manipulate, have a background, and also a beauty. She is the perfect starting point for me. If it is an experienced old man or any manipulative and scheming person, it would be hard for me to deceive them easily.

I finished my calculations but remembered something. I looked at Rias and the other two.

Lucas: "Rias senpai, can you show me your true form?" I gulped a little as I asked.

Rias and the other two looked at each other then nodded. A devil wings suddenly came out from Rias and Koneko. Akeno seems to hesitate and just stand at the side.

Lucas: "That is it?" I asked in confirmation with a little doubt.

Rias: "Uhm, What do you mean Agawa Kun?" Rias asked in confusion.

I breath a sigh of relief. "Phew".

Lucas: "I thought you are going to get bald, grow some horns and tails, have some sharp teeth and nails, and a dark skin." I explained with a relief expression. "I would not sacrifice my handsome face just to gain power!!" I added with a tone of righteousness.

Rias, Akeno and Koneko's mouth twitched at the same time.

Rias: "Okay Agawa kun, what would it be?" Rias did not dwell to my antics and asked the important question.

Lucas: "Of course I want to join you. I was convince with your scamming abili--*Cough*. I mean with your offer." I corrected my words.

Rias rolled her eyes when he heard the first part. She took out a Rook piece in her hand.

Rias: "I will assign you as my Rook, the same with Koneko." She said as she looked at me. I also nodded as a sign of acceptance

Rias: "Let's begin Agawa Kun" She said and smiled at me.


Spare me some power stones if you can. Thanks Guys.

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