

NARRATOR - [ After zex accepted liya's invitation they closed the shop after the sunset and went towards the restaurant for dinner zex and Liya ordered some food.]

NARRATOR - [ THE food arrived and zex and Liya started eating .] [ Munching ]

Liya - [ nervous ] how is the food , sir ?

Zex - [ fake smile ] it's quite nice .

Liya -[ happy ] sir it's the best restaurant in the capital .

NARRATOR - [ A Noble was harassing a waiter .with his men's. A guard saw Liya he told the noble.]

Guard 1 - Sir , Look their is a beautiful girl.

Noble - Men , let's go towards our next prey.

NARRATOR - [ They we t towards Liya.]

Noble - hey girl come with us for a night .

Liya - what are you talking about.

Noble - Do you even know who I am ?

Noble - U am heles davyon of the davyon Crest

Liya - even if you are a noble I will not go with you

Heles - you whor-

[ Munching ]

NARRATOR - [ Because of the munching heles got irritated and food out of the table which zex was eating.]

Zex - [ fake smile ] is there a problem , sir ?

Heles - why the Fuck are you eating

while I am talking.

Zex - [ fake smile ]

Heles - you commoner's are out of your mind.

NARRATOR - [ After saying that heles and his men's left the restaurant .After paying the bill Liya and zex went to their home respectively.]

NARRATOR - [ Liya went to the orphanage while zex was getting read for something.]

NARRATOR - [ From my experience of being with zex I think there is going to be a Bloodbath.]