
Chapter 66

“Where’d Will go?” Cam asked.

“Probably just walking to cool off. He does that when he’s mad.”

“Is Sonya still in with Nick?” Cam asked.

Alan nodded. “She’s been in there since they brought him back from recovery.”

Cam looked at him. “Is she really his sister?” she asked.

“You didn’t know that?” Alan was astonished. “Yup. I guess they have different fathers but they’re still related.”

“She never told me.” Cam sighed. “Guess it wasn’t that important.”

“I didn’t know for the first three years I worked for them. I thought she was just a friend or a fuck-buddy. Something like that. She’s a lot harder to work for!”

“What do you mean?” Cam wanted to ask more, but held back.

“She’s just a lot more demanding,” he answered.

Cam nodded and stood up to stretch her legs. She threw the empty coffee cup in the trash.

“I hate this waiting,” Alan complained. “I should have thought to bring a deck of cards. You play poker?”