
Chapter 101

“She was a narc, Max! A fucking undercover D.E.A. agent! Palent found out. And she didn’t even try to deny it. She just stood there and looked at me!”

She’d paced across the room.

“Palent and his little friend were going to take her out,” she continued. “Something must have gone wrong. I guess you’d better get in touch with everyone and tell them to get out of town before they’re picked up. There’s no telling what the feds know about us. Just get out of town, Max.”

“What about you?” he’d asked.

“I can’t leave Nick. He’s my brother. I’m the one that got us involved with Cameron Andrews. I’m the one they probably have the most on. Just save yourself, Max. Get out of town.”

He looked at her face. What was there? Anger? Grief? Rage?

“I’ll let everyone know.” What else could he say?

* * * *

When three people walked into the room twelve hours later, she wasn’t surprised.