
Ruins Of Time

He opened his eyes and stared directly at the empty part on top of the eighth spire. Just before he could resume his thoughts, a sickly familiar computer voice vibrated faintly in his ears. [The Tranium Oath of the Eight Macrocosm is suggesting a contract.] The man's eyes widened automatically and he immediately nodded, attempting to speak but ending up sputtering for a few moments. "Y—yes," he said, voice suddenly desperate and awfully dry. He braced himself to pay the repercussions, but to his surprise the black shards never came, instead a holograph opened in front of him. [1. . . ␣␣ must give up certain memories and expect others to be forgotten. 2 . . . ␣␣ must be willing to face the Repercussions. 3 . . . ␣␣ should visit the 9th macrocosm. 4 . . . ␣␣ may have the capabilities to change designated events if willing to lose the course of others. 5. . . ␣␣ must be willing to make the story more interesting— 6. . .] To be able to live again. To be able to escape this eternal solitude he'd ended up in, he would have to [**].

glaucousseas · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Trial (1)

The insides of Hua Recesses were really beautiful when walking through as someone other than a prisoner. Back then… everything had seemed poisonous, or maybe it was the small cuts from Executioner that made him start to hallucinate.

Orchids, delicacies of white and lavender flowers, fountains, and vines, filled much of their way and courtyards. Floral designs on the marble floors and staircases. The place was huge, too―spacious really, with scents of flowers and honey brimming the place wonderfully.

Zane followed the people in front of him to one of the large bungalows. There were many bungalows, but this one was in the middle and secluded from the others by water, and raised by marble stairs. As he reached the top stair, he noticed two small ponds at either side of him filled with water lilies and reeds, with dragonflies buzzing over them.

When he glanced at where Shen Chaoxiang and Shen Zhiyuan were, they merely bowed to Hua Yi and took their leave, quizzically glancing at Zane and Rhian, before jogging down the stairs.

"Lady Hua and the foreigners have arrived," a man wearing similar robes and a black hat called out to the person inside the bungalow. Zane felt his hand twitch a bit. 'Xue Wanyi,' a sharp pain settled itself in his head.

〈Hands flailed weakly as the man continued to beat me without mercy. Zane was incapable of doing anything but staying silent. 'Xue Wanyi.' He'd continue remembering that name as long as he lived.〉

Zane pressed his lips shut. 'It… was too early.'

The door opened and revealed a room identical to Hua Yi's but with more gold and extravagant delicacies. It was bigger and spacious with a high ceiling so that when the people stepped into the chamber, their hair was lifted by a gentle breeze.

The siheyuan was large in the middle, a banyan tree growing at the corner of it. Zane froze unwillingly at the sight of the Sect Leader—sitting on a lavender and gold couch, the Sect Leader carefully drank tea, smiling wistfully.

'Gold eyes, same smile, and… that damn pendant.' Did he really reach leadership this early?' anger heated in Zane. He fisted his fingers and swallowed. 'Calm down, you irrational idiot. Things are yet to lapse. This isn't the same man.'

Three years from now things would be far different, so he wondered if something would be different with this man as well. There was only one way to find out. Zane watched as the golden sun-like pendant hanging from the Sect Leader's neck caught a glimpse of the sun-rays.

The Sect Leader stood up, gently placing his teacup on a small table. He smiled at one of his advisors, and nodded in her direction. She nodded back and walked away—Hua Huiliang then turned towards them, "Evening, foreigner, Lady Hua, and Rhian…" he greeted, raising his hands. The smile on his face was tight.

His hair was pulled back by a leaf-shaped pin, and unlike the other people in the Sect, he wore golden robes with lavender and white floral embroidery. Hua Yi bowed to him and when she looked up, Hua HuiLiang smiled in her direction.

"Sorry," she mouthed to Rhian as she turned around. Before she could reach the top stair, she paused. "You'll be fine."

When the woman was gone, two men from the clan closed the door.

The Sect Leader held both his hands against his stomach and began walking down the steps and in their direction. "Rumor has it," he started, pausing at the lowest step. He slowly motioned for them to follow him. 

Zane stood tense, his eyes scanning the whole area for any suspicious movements. But everything seemed so laid back… 'unusual.'

"That more people from the clans have joined the System," he said. "Do any of you not find it weird?"

"Why would it be weird?" Rhian asked, but there was a tonal change in the way said the words.

"Oh, the Five Great Clans have always been affiliated with nature, and if weren't for one of the Clans going rogue and joining the system, do you think this would have happened?"

Zane licked his lower lip. He knew that the main question that Hua Huiliang wanted them to ask was, 'Why is the 'system' there in the first place?'

There was only so much mentioned about the system in books. And since Zane had mostly read in the library of Silver Moon, he wouldn't be so sure. But, the system was hosted once every thousand celestas and would continue until the last survivor died. If he recalled… there was something the leader of the seventh macrocosm had told him. But somehow he simply couldn't recall.

A sight of white trailed onto one of the roofs of the bungalows and Zane's mind rested slightly, knowing that he was right. He subtly glanced in the small streams for a reflection from the people above, which disappeared in an instant.

"The books and everything date back to many years back. But if you check properly, there's a period where books weren't written, history wasn't recorded in our lives." Hua Huiliang said, twirling a flower within his fingers, a crinkle on the nose adding prominence to his beautiful face. "Did you know that there is something mentioned as 'Great Floods'?"

Zane frowned. Of course, he knew. The Great Flood, conveniently called the 'Calamity of All Evils' was a time when the evil deity posed a threat to all of mankind. It was when heavy rainfall began, that the waters went out of control—spilling over their so-called borders and filling all the land. It had been written in most of Silver Moon's books, connecting to God in one way or another. 

"Yes," Zane replied. 

"Did you know, only until a thousand years after that event… records were established?" he asked. Zane simply raised his brow. The tale goes that a few men were blessed by the might of God and somehow managed to escape it. And then was tasked with rebuilding the world?" Zane hadn't heard that one. Maybe it was one of the side tales. 

"What are you trying to say?" Zane asked, his attention everywhere but at the man in front of him.

Hua Huiliang opened his mouth, "That the timing of your appearance is awfully convenient."

Zane knew what he was talking about. It was about the upcoming fifth level. For all he knew, it was that it was a locked war. Nationwide rebellion and revolution. In the place where he was from, the Fourth Nation, Silver Moon, the empires and kingdoms within it would have to come together to end The Republic of Draven.

The First Nation, Land of Runes, was the only Nation that openly practiced democracy, and would be going against a political cult of corrupt party members that seized votes and the land of people in the North, known as Board 7021M.

All while the Second Nation, known as Archipelago Temples would be abandoned by all its inhabitants due to the mass illegal preparations of the <cards >. It was the only place where not much information would be leaked out. 

In the Third Nation, the Golden Rajya, and its Empires and Kingdoms would fight the Corrupted Saap, a group that would become overpowered by the stolen 'Fifth Drishti'. As for The Five Great Clans, the 5th nation, they would have to fight against one of their own Clans. Shu Clan would soon get corrupted after a failed experiment with diabolic energy. 

'Dirty old man.' Zane thought to himself, his eyes rolling as he felt his ring finger for Wisteria. He then sighed. 'He's old but looks too beautiful.'

Hua Huiliang shrugged at something Rhian said, and stepped closer, as if whispering an irk. They seemed awfully known to each other, and Zane couldn't help but make a few assumptions. He took a deep breath. "Sect Leader Hua, may I ask a question?"

The Sect Leader turned in Zane's direction and sent him a tightlipped and stressed smile.

Zane felt amused. "Why does Sect Leader…" he paused to study the expression on the older man's face. It was a look of slight amusement. "Does he think well of us?"

"You are welcomed here as guests," the Sect Leader reciprocated his smile. "No harm."

"Why have those men up there, then?" He smiled innocently.

The Sect Leader paused, he stared at Zane. Then slowly he raised his hand and casually shook it. "There's no one here. You must be mistaken." He still smiled.

"Yet the Sect Leader knows what I'm talking about." Zane pursed his lips. He watched as Hua Huiliang watched him with a strained smile. His words had a forced tone to them, even after mastering the art of occasionally convincing people.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hua Huiliang replied. He paused, letting his hands drop to his sides. "I do want to know, foreigner, how were you able to wield an Executioner?"

Zane pursed his lips. 'Wield? I couldn't.'

"I didn't. The sword resisted me, it was mere… spur of the moment."

The Sect Leader's eyebrows made the slightest movement, as if he understood or uncovered something. "I see. Yet. . . you withstood the effects of its poison?" Hua HuiLiang asked.

Zane pursed his lips. "I… "

Rhian glanced at Zane.

"I think it had much effect on me," Zane replied.

Hua Huiliang looked at Zane as if he was lying. "Really?" 

"I have no obligation to even answer, but why must I lie?" Zane asked, crossing his arms, and subtly nodded, taking a small step to his right.

An arrow whisked past his waist, ripping part of his belt.

Zane's eyes simply narrowed. "Come out," he called, gazing at the rooftop. It was futile to hide. Zane sighed, turning around to see what Rhian was doing. Only to find the idiot glaring at the place the Sect Leader stood just a moment ago, now empty, with only two lilies in place.

Hua HuiLiang must've used [Vanish] with the floral attribute.


He escaped.

Zane should've expected as such, this guy was testing them. If they won against these disciples, he'd desire them to join his Clan in the war. Which would indirectly succeed Zane's desire. If this happened, then the future was changed for sure. He'd have an average connection with this Clan, which would help him in <Level 26>.

But for now…

Zane pushed his head back, missing another arrow.

He had to do something worth that'd get the System to notice his presence again. The ends of his hair grazed the marble ground. His body was still sore from the fighting in the forest… but considering the wounds on Rhian, his should be barely anything.

At least a week should've passed, meaning his wounds had a lesser chance of opening. What Hua Yi said was a threat, because she knew that his perception of time was a mess. "Come out, dammit," he stood straight, eyes gazing around. His back still stung a bit from bending back, but it could be ignored.

One of the people who he had seen on the rooftop jumped down, the arrows in his hand gone, and replaced it with a sword. An average-sized sword with a sharp cut just above the hilt.

Zane stared at the sword. It appeared to look like a [Dao] sword. Dao swords were one of the common swords, attaining next to [Forgivers] and [Vin'nyla]. But they also were inconvenient in certain matters.

"I can say we were too lenient with our strategies. You have a good sense of your surroundings, foreigner." The man in white said. He had a calm face, and like everyone appeared graceful.

"It was the wedding clothes that gave away." Zane pursed his lips.

It wasn't a pleasant memory, the long and boring weddings in Silver Moon, and the bride and groom that would walk down the aisle in the Church, wearing expensive white suits and gowns. And it'd take forever to watch the priest perform the homily. 

The disciple's smile turned into a scowl.

Zane let out a stressed chuckle. "Wasn't there some rule about scowling in the Recesses?"

The man in white pointed his sword at Zane.

Rhian bumped shoulders with him as they were forced to stand back-to-back to analyze the situation. "Don't piss them off, will you?"

Zane sighed. "Fine. Do you think there's an escape route here?"

"Will you let at least a few minutes pass before asking that? Have you ever analyzed the situation as it is?"

"Fortunately, I have," Zane muttered, he gritted his teeth as he pushed the two of them out of the way so that they narrowly missed an arrow that was coming their way. "And you should too. All the doors are locked."

"I am aware." Rhian pushed himself to stand up and glare at the situation. 

Zane huffed. Could he still invest in his stats without being a registered player of the system? 

[You cannot view your stats]

[Heavy repercussions will be instilled if an unregistered player attempts to advance in their stats]

[The Contract Administrator wishes to make a contract with you!]

[You must be eligible as an 'external being' to meddle with the system]

"Get them! They're defenseless!"

 Zane groaned, and stood up. If he couldn't access his stats, he didn't know whether or not his species were stored properly as well. So that simply meant he couldn't rely on any external resources if he fought. 

He bit down on the corner of his lip till he tasted blood. 'Should I attempt to upgrade Wisteria based on my blood?'

Zane swallowed. 'Time to find out.'