
Rubber Human in MHA

An orphan saves the lives of some children but gets killed in the process, as an act of pity towards him, one of the gods of the universe decides to have him reincarnate with two wishes. "I want to have the powers of the Gomu Gomu no mi!!" "We have a few problems with that wish but I can make it work" Follow the adventures of Tomomi Mizushima as she lives as she pleases in the world of MHA that surprisingly, has a lot more than what she bargained for. "Is it bad that I died before Wano ended?" Author's Note : This Fanfic is written how I think a reincarnation of this type would work, extremely slow and with a lot of slice-of-life elements before the events of the manga. Coupled with my interest in the exploration of the MHA world and my own obsession with the powers of rubber, it will take a long time before canon (I guess around chapter 40-ish). Also, this is technically my second time writing something and sticking with it for more than 20 chapters, so bear with the early chapters being small or badly written, I'll try to improve. Lastly, I am more of a One piece fan than an MHA fan but I'll try to make it as faithfully as possible to the source material (The MC hasn't read One piece past the middle of the third act of Wano, and 4th season of MHA) ---Warnings--- [Crossposting between Scribblehub and Webnovel] [I'm not very good at English so bear with me] [I don't own My Hero Academia or One piece, those works belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Eichiro Oda respectively] [No Harem]

BioedwinMX · Anime y Cómics
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39 Chs

Takeshi Mizushima

Takeshi Mizushima "Quirkless Demon" | Age: 25 (First Appearance) / 39 (Start of MHA canon) | Male

Takeshi Mizushima is an officer of the police force of Japan, he was previously the Chief of police before resigning due to him wanting to spend more time with his family. His daughter is Tomomi Mizushima while His wife is Aiko Yoshino.

Appearance: Takeshi has platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes, he tends to wear a dark buttoned trench coat with a purple-grey dress shirt with a tie.

Background: Takeshi's parents died during his early years, making his grandparents the responsible for raising him all the way up to high school, where they died of old age, since then he has lived alone until he met Aiko and subsequently dated her.

Takeshi learned Martial arts and Law at a young age in order to fulfill a promise he made to his grandparents of catching the criminal that killed his parents, He managed to land some practice in the police force once he graduated at the age of 18 and quickly rose through the ranks.

He managed to identify and capture the criminal that he was searching for at the age of 19 as an official officer, and earned the title of Chief of police at the age of 21. He resigned at the age of 24 once his daughter was born not before locating an appropriate person to take his place who was Kenji Tsugaramae.

He has earned many titles at his age such as [Quirkless Hero], [Best Police Officer], [The hope of the Quirkless], and [Quirkless Demon], but he doesn't really take them seriously or acknowledge them since he doesn't think he earned them through work.

Quirk: Takeshi does not possess any quirk since he was born quirkless, his unusual resilience, speed, and reflexes are a product of pure hard work. His deceased family had quirks related to the generation/control of water.

Personality: Takeshi is a loner, preferring to be in places with few people such as his home, only tolerating people that he has taken a liking towards like his close relatives and co-workers. He has a strong will to push against the odds and is level-headed in any situation.

He is still very decisive in his actions performing them with brutal precision so as to not take unnecessarily long. This does make him come off as cold and serious when in reality he's just aloof and honest to a fault.

Likes: Family, Training, Reading, and Teaching.

I'm gonna put two set of images, one on the paragraphs and other in the chapter comments!

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