
Reliving the Old Days

<Somewhere in North Aelio>

Pseudo sits back against a rock as Ren watches the dolls below them, checking her rifle's ammo. It's nearly midnight and the two decided to have some time alone to talk and scout. Pseudo turns to Ren, a blank expression on her face. Ren is using the sniper she picked up a while ago, watching the enemies below through the scope. 

Pseudo: chuckles softly. You never change, do ya Red?

Ren pauses and turns to Pseudo with a puzzled look.

Pseudo: You look the same way now that you did back in GGO. Whenever you used your MK3 Calm Hound (sniper), you looked just like that. she nods to Ren, gesturing to her body's current position

Ren: Huh. Force of habit, I guess. Why do you mention it? I never pegged you as the sentimental type. Ren props herself on an elbow and turns to Pseudo, who readjusts to face her friend.

Pseudo: Couldn't help but mention it. Look, I'm not trying to get emotional or anything, I just...you know, seeing you like that, it feels like a few years ago, remember? The last BOB we won? She laughs lightly and Ren looks down at the sniper, smiling softly. She turns back to Pseudo.

Ren: Yeah, I remember how much of a pain in the ass you were at first. You were always correcting every little thing I did and trying to warn me of shit that wasn't even a priority at the time. You remember how pissed I was when I finally snapped at you? God, I don't think I had ever scared you like that before then. Ren rubs the back of her neck, laughing a little. Pseudo chuckles, nodding in agreement.


The BOB had started about one and a half hours prior, and Ren had already taken out three other players. At the moment, she was in the Old South in a skyscraper that she scaled with her UFG (grappler). She was propped on a ledge, watching for a player that she saw appear on the map a minute before.

Ren: thinking to herself. As soon as I get this next player, I should head towards the Forgotten Woods. I saw at least four heading in that direction, and I'm making good time.

Pseudo: Why are you using your sniper when you can just rush this guy with your sword, Red? You've got the speed advantage.

Ren: slightly irritated. Sure, but this is the safer and less draining option. Now shut up.

Pseudo: The second you go to fire at him, he's gonna see your bullet line and be able to shoot you down. Just rush him.

Ren: I said shut up, so please, just do that. Pseudo makes an odd sound in response, which Ren simply rolls her eyes to and readjusts her position, seeing her target appear at the edge of her eye. There! She sets her sights on a headshot and fires, but as Pseudo stated, he saw the bullet line and ducked behind a crate. Ren growls under her breath before jumping in the same direction as the other player before landing on the ground.

Pseudo: Told ya. Ren grimaced at Pseudo's snarky remark.

Ren: Could you not be a smartass for two fucking seconds?! She reluctantly switches to her sword and gun combo and takes potshots at her target in an attempt to lure him out. Stupidly, he takes the bait and runs out of his hiding spot and tries to shoot Ren with his SMG. Ren, wanting to take her frustrations with Pseudo out on something, uses Divine Blossom on the player, which kills him.

Ren: You know, if I wasn't having to deal with this fucking smartass bitch in my head, I'd be doing much better here. Pseudo gawks at Ren, then proceeds to try chastising her, to which Ren simply ignores or answers in short responses. They go at this periodically while Ren works her way to the Forgotten Woods. Another 45 minutes have passed, and there are only 2 players remaining, Ren and one other. She looks on the map and sees the handle says, "Subtilizer." She grimaces a little, recognizing it.

Pseudo: Ain't this guy a class-act bastard? Are you sure you can-

Ren: Yes. Now shut the fuck up, you parasite. Ren's tone turned cold, and she heard Pseudo's tone change a little.

Pseudo: You promised not to call me that anymore. Lighten up will ya? Ren rolls her eyes again and heads towards the direction that Subtilizer was seen at before. Meanwhile, Subtilizer is watching Ren from the higher ground, a look of desire on his face. He smirks a little at the sight of her, wielding her sniper and wearing her sword on her back. 'This girl...she was just a newbie who started playing right before the last BOB, and suddenly, she's one of the best. Young, skilled, and so beautiful.' He smiles more devilishly than before and makes his way to meet Ren halfway. 'I wonder if she has a sweet soul...I want to know now.'

Back with Ren, she notices a glint of light from the higher ground and ducks behind a boulder to set her sniper up.

Ren: That's gotta be him. That was definitely his gun.

Pseudo: Why would he move? He's got the advantage on you.

Ren: Okay, I've had it with you! Ren snaps. You've been making small comments like that since I jumped into this fucking BOB! I know I lost in the last one, but that's mostly because I was just bullshitting around and having fun messing with different gear! I'm tired of you acting like I'm a child! I'm an experienced player of GGO who knows what she's doing! You need to-

A gunshot can be heard from a few yards away that breaks Ren's concentration as it hits her square in the shoulder. She stumbles back before looking up and seeing him. Scrambling to her feet, she uses her grappler to retreat and use a healing field. He fires at Ren again, but she activates her Hyper Awareness, dodging the strikes and being able to close in on him. She switches to her sword and slashes at him fast before following up with Azure Tempest to knock him back further. She jumps back, now noticing how silent it was as Subtilizer stood up, now at half health from her assault, and looked at her with a strange expression she couldn't read at first.

Ren: What's with that look? She glares at him, wondering why Pseudo fell so quiet rather than responding snarkily like she grew so accustomed to.

Subtilizer: thinking to himself, now smirking but remaining silent. So fierce, like a feral cat. She seems like she has a more...spicy soul than what I'm used to. I like that...I want that… I want her soul! He charges at her again, throwing his knife at Ren, which she's unable to block with her sword or dodge, hitting her right shoulder, dropping her health into yellow, as he follows up with a knee to her gut. She drops her sword in the process and falls on her back. She tries to shoot him with her handgun, but he kicks it out of her hand.

Ren: now slightly panicked. 'Shit! I can't get my sniper and I can't reach my sword. He kicked my gun out of my hand, and I can't reach my grappler either!' she notices his expression now appears more...sadistic, which freaks her out more and he picks her up by her collar.

Subtilizer holds Ren's face only a few inches from his own as he strokes her hair with his free hand, sending a panicked chill down Ren's spine.

Subtilizer: talking in a whisper. Your soul...it's so sweet but spicy… Before he could do anything else, Ren feels her body be wrenched out of his grip as she yelps in surprise. She falls on her back again, but suddenly feels a cold weight in her lap. When she looks at it, she recognizes it as the most powerful sniper in GGO, as does Subtilizer, who's looking at Ren with an annoyed and confused expression. Before he could react, Ren takes it and aims it at him, with the end of the barrel being a foot away from his head and she fires, his head being blown to pieces as his avatar's body falls limp, with the "Dead" bubble showing up over him.

Ren stands up and the sniper disappears as she is, to her shock, named the winner of the 4th BOB. A few minutes pass after Ren is taken back to the lobby and she sits at one of the tables with a drink in hand, as she lays her head back.

Ren: mutters to herself. Maybe I was too hard on you Pseudo. I guess I was just frustrated because you were constantly nagging on me...you didn't deserve that though. I get the sense you were just trying to help...huh. I wonder where that sniper came from, cause when I looked at my inventory, it wasn't there. Suddenly, Ren hears a soft groaning as she perks her head up, only to realize it's Pseudo. She sinks in her spot a little, feeling guilty for earlier.

Pseudo: The fuck did I miss, Red? Did we win? Ren nods a little, puzzled by her first question. Pseudo's tone then turns to one of confusion. What's with that face?

Ren: What do you mean, "what did I miss?" You were right there with me. Also...I'm-

Pseudo: Right. You were right. I was being obnoxious and unintentionally hindering you. Guess I'm still learning how to help ya. Hey, in the future, lemme know if I get obnoxious like that, ok? When you snapped...you were damn scary... she pauses for a moment before sounding even more confused What do you mean I was right there? Last thing I remember was...getting you out of that creep's hands. That look...Ren could hear Pseudo shudder from anger…what the actual hell was going through his head? A "sweet and spicy soul?" I wanted to kill him just for saying that to you!

Ren: shudders at the reminder of his comment, but then quirks a brow. You don't remember me using the strongest sniper in GGO to kill Subtilizer?

Pseudo: Wait, what? You don't have that, do you? Ren shakes her head. Where did it come from then?

Ren thinks for a moment, noting how the timing of Pseudo disappearing and the sniper showing up in her lap seems coincidental, but then connects the last thing Pseudo said to what she ended up doing to Subtilizer.

Ren: Hey Pseudo...I think you did. Pseudo responds with a "huh?" You said you wanted to kill him, then you disappeared when I got the sniper, and you don't remember anything happening between when you yanked me back and when you woke up a minute ago...Here's what I'm thinking. Since you don't have an actual body, would it be so unlikely that you'd be able to turn into a weapon like that?

Pseudo: thinks for a moment before chuckling. Honestly, not really. I mean, it's not the craziest thing imaginable. Not sure how I did though, if that's even the case. Then again, you're probably right about the timing thing. I'll keep that in mind for the future. She chuckles again. Holy shit. I transformed into the strongest fucking sniper in the entire game...just to save your ass. Pseudo falls into laughter at the absurdity of her own statement, causing Ren to laugh a little herself.

-END of Flashback; back to present day-

Pseudo and Ren laugh at the memory of their time in the 4th BOB, even taking shots at Subtilizer, both of them finding it humorous that if he tried that stunt now, they know of a few people that would destroy him in a heartbeat.

Ren: I still can't believe that you transformed into that damned thing. Wish you could do that specific gun at will, but eh.

She shrugs, Pseudo responding with a soft "same."

Before either of them say anything else, a ball of energy flies in between them from below. When they look down, they see a Pettas Launcher had fired at the two. Ren and Pseudo look at each other and nod, smiling, as they both arm themselves with their respective guns and jump down to their enemies, ready to recreate their time in GGO on Halpha. 

Written 7/05/2021