
Big brother knows best

<Pioneer II - Post "Phaleg Encounter">

Edmund blinked as his eyes adjust to the dimmer lighting of the Pioneer II ship. He scanned the area around him, then made his way to what he assumed was a portal. As the door opened, he took off his mask and saw Shira standing near it looking at her comm.

Ed: Shira, are you alright? Where is Ren? He nods to her, speaking in a gentle tone. Shira met his gaze, looking upset as she tried to smile. Edmund frowned slightly.

Shira: It's n-nothing, Uncle. I'm just…she takes a small breath...Mom should still be in her room. Edmund quirked a brow and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Ed: Shira, I understand we only met a short time ago, but I want you to know you can trust me. I intend to keep you safe as much as Ren. Shira: smiles softly as she keeps her eyes on her comm. She looked dead…like, really almost like a corpse. I stepped out a while ago to give her space, but…her voice trails off as the tears she was choking down start falling I-I haven't seen Mom look that dead in the eyes since Dad…

Edmund gave Shira a hug as she started to cry softly in his chest, knowing she doesn't want to finish her statement.

Ed: …I will talk to her. I think I understand what's going on; this isn't the first time I've heard her behaving like this. Understand that it is not personal. Edmund sighs …When Ren gets overwhelmed and doesn't know how to process whatever's eating away at her, she…shuts down. She chooses to isolate herself rather than talk about it. However, given that it has been hours and she hasn't changed, it would stand to reason she's at a breaking point.

Shira: Mom's…gonna be okay, right?

Ed: nods reassuringly Yes, Ren will be alright. Go take care of yourself now. Shira nodded and walked away, wiping her face. Edmund stepped into the portal, appearing in front of the door to the "Pherali" space. As he opens it, it was obvious which areas bonged to whom

Making his way through the living area, he finds Ren on the balcony railing, perched like a bird. Her ear twitched as he stepped closer.

Ed: Ren? Are you…doing alright? He was cautious with his movements, unsure of how Ren would respond. She didn't move or say anything. He stepped closer, leaning on the railing next to her, and examined her face. It was as Shira described. Ren was almost unreadable; her brow was slightly furrowed and the edges of her eyes were red as if she was crying or trying not to.

Ed: Ren. his tone was lower, more serious. She was still unresponsive. He looks away from her for a moment before turning back to her, a tougher expression on his face. Ren Pherali, look at me.

Ren: she turns her head a little to meet his gaze, her emotions much more visible.

Ed: Shira told me you were shutting down. I need you to talk to me. What is going on?

Ren: looks at her brother for a moment before turning away, lowering her head …Why us? she says this so softly, Edmund almost didn't hear her. He kept his gaze on her, now softening his expression.

Ren: Why did we have to get roped into…all of this? It's not fair to her, me…you, or any of us. I…I didn't ask for all this.

Ed: "All of this?"

Ren: The fights, the drama, the deaths, the fear, the enemies that now want us gone… She spoke with more emotion as she continued, now emoting with her hands. Ed noted that she was starting to talk the way she normally does, which was a good sign.

Ed: Given what you told me earlier, it sounded as if you were thrown into the lion's den without being aware of it.

Ren: Sometimes I wish I could see the future, then I would've said no. Edmund knew what she was talking about.

Ed: Ren…had you denied that in the beginning, Shira would not be here. She would not have you as her mother, and you are an incredible one at that. Ren smiled a little. Edmund's eyes lit up as he remembered something that would help her.

Ed: Do you recall when I first told you that I joined the military, and how I was elated to be part of the Armed Forces just as our grandfathers were? He spoke slowly and Ren nodded. (Ed cont.) On my first day there, I realized how naïve my idea was; just as what happened to you, I was thrown into the den and saw how intense it was going to be. There were days that I regretted joining, days where I wished I wasn't there because, as you put it, "I didn't ask for all of this."

Ren turned to Edmund as he spoke, recalling the calls they had while he was stationed, her eyes starting to brim with tears.

(Ed cont.) Looking back at those days now, I do not wish to ever change that, even if I was able to. The experiences I had, the people that I lost, the family that I made…all of that helped me to become the person I am today. Edmund met Ren's gaze. I understand that right now, you are dealing with many emotions that you believe will drown you. But you must know that you are stronger than them and you will last for as long as time will allow. The experiences you had, and the experiences that will come, are going to shape you. It's up to you how they do.

Ren: laughs lightly I know. I just…wish they were easier to handle.

Ed: If they were, they wouldn't be as strong as they are. No one would stand out and be their own person because-

Ren: I know, shut up. Edmund looks at her as she cuts him off and laughs lightly. Ren looks ahead again, her eyes looking lively again. Ya know, whenever you do that, you really sound like Optimus. I mean, you always do, but that is when it's most obvious.

Ed: chuckles Well, Optimus Prime is a better father figure.

The two siblings laughed, the energy almost bittersweet. Edmund stayed with Ren as she talked about the memories she was returned, along with getting him up to speed on the situation and who their allies were. A little while later, the door to their space opened, and Shira walked with drinks in hand to find the siblings.

Shira: Mom? You doing okay? her voice was soft.

Ren: Yeah…I'm okay. At least, for a while. she turned to face her daughter with a soft smile. Shira sighed and handed her mom and uncle the drinks.

Shira: That's good. You really scared me earlier.

Ren: Did I? …I'm sorry, sweetheart.

Shira: I-It's not like that! I wasn't scared of you, I was scared for you. I…I wanted to help, but-

Ren: It's okay, kiddo. I…sometimes the best thing you can do is give me space. But I'm here now. Thanks for this, by the way.

Ed: Yes, thank you. The siblings smiled at Shira, who almost beamed.

Shira: Holy shit Uncle, you can really tell y'all are siblings! The two share a look of surprise as they eye one another.

Ed: Is it that obvious?

Ren: I never realized that. Shira bursted out into laughter as she watched her mom and uncle look at each other and point out their similarities. This energy kept up for a while, and the three later sat down to have a chat about recent events and continue to fill Edmund in.

Written 10/04/2022