
Royally Yours: Till the end of Eternity

In an alternate modern-day universe- Monarchy is the form of government. The king's word is the law. Royals are born and bred to rule. Power is honored, weakness is a disgrace. The rich prosper, and the poor struggle to make a living. The rich and powerful are revered while the poor and weak suffer. Strength gives chance for survival otherwise it's better to be dead. Since the beginning of time an unauthorized hierarchy is followed- Lower class-Paupers Middle class-Bourgeois High class- Prospers Monarchs- the Royals. Our story revolves around the royal family of the kingdom of Neviza, one of the largest and strongest empires, previously ranked third among the top five before ascending to the first position after the reigns were inherited and held by a certain emperor with heavenly looks, a sharp mind, cold gaze, ruthless nature and a frozen heart which beat for one single person. The only one whom he gazed at with adoring warmth in his eyes, pampered with extravagant riches and showered with passionate kisses. A young pauper who rises and gains success due to her skills. She is whisked away by a prince and captured in court politics. Surrounded by wicked schemers and false friends, she has her work cut out for her because of an unrelenting and overbearing prince who just won't give up on his feelings for her. Is she supposed to be impressed by him and give in or will his strong feelings and possessive attittude chase her away? Not to mention the many secrets that he has kept hidden from her. Will she succeed in uncovering the truths that could change all that she has ever known and believed in? This is the story of how a prince was forced to leave the princess of his heart before an emperor returned to claim his empress. A prince and a pauper- they had a past together, but, will they have a future? Enemies lurk at every corner Each danger worse than the former. If all is fair in love and war Then don't blame me if I go too far. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updates 3-4 times a week. No rape scenes described or abusive slangs used in this story. Hope you give it a chance and enjoy it. {This is an original story. Any similarities, if it has any, to any other story or something is coincidental. Plagiarism of this story will not be tolerated.} [The cover is made by me. ]

star_dreamer · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

Forest Green And Ash Grey

Eleanor looked down at the last few violets left in her basket as she left 'Bo's Buns' a neighborhood bakery shop and walked towards her bicycle.

A girlish combination of pink and purple, the bicycle was cute but not entirely suitable for the nineteen year old.

'I must have plucked a few extras. I can't remember anyone being left.'

As she was lost in her own thoughts the ringing of her cell phone caught her attention. Taking it out of her pocket she answered without glancing at the caller ID. She already knew.

"You're late," the voice stated before she had a chance to speak, sounding annoyed.

"I know aunt Daffy. I was just finishing up here," she tried to soothe the caller.

"Oh good!" A sigh of relief, " Because I am afraid I might make the shop lose all the customers with my inability of answering their questions. What flower symbolizes friendship? Which is for true love and passion? What do orchids signify? Which is the best combination? What colors should I choose?! I don't know!!" Her aunt cried dramatically, rambling on as Eleanor patiently waited for her to finish. Sometimes she wondered who took care of whom in their relationship.

"Didn't I leave a sheet with all the information written down on it?" she questioned amusedly, leaning on her bicycle the basket hanging on one of the handles.

The tone lowered, her aunt's voice sounding meek now, "I might have....maybe....BY MISTAKE...lost it..."

'It's me.'

She shook her head knowing her aunt can't see her.

"I'll send the photo I took of it in the morning. I already knew this might happen," she ended teasingly.

"Really!...Wait... what do you mean? You're not coming back yet?" The voice got concerned, pushing for answers.

It was Eleanor's turn to fumble.

"I...uhh...a few violets are still left."

"You want to see the prince coming, don't you? What happened to, 'I want nothing to do with all that useless high and mightiness' huh?" Her aunt's joke wasn't funny, but her aunt seemed to think otherwise as she laughed at her own words.

"I still stand by what I said. I just want to see what all this fuss is about, that's all. Nothing else."

"Sure, sure," her aunt was quick to dismiss her serious answer rebuttal before adding quickly, "But do return as quickly as you can please, ok? Hurry up!"

She hung up the phone.

As Eleanor waited beside her bicycle she saw a few people near a bus stand opposite her just across the road. With the intention to empty her basket, she started crossing the road. As soon as she completed her last step she heard a loud trumpet signaling the arrival of the Royal cavalry.

'More like a royal car show' she thought bitterly as remembered the last time she had seen a similar scene. She wondered what new kind of expensive cars she'll get to see this time as she turned around to face the road she just crossed.

Unbeknownst to her there was a man standing beside her staring at her with the utmost concentration, his gaze clear and precise as if she was a question and the answer all by herself.


In a long, straight line different kinds of cars, all the same ink-black color and ridiculously expensive, drove past the houses, shops and cheering people who didn't forget to bow as the cars passed from before them as a mark of respect to the future monarch.

Unexpectedly the momentum of the first car began to slow down, and the following cars did the same. The third car out of a total of seven stopped exactly in front of the entrance to the town hall, the oldest and most prestigious building in the town.

The mayor had already been informed of this, albeit late nonetheless, he had everything prepared in a jiffy for his majesty to have a comfortable stay with no complaints.

Before the third car, the doors of the second and fourth car, in front of and behind it respectively, opened, and numerous bodyguards poured out like a spilling tap!

Their huge sizes and muscular body proportions made it impossible for the eager crowd to see through them.

'What a bummer!' Thus with irritated grumbles most of the crowd dispersed to return to their jobs. After all, it was still the middle of the day!

Only a few people remained, most of which were those delusional girls who vainly continued to touch up their make up, smoothen their hair and puff up their chests.

( Some things don't change¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

With the wall of bodyguards surrounding them two gentlemen made there way inside the building which had already been evacuated as per their requests. Even the mayor had not come to greet them as per their wishes. When the two men were safely inside the building the guards pulled the doors closed.


Eleanor sighed as she straightened up from her bent position. 'What a waste' she thought scoffing at the sight of the illustrious banners, decorative streamers, and colorful flowers that were not even noticed.

One look at the basket in her hand and she was reminded of the reason she was here in the first place.

Pulling a smile on her face, she turned to a mother-daughter pair- the woman in her early forties while the young girl looked to be about six years old.

Exchanging a few, pleasant words with the two, Eleanor gifted them with three violets from her basket and left saying goodbye.

Standing quite close to them was a lone figure. His face was covered with a face mask that aptly covered a bit more than half of his face, successfully concealing his identity. But even so, Eleanor noticed the way he stood, tall and proud, his back ramrod straight and his hands stuffed in his pockets in the way akin to street ruffians though he pulled it off so well that he looked like a dignitary standing aloof as if observing something valuable with a keen eye. Wearing an ordinary black hoodie and pants did not seem to help him blend in with the crowd due to the powerful aura he emanated. She noticed his lean and toned body, perfect with long legs and a broad shoulder. As she was curiously checking him out, she failed to notice his eyes that had been on her the whole time. He quickly moved his gaze when he saw her look up at his face.

He felt his heartbeat fasten as she neared closer to him, the gentle breeze carrying her sweet scent which seemed to have fainted quite a bit under the strong fragrance of the flowers she had been in company of.

Even with her shoulders back and head high, the perfect posture of high society ladies who learn to hold it since before they start walking and something which came naturally to her, she only came up to his shoulders. Her fair-enough height of 5'6" left her grumbling in disdain for the first time ever.

Her forest green eyes clashed with his ash grey orbs and she felt like time stopped, and they were the only two that were left unfrozen, even though they stood still like statues gazing deeply within each other's soul.

I hope you liked this chapter!

star_dreamercreators' thoughts