
Royal Mismatched

Alice Martins never thought she would be in a tight position to choose between the two princes. One has always been her crush while the other one has been a secret lover of hers that sends her handwritten letters every day. Will Alice, the daughter of the duke be able to pursue her dreams with one of the princes or will life play its tolls on her?

DaoistgcPF2I · Ciudad
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5 Chs


The cold in Sandringo Castle that day was unimaginable. The castle has been in chaos since the day before, the duchess has been in labor for awhile now and there was no hope. The duke has suggested they moved her to the royal public hospital but his mother advised him against that. "A lot of attention will be on us." She had told him that night.

With a heavy heart, he watched his wife, the duchess go through hell while bringing him the piece of his happiness. It was a painful thing for him to do which made him leave for the private underground bar owned by his friend. He believes he needssomething strong to help him drown in the sorrow of what his wife is going through. "What are you doing here?" His friend asked the moment he saw him entering the bar.

Unlike the duke, his friend is an American who came to the United Kingdom to pursue his dreams of becoming a successful business man, he knew he came to the right as he became a friend of the duke who helped him in having his dreams comes through. The duke owes him a lot, which is what he tells everyone who asked about his closeness with the duke. "I can't bear to see her go through this."He waved his hands in the air.

"Through what" His friend whose name is Benjamin asked. He had no idea of what the duke is talking about and the last time he saw the duchess, she looked perfectly okay to him. "Emily went into labor since yesterday and stills no hope." He said as he sniffed.

"This is bad."Ben muttered under his hair as his hands rummaged his curled hair. "Come with me. We can't let anyone see you like this."Ben added as he dragged the duke away from the public eyes. Seeing the duke in a situation like that will definitely be the talk of the town, if the duke is not strong enough to face his battle, then how will he lead them? That will be the question they ask each others.

After making sure no one had seen him bringing in the duke to the room which is only accessible by him alone. "You need to be there with her Martins. At this stage, I believe it you she needs by her sides. I have been through this too." Ben advised. He could clearly remember the day his wife gave birth to his first son, Nate. Ben almost went crazy but he being there with his wife was what made everything go smooth for her.

"So what do you suggest I do?"The duke, Martins asked, furring his brows. He had gone there with the intention of having a piece of mind. Going back to the castle and seeing his wife in that condition that he had left her will trigger him more.

"You go back to the castle and stay with her. I will there to support you."Ben affirmed as he picked the keys to his old Volkswagen. He assigned his manager to watch over the place while he steps out with his friend for a while.

Ben roared the old black Volkswagen to life, it was a gift he had gotten from the queen herself so he couldn't let go. "Benefits of being friends with the duke." Was what he told his wife as he had returned home that day, smiling.

Soon they arrived outside the Sandringham castle; Ben tossed his car keys to the chauffeur. They entered the castle together;no one among them said a word to each as they walked to the delivery room. The rate at which the duchess was screaming had intensified. It was not as he had left her which made his heart drop more.

"Martins, boy. What are you doing out here? Your wife hadrequested for you."His mother informed as she watched over his shoulders to see who came over with. Her facial expression changed when she noticed it was indeed the American boy, Ben who she had asked him to stop hanging out. Even the queen will approve of him a thousand times, and then she would never.

The duke headed into the room, after sharing a look that passes a message with Ben. The sight of his wife covered in blood will forever be imprinted on his brain. He held back his tears, he is a man and crying will never be a thing he will ever do. Ben had once told him that it was okay to cry over a loved one in America but this is England, the royal family in that case. He will definitely be a disgrace to his mother that took all time to raise him without a father who ran away from his responsibility to meet his mistress in the United State of American.

He doesn't blame his mother for not trusting any foreigner. "Martin" The duchess muttered in a lone tone. Her voice had cracked making it hard for her to speak as she usually does. He moved closer to her, as he held her hand like his life depends on it. "You need to push the child out." He said, not knowing what to tell her.

He is trying what Ben told him. Well, not exactly as Ben had asked him to but it is almost the same. "I know I will not make it out of this room so make sure you take care of our child." She uttered.

"Make sure she never lacks anything. Be the best father you can to the child."She whispered taking her last breath on the earth. The eerie wail of a female child filled the room, as the royal mid wife who attended to the duchess brought a child covered in a towel which was stained with blood. "It is a girl" She announced as she passed him the child.

He watched in admiration as he held his first child in hand while his wife lay lifelessly. A duke will always be a duke. "Get her ready and announce the news of both the addition and the death of the duchess." He ordered as he passed the child to be cleaned.

He went outside the room to meet his mother and his friend, Ben patiently waiting for him without being at each other's throat. "The duchess passed away after pushing out an heir to the family." He informed nonchantly. His face held no emotions as he spoke, which made Ben wondered why he had a change of mind.

His mother realized a breath she didn't know she had been holding in; it is indeed a blessed day for her but also a sad one. She had lost someone who respected more than anyone, someone who never went against her orders or words. "What do you plan on naming the child?"His mother asked hoping he willname the child after her late mother. "Alice."Came his curt reply.

Everything at the moment was annoying him. It is trying to keep his emotions at bay that was brought about his two faces. He can't show to his mother how much of a weakling he is when it comes to his wife. Ben has long left the place, he believed he is not needed there for the time being and him been there might a little bit of things up. "Then Alice, she shall be called" His mother uttered as she left him stranded there.

Just like every other royal member, the duchess had a very long memorable burial, with the whole royal families in attendance.The duke, Martins couldn't believe his wife of ten years is gone after finally getting a child just as she had wanted. Life indeed is always not fair; you just have to make it seem fair enough.

Days passed after the death of the Duchess, everything the castle had returned back to normal except for one person, the duke. Ever since her death, he had drowned himself in irrelevant works; he never showed up to check on his little angel, no scratch that, he never leaves the conferment of this room which made his mother worried more.

That day he made up his mind and he knew there was no going back because he had enough of everything happening to him. With the help of Ben, he was able to purchase a flight ticket to the United State of America and also a place for him to move in.

After bringing out the entire luggage which had packed, he headed to his mothers office knowing she will be there. He knocked for first time and went in after giving the door a second knock. He met her working on some paper works, for a woman in the royal family, he knows his mother is trying her best to be the first independent woman there is in Sadringham. Indeed, his mother was surprised to see him out.

"Mother" He called out as he took a seat. He motioned for her to come close. She sluggishly moved to his side, holding his hands in hers. "I have realized that my stay in this castle will only cause me more grieve which made me come to a conclusion."

She nodded her head in respond to him. "I am leaving mother, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me."He uttered and without waiting for a reply from her, he left.

Now she believes in the saying '​Blood is stronger than water' because history repeated itself.