
Royal Families

Chloe the president's daughter Liked by prince Kennedy the son of Louis he's going against his parents it his usual says "When I love means I love" but let see if their relationship will accepted by two different Royal Families.

Cute_531 · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Royal Party 3

"Thanks, you are the first lady to tell me I'm Romantic I don't know why?"

He said as stepped closer to her.

"Because....I....I (sighed) I don't know why...I just see Romantic fit you"

She stuttered for his close movement towards her.

"Now, For me it fit cute....."He said after stop walking.

"(Laughed)....I started like you"

After said she covered her mouth with her hands.

"(What the hell I say....no shit he heard"She cursed herself to say that infront of him.

"(Laughed)..... Don't scare, I know what you feel"he said

"(He stole my words and use against me,I'm ridiculous I make him know what I feel....oh my poor weakness)"

She giggled as talking inwardly to hide her feelings.

*Kennedy and Chloe's side***

Kennedy still hold Chloe's hand as walk out he lead her to the Garden.

"(What the hell he wanna do to me?)" Chloe said inwardly she remembered the meeting in Royal library is he gonna do the same thing to her.

"Kenny....Where are we going?, you know.... it's night"

Chloe said after stop walked, Kennedy heart soften after heard she call him 'ke nny'.

It's rare to him be called that name especial from girls,he pulled her closer.

"Whoah!"She gasped

"Repeat that again"He said to her she sighed.

"Where are we going?....and I said it's night"She said but Kennedy frowned it wasn't, he was expecting he was need to be called 'Kenny' again.

"You cute girl, repeat the first one what did you call?"He said

"You mean KENNY?"She quized stupiditly, he gave her a lovely smirks and nodded foolishly.

"Okay.....kenny Where are we going?"She sweeted her voice made her feel talk with Angel.

"I take you to my kingdom"

That was kennedy reply she gasped with the word kingdom.

"(Take me to his Kingdom?....Oh God do miracles I don't wanna sleep with him,not yet)"She said inwardly as kennedy hold her hand again and keep walking with her.

*Frank and Lissa's side***

They walked across the garden as keep talking with the same topic'Love'.

"You're cute girl that I met tonight....."

Frank said as smile, it Lissa's time to be shy she gazed away from his eyes as smile.

"Lissa me self found falling for you,I know it's early to say this but.....I like you from beginning"

Frank said,as for Lissa this was what she was waiting for but for now she paused.

"(am I in dream?....he said he like me?, from beginning?)"

She talking herself inwardly with excited while Frank waiting for response.

"It's ok if you say no, I will totally understand"Frank said

"You?,love me?,I mean I do like you....(smiled),from beginning too"

Lissa said shyly faster after got the love energy.

"(chuckled) Thanks,Lissa for spent time with you.....and thanks for appreciate my feelings"

He said as took Lissa's hand and bent down his head then he kissed her soft left hand,gently.

Suddenly....they both heard the sounds of feet steps.

"Do you hear that?"Lissa asked him,they turned where the sounds came from and he said"Yes.... there's people walking"

Lissa eyes lightened up after saw familiar faces she pulled him out of that sight before they reached where they are"What are you doing?"He quized Lissa.

"Shhhhh!....."Lissa shutted him with her soft hand in the same minutes the people walk near the garden as talking with low voice.

"Maybe they are couples"He said as trying to get out of where they were hiding.

"Wait don't go....I know them,just hide,pleeease!"Lissa said as touch his hand to beg him, Frank can't say no for his today's girlfriend.

"Okay..."He replied

"(Ariana,I will know what you and that bodyguard of Chloe are talking about everytime)"Lissa said inwardly Frank turned to look.

"Okay that's is clear.....but My boss what's the next move" Zayech said as they slow their Walk.

"The next plan I will talk with uncle Samuel....but Zayech,Make sure this plan to work first.... then leave the heck rest to me,I just wanted this two bastards live in hell"Ariana said with her deep heartled eyes.

"(Who's the bastards she talking about?...oh! maybe Chloe and Kennedy,but why she do this to her friend?)"Lissa thought it deep inwardly,Frank think nothing he don't know them and he doesn't even care to know them but he stay because of Lissa only.

"My boss don't forget what uncle Samuel said don't use your temper your enemy might use as your weakness"

Zayech said to her then Ariana turned to face him clearly.

"How dare you teach me, Zayech....."

Ariana said then robbed his neck, he remained quite the dark angry eyes of Ariana was make him felt the hell is close with him.

"I don't understand.....Ariana?..... she is evil,I can't believe"Lissa rummented

"Who's Ariana"

Frank asked her makes her turned her attention to facehim.

"My friend's Friend"

That was reply of Lissa to Frank confused little with that statement but didn't care so then they continued to listen.

"Just do what I told you....Tell me every single thing she planned to do,that my last word"Ariana commanded him.

"And don't make her doubts my move"

Ariana said then Zayech nodded agreesively and left after Ariana walked to another direction.

"It's too late, Ariana.... I already have doubt and solution"Lissa said with low voice Frank heard it but he didn't care.

"Frank, Please don't tell anyone about this"she said


He agreed they get out from hiding area and start to move.

"Who she was talking about?..... did she was talking about you?.....I will make sure it won't happen any of her plans to ruin you, Lissa"Frank didn't let Lissa answer he answered himself, Lissa stopped from walk and staring at his handsome face.

"Frank, he wasn't talking about me.....but thanks for defend me"she said

"Don't worry I will defend you the rest of my breath(They laughed slightly).....then who she was talking about?"

Frank asked Lissa made her remember what next she will do to help Chloe.

"My friend Chloe.....I still can't believe Ariana betray her own long time best friend, I don't know why, but I must tell Chloe"She said her opinion then Frank nodded.