
Royal Families

Chloe the president's daughter Liked by prince Kennedy the son of Louis he's going against his parents it his usual says "When I love means I love" but let see if their relationship will accepted by two different Royal Families.

Cute_531 · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Chapter 08: Winners' Prize

Chloe walked out and tried to find Lissa and Ariana,she went in class but couldn't find them,she decided to head to the cafeteria and then she found them sat.

Chloe walked towards her girls group and sat with them as she still thinking about Kennedy.

"Chloe, what's Wrong?"Lissa asked her after Saw her exhausted.

"N-nothing...."Chloe said as looking away from their eyes then she sat.

"Chloe ,Don't you wanna eat?"Ariana asked her.

"No...I wanna eat,I'm so starving"Chloe said while Lissa shot a glance at her suspiciously.

"What with that look?..."Chloe said with a wicked smile.

"I'm surprised with your changes started from yesterday"Lissa asked while staring at her but suddenly Lissa was shocked after seeing a red mark on Chloe's neck when Chloe took a bite of food in her mouth.

"You said you were in the restroom,Huh?" Lissa asked in her own sense.

"Y-Yeah....why do you ask that?"Chloe said helpless.

"That red mark on your neck.....is by falling in the restroom?"Lissa asked sarcastically as glanced at her then Chloe flickered her eyes to her like didn't understand.

"Red?....mark? No,no,no maybe allergy.....as maybe I ate something I shouldn't have to"Chloe said then took a gulp faster of her soda to avoid to look at her.

"Let me see.....It's not looks like allergy"Ariana said while examining her and then Chloe quickly put her right hand on her neck to hide the mark of Kennedy's bite.

"Don't make me think something else"Lissa said after catch Chloe's hand to stop her from hide the mark.

"Something else?....like what?,I mean there is nothing else"Chloe felt anxiety and panic gripped every nerve in her body,her heart galloped in her chest.

"Girl,Why you're sweating like that?"Ariana asked confused as putted her hand on Chloe's head.

"(What's wrong with Chloe?)"Lissa asked inwardly as keep examined her.

SUDDENLY... Royal Bell Rang.

"I think there's emergency...."Chloe threw the topic,they both turned to her.

"Since when you'd started to know about campus emergency bell?"Lissa keep disturbed her.

"I don't know....I'm just guessing"Chloe said then stood up.

"You're so good at it...."Ariana proud her, Ariana didn't get any suspicious beside she already ignore the bite matter case but it wasn't working for Lissa she still get suspicious.

They walked to the hall center after finished their food and they found crowd of students sat on their respectively Royal Hall Seats murmured and other shouted.

They walked towards the empty seats and they sat as Lissa is between Chloe and Ariana,Chloe is on left side and Ariana is on right side of Lissa.

"I wonder how long they will keep us"Ariana said that cause she doesn't like waiting for someone or something for so long.

"Maybe they will now"Chloe manage to said then bent her head back and then relaxed.

"As soon as I hope"Ariana murmured herself.

"Maybe they wait for all students to gathering"Lissa added wisely, in two minutes lates Kennedy and Lucca passed on their direction.

"Hey girls,Can I seat with you?"Kennedy said to them then.

Chloe's heart pounded in shock like hell after heard cold voice of Kennedy.

"Yes, You can"Ariana replied gently then lucca walked to seat beside Ariana when Kennedy sat beside his Golden Girl.

Chloe didn't turned,spoke as well as responded anything when Kennedy asked.There four man( Professors) walked slightly towards the center and then one hold a mic ,other sat on seat from back of his.

"Welcome students....."Professor said as scratched his head.

"I didn't see him before,who is this guy?"Chloe claimed after bent little right side of Lissa.

"He's Royal Exercutive Professor(R.E.P),Prof.Gillpin as the leader of all professor he doesn't teach he just announce and lead others"Lissa explained her as short as she can then Chloe nodded.

"We'll need to congratulate the winners,both you've done well on your works but we've seen there is best one"The people were murmuring after teacher said that.

"We've decided to announce today as we know tomorrow,there will held a Fantastic party"Professor gillpin said then bent to read the piece of paper on his hands.

"A FANTASTIC Party"Ariana murmured then smile.

"Don't you care about who are the winners?"Lucca replied sarcastically after heard her,she gazed him then looked forward as didn't reply,Lucca smirked.

"I'll start to read as follows....but wait"Prof.Gillpin said the whole crowd quized themselves like 'wait for what?'.

"What is he going to say?"One of students said to someone.

"There's only three best groups, I'll start from downward to upward....The third best group will get best badges all of the members, second best group will get Badges and medals both members and the first best group will get Badges, medals and the free...tickets for watching movie outside of the Campus as the prize"The crowd crapped as sounds of joy overwhelmingly.

"Ok,the third group prize is going to group number....."The professor said then finish say "Number....06, group number six come here"The crowd shout with joy and happy.

Two girls and three boys walked towards the center with happy,the both Professors stood as well and gave them badges stated 'best three',They people crap for them then they walked back to seat.

"I repeat....both of you done well but there are the best one"Professor made people get anxious.

"I hope at least our group to be Second position of best group"Lissa said cause since she started to Study in this Campus,from her past group she didn't get chance to be on second position she at least got third badge only.

"Even if we lost,we just care about partying only"Ariana said then turned forward.

"The second is going to group number....."

"Group number.... number nine"Prof.Gillpin said then Crowd shout with joy and so proudly.

"It's my group guys..."Lucca said happily as stood, smarten up.

"Bro! great job...."Kennedy said proudly.

"Thanks,man"He replied.

"Congrats....."Ariana said to him, he turned with smirk on his face and said "Thanks, Ariana".

"Congratulations,Lucca"Lissa and Chloe said made lucca clear his thoughts about beuty look of Ariana.

"Thank you guys"Lucca manage to say that then left, walked towards the center joined his Four members.

"At least he won..."Lissa said.

"Don't get offended there's first group chance..."Chloe said

"Me?....I'm not offended I was just wish to win"Lissa explained as Lucca with three boys and one girl,they went to get badges stated 'Best Second' and also they claim the silver Medals.

"She's the only girl in that group....."Lissa said.

"Yeah ,as I'm only man in your group...."Kennedy said stubbornly then Chloe whimpered slightly.

"Whatever, let's listen....."Ariana conluded the topic when Lucca came back to seat as held badge and silver medal hanged on his chest,then professor proceeded.

"The one and only....best from the best group number..."Professor claimed as made people felt worry as Lissa already lose hope then he said "Group no.8..."

"Wait what?..."They gasped in shock while crowd crapped with joy and cheered for them as Lucca also did,With excitement they both stood up.

"So lucky they both sat in same position, crap for them please!"Professor said as they walked towards the center, Chloe felt nerves fluttered in her stomach.

"Great job...."Professors said as gave them badges as well as Gold Medals for both Kennedy,Chloe, Lissa and Ariana.

"They're just four in group but their work is great"The one of Professors said

"As we promised the first best group will get free tickets....but there's five tickets and they're four what will I do?"Prof.Gillpin said the crowd shout loud 'Choose me' everyone wanted to go, the one of the Professors walked towards prof.Gillpin bent down on his ear and whispered him.

"Prof.Shelly tell to make them choose the one to go with"The crowd cheered to agreed with it.

"Then who Will choose?"After he said that Kennedy stepped forward few steps and say "I will"

Kennedy held up a mic and slightly say "Lucca Harlan...."The crowd cheered for lucca as he walked forward to the center he could just smile.

"So now, I can give their prize...."He said then gave them tickets, as they walked back,crowd keep cheered for them.

Let's take next move, guys

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