
Still Have to Grow up

Li Fu Ling looks at herself in the mirror. She was beautiful, talented, and just as smart as Li Bai Xue. So what was she lacking that Zhu ge doesn't like her at all!? She threw the small mirror across her room. It shattered and cause a loud noise. Su Lan came in immediately.

"Gongzhu!"Su Lan panic until she saw Li Fu Ling was fine.

"Clean this mess up," Li Fu Ling said as she glared at Su Lan.

"Yes," Su Lan said. She summons servants to clean up the mess. Gongzhu wasn't happy at all. Su Lan did a simple hairstyle on Li Fu Ling. Just at that time, ChonEr ran into the room.

"Gongzhu! Gongzhu!"ChongEr shouted, "I have great news!" Li Fu Ling looks at ChongEr, and signal her to speak. "Gongzhu, Da Gongzhu, and Laoshi Hua are leaving the palace soon."

Li Fu Ling's eyes widen, "Does this mean that no one will compete for Zhu ge anymore?" Li Fu Ling was lost in thought. "Prepare my carriage. I want to see Muqin."


Li Bai Xue was playing chess against Wen Yu Qian. Li Bai Xue may be skilled, but she has yet to experience the real world so she was still lacking some critical thinking. Wen Yu Qian smiled when she places a piece down.

"Xiao Xue, you have something on your mind?"Wen Yu Qian asked.

Li Bai Xue places her piece down and looks up to Wen Yu Qian. "Laoshi Hua, why do we need to leave the palace?"

Laoshi Hua smiled since she was expecting this question. "You must learn about the real world to fully grow up. You still have a long way to go. The first lesson is to never take your eye of your enemy. I win, "Laoshi Hua said. She got up, "You should return."

Li Bai Xue look at the board and didn't see how Laoshi Hua beat her. The better she gets the more strict Laoshi Hua becomes. She feels as though she would never surpass this teacher of her.

"Lin Qian let return," Li Bai Xue said in the end.


Li Fu Ling rush to her mother's room. "Muqin! Muqin!"

Feng Jiu sips her tea slowly. "What is it LingEr?"

"Muqin the matter regarding Bai Xue did Muqin do it?"Li Fu Ling asked.

"LingEr, Muqin didn't even do anything. It was all Laoshi Hua doing. It only makes things easier for us, "Feng Jiu said.

"But Muqin, Bai-"

"LingEr! Do you want that wrench to steal Zhu Shan from you!? Once she is gone then he is all your!" Feng Jiu shouted at her. She used Zhu Shan because she knew Li Fu Ling loved him.

Li Fu Ling bites her lips. Li Fu Ling faces her mother, "Muqin help me."

Feng Jiu smirk, "Don't worry Muqin got everything under control." She sipped more tea.

After Li Fu Ling left, Mama Gui came in, "Empress they have been sent and will arrive in a few days."

Feng Jiu laughs, "That is great! Such perfect timing! Wen Qian Gu you died, but my hatred for you still linger. So your child must pay the price. She will also die then your bloodline will have one!" She laughs again.


Fan Sang heard the news and called for Li Bai Xue. "XueEr are you leaving Ai Jia?"

"Nai Nai I will return. Laoshi Hua says I must learn about the real world to fully grow up," Li Bai Xue said.

"XueEr listen to me. You must take care of yourself. You must eat every day and go to sleep at night. You must not get sick or you are to come home right away, "Fan Sang said.

"Nai Nai don't worry so much about me. Worry about yourself instead. You are growing old now so you got to take care of yourself," Li Bai Xue said.

"Child! XueEr must come back alive, "Fan Song said with great caution and worry.

"En! I promise NaiNai I will come back alive," Li Bai Xue said.

Fan Sang sighed in sadness. Child, please be safe.

Mama Xi was also saddened by this. The one and the only person who could open up Fan Sang's heart was Li Bai Xue's mother, Wen Qian Gu. This is why she took such a liking to Li Bai Xue since she reminded her so much of Wen Qian Gu.


Li Fu Ling went to the royal garden to enjoy the flowers. She wanted some peace. Su Lan and ChongEr were to not let anyone enter. She didn't know that Zhu Shan was also inside the royal garden. She felt happy. Even a glimpse of him was enough to make her feel happy.

"Zhu ge," Li Fu Ling called out softly. She tried to be gentle like Li Bai Xue, but it only annoyed him more. "Zhu ge are you also here to enjoy the flowers? It is so quiet and peaceful here isn't it?" He didn't answer her which hurt her even more. "Zhu ge! What did I do that made you hate me so much!? I finally told you how I felt! Do you know how scared I was!? I never force you to feel the same way I feel for you. What is so good about Li Bai Xue!?"

"LI. FU. LING. Shut up or you will regret saying that." Zhu Shan threaten her. Li Fu Ling digs her palm with her long nails. She didn't want to shout, but it was he who forced her.

'Zhu ge how can you be so mean and cold to me but is nice and kind to everyone.'


Lin Qian kneels on the floor. "LIN QIAN!"

Lin Qian forehead hit the ground, "Gongzhu please let me come along. I am your servant and your bodyguard. I have to protect you. I have no other duty than this. So please let me come along and protect you!"

Li Bai Xue's heart soften. She didn't want Lin Qian to go because of all the problems they will face. Lin Qian was like her sister who knew everything about her. Lin Qian had always stayed by her side since that day.

"Fine. But you must not treat me like a princess. Or else Laoshi Hua teaching will be wasted," Li Bai Xue said.

"Yes," Lin Qian said with joy. She still gets to stay by the Gongzhu side. That was enough for her. She just wanted to guard and protect her. Li Bai Xue looks outside. The weather was nice, but a storm was soon to come.

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