
Chapter 1

Early in the morning, the birds is chirping while flying on the top of the tree, the place is full of modern building, car and people walking in the street toward their respective work.

A young man is hurriedly running in the street but after a few seconds he suddenly stop from running. He's panting then he look back and forth at his left and right but, the young man only scratch his back head with a confuse look.

Thump* Thump*

The young man look down and put his hand to his chest "This?" he again look left and right but after a while he only saw shadow but, this time he's alone and sweating from nervousness.

'What is this? I feel bad is coming toward m..'

*Ting *Tud *Bang * Boom*


[News Alert: A 18 years old boy died from an unknown it's most likely he died from a heart shock or heart attack but the investigating team are still working to find out from what happened]


In a certain place where a full of clouds are everywhere and only a small house is in the air floating alone while gushing of wind are passing.

An Old man is watching under him while holding his beard. The Old Man is in clad white with an halo atop to his head with a feeling of God aura to his side. The God walk backward but he forgot that a flower vase is placed at the window, the flower vase fell down and the Old Man is not aware of what happened earlier, a few minutes later, the old man is sitting in the chair suddenly stood up and look to his front with an amuse look.


A speck of light suddenly appear and its continuously expanding and shaping to something humanoid after a several seconds the light become humanoid and then its hold his head like its in pain.

'Where am I? a wooden living room? ahh I feel dizzy what happened?'

"Why are you here young man" A voice that will make you calm from hearing it.

'WHO? wait maybe its just some my imagination, where? this is not my room and it feels like there's someone residing it, what is that? a chair and a coffee table and an Old Man standing in my front... WAIT Old Man?' A humanoid light(Soul) lightly suprise when he heard a voice then after a while he calmly look around then when he saw an Old Man to his front his shock can't be describe from what he's seeing.

"You are rude young man am not that old" The Old Man said with a black line appearing to his forehead.

'If you are not old, am a fetus then? wait is this Old Man can read my mind? if that is true then am truly being rude here' The soul scratch his cheek then bow slightly with an apologizing faces and then said.

"Sorry for being rude God please can you tell me if am I will go to heaven or hell?" The God look confused from what he heard at the Soul then the God raise his hand and a light appear atop of his hand then a cabinet suddenly appear to his left side.

'Why do I feel God didn't know that I die well of course there's 7 billion people on earth and he can't manage it all right? oh wait a minute he said earlier why am I here so he truly didn't know' The Soul thought.

"Like what you thought... I Don't know? hohoho take a sit on the floor and wait for a while" The God said then he walk to his left then open the cabinet and took a thick book with a symbol of an unknown language.

Flip* Flip*

It's been 15 minutes ago since when God took the book, God is still flipping the book but he forgot to asked the name of the Soul earlier.

After an half hour the Soul can't take it anymore and blurt his name "****** *******" the God stunned for a few seconds and scratch his beard then continue, page by page is being flipped.

An half hours passed the God walk back and forth like he didn't know what to do and suddenly he decide what the God think before and look at the young man with a resolute face.

1 hour ago, the Soul sat in lotus position 'Wait patiently, wait patiently don't think some words that will make him anger....15 minutes later* why do I feel this God is toying me? oops no I wait....15 minutes later again* .... " ******* ******" ohh sorry I blurt that wait he didn't asked me right? so that's why....*After an half hour*....he's not joking right?'

"Sorry young man I didn't mean to tell you this but am truly sorry that I accidentally kill you with my favourite flower base that fell down and it fall to your head and you die misery" The God slightly bow his head while a moist is appearing to his eye.

'What? his apology is real so it's true that am dead right now but, why do I feel his face that will cry anytime is not from me but from his favourite base?' the soul is thinking then a thick mark appear on his forehead from thinking that if that is true then he didn't know what to do.

"So for my compensation I will reincarnate you with a system and some ability that will help you" The old man straighten his look and said while wipping some tears in his eye then sigh softly.

"What...what? wait..wa" The soul voice is shuttering from what he heard from shocking him.

"Good luck young man and don't be lonely that will affect your health, make some friends with your next life good bye" Is the only he heard before he disappear.


"Uwaahh uwaahhhhh? uwahh?" (What happened? where?) A baby voice can be heard in a small room with many some equipments and bed while a two woman is in the room.

"It's a boy madam" A slender woman with brown hair which she wears combed back with a single strand hanging in between her brown eyes she wear a plain white dress and a hat as well.

"Uwaahh uwah uwah uwaaah uwaahh, uwaahh uwaah uwaah uwah uwaahhh" (That God he's truly toying me damm, but well right now I need to analyze is to where am I)

"Thanks you nurse Kaori" A beautiful woman with black hair until her waist with a two strand of hair hanging in her left and right forehead.

'Who is this? a GIANT NURSE! wait a nurse? and this another woman am feeling sort of connection to her' The baby(Soul) thought and then he ask.

"Uwaah uwahh uwaahh"(Where am I?)

"It's my job lady Cassie" Kaori is a caring woman, she slightly bow her head while politely said to Cassie.

Cassie Sanchez is a citizen of Konohagakure her husband is a businessman in a big company they only recruit a ninja to protect their possession.

Ennnkk*(Door Opening)

Tud* tud* (running)

"Wifey are you okay? are you not hurt anywhere? where's my baby? ohh is this my son? he look like me hahaha" A man with a shaven black hair and black eyes with a little beard on his jaw.

That man is Harold Sanchez a businessman who is a big boss of a certain big company at Konohagakure. Harold is hugging his wife while kissing the baby cheeks multiple times.

"Uwaahhh uwaahh uwahh uwaahh uwaah! uwaahh uwaahh uwaah!"(What the **** it's hurt you old man! and you you! stop that!)

"Dear you scaring our baby" Cassie smile to them she knew this will happen so she can only shook her head with a smile after a few seconds Harold then stood straight while a much bright smile plaster to his face.

'Thank you for saving me I sincerely grateful from scolding that Giant Demon.... wait..wait where am I? my hand is small and my body is aching everywhere and yawn* and I feel sleepy for som..e..rea...' The baby is slowly closing his eyes then it fell asleep.

"What will be our baby name wifey?" Harold ask Cassie then look to his sleeping baby beside of Cassie, Harold smile and kiss Roy's forehead.

"Roy..Roy Sanchez from now on our baby is Roy" Cassie smile brightly while announcing the boy name who will change everything be it destiny, fate or law.


POV* Roy

It's been a month when I was born in this Naruto world, well I didn't expect that this world exist a pity that I didn't fully watch Naruto and also a month ago am fully shocked when the system can do many thing and the ability the God gave? check this out system open my Status.


Name: Roy Sanchez

Age: 1 Month

Race: Human

Bloodline: Human

Power: F (Mid Born Baby Level)

Chakra: F (Mid Born Baby Level)

(There's Low, Mid and High for example, Low Genin Level, Mid Genin Level and High Genin Level)

Strength: F- (Power Force)

Agility: F- (Speed, Reaction)

Endurance: F (Health Points, Stamina Points)

Vitality: F (Health Points, Life Force)

Energy: F (World Energy)(High Born B Level)

Control: F+ (High Born Baby Level)

Skills: None


Universal Travel: An ability to travel to other verse be it Anime, Manga or Novel with a certain requirements or completing all the main quest in a verse you're residing right now.

Location: Naruto Verse

Travel List:

One piece Verse [Can't Travel Locked]

SAO Verse [Can't Travel Locked]




Five Elements of Naruto World: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning. All Affinity.

System Points: 5,500 ]

As you can see my Status is like an a RPG Games, I don't have skill yet but I can perform Ninjutsu if I have an amount and control of chakra, in this whole month I train my chakra control but a pity I can only sense it within my body.

Every night I tried to sense chakra but later I didn't know that I fell asleep, whenever S*** came I cried and whenever am hungry I cried that's the most frustrating and humilating I ever felt than when I confessed to my crush then got busted, the one who called God that reincarnate me here I feel that God is toying me well hopefully that God get cold hahaha.


In a certain place Achooo* "Who's cursing me?" The God shook his head and put his hand to his forehead.


The God give me a System that had a function of Status, Shop, Quest. A 1 month of completing Side Quest is not easy for me like what it's appearing out of nowhere and it always scared hell alot me, whoever create that quest I will acknowledge his brain from being waste, why you even including a first time pooping is a quest are you a damm deaf oops sorry I didn't mean that.

'System open the Shop'


{Search: **************}


Extinction Ray: 100,000 SP




Enchance Memory 10%: 2,500 SP

15% To All Elements Resistance: 2,500,000 SP

Curse Immunity: 1,500,000 SP


You can't buy a unique and special item from a verse that you are residing.

Steel Knife: 5 SP

Low Health Potion 5%: 50 SP

Mid Health Potion 25%: 2,250 SP

High Health Potion 50%: 4,000 SP

Full Health Potion 100%: 7,500 SP



Bread: 1 SP

Apple: 2 SP




You can buy any bloodline that in the world you are right now

Uchiha Bloodline: 1,000,000 SP

Hyuga Bloodline.....

Senju Bl....

... ]

I will save System Points for a bloodline and complete many quest to earn more SP but before all of that I increase my strength because the timeline is where Naruto is older than me in 10 days or so, I don't know the exact days.

11 months later, Roy is now 1 years old and can walk and talk now, his parents are shocked when he said his first words like papa* and mama* when he is 1 and half months old and crawl at 3 months old and barely walk at 6 months old they are considered him a genius. The two are talking proudly to their friends that their son is a genius.

Roy chakra is now Low Genin and his control in chakra is Mid Genin if he want he can perform an E rank jutsu right at front of them now but he didn't because his parents will be shock if he do that but still, he practice and train and use some Ninjutsu whenever they are not here or he is alone.

Roy is now alone and his parents is not aware that their son can become ninja. Roy is at backyard of their house, he will now perform a Jutsu he bought from the System it's only cost him 1,000 SP.

Roy perform a hand seal Ram -> Snake -> Tiger he perform it within a second.

"Clone Technique" Roy said


A duplicate of Roy appear beside him he look like him with shaven black hair and beautiful black eyes and childish faces but no shadow on the ground, he poke the clone on it cheeks then after that the clone disappear like its not there from the beginning.

"That's cool I will buy Shadow Clone it's only 16,000 SP and I have 58,800 SP right now" Roy said while thinking all his plan.

(E Rank :1K SP.

D Rank : 2K SP.

C Rank: 4K SP.

B Rank 16K SP.

A Rank 32K SP.

S Rank 70K SP)

"System open the shop and search Shadow Clone Technique and buy it" Roy said after a few seconds he heard a mechanical voice from his mind [Searching: Shadow Clone Technique..Buying Complete] a scroll appear to his front floating he took it and open the scroll after a few seconds the scroll turn to particles and goes to his head. Information about Shadow Clone is now on his memory so he tried to perform it but he fail.

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 0(1%) ]

Roy try again.

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 0(2.5%) ]

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 0(3.9%) ]

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 0(4.6%) ]

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 0(5.3%) ]

Roy stop his training he can sense that his parents is now in front of their gate he walk to the table and sit there.

"Baby Happy birthday!" Cassie smile and said while holding a big cake and all the employer holding some gift and his father is like a clown dancing in front of him he laugh to him.

"Thank you mom" Roy said some tears fell down to his eyes he remember this is his first time celebrating his birthday with his parents. In his past life he is an orphan who didn't know about what or who his parents, the landlady only said that they saw him at the door while crying loudly and took him and take care of him, he feel grateful to them but still he longed for his real parents.

Cassie smile and kiss her son cheek while pat his head and also his Dad Harold kiss him and said them to blow his cake and make a wish, a wish that this feelings will not last, this is the first time Roy is feeling happiness deep inside his heart.

A week passed Roy is alone again at the house his parents is always busy to their works, his mother is managing some business that will help her husband and Roy have many times to be alone and train to the fullest, but there's some guard out there, patrolling like a robot.

Roy in his many times practiced he succeed and now a clone like him is beside him after he succeed the Main and the Clone high five to each other and the clone disappear like that he laughed.

[Skills: Shadow Clone Technique Learned Level 1(1%) ]

"I need to increase my chakra" If some Anbu saw him perform a B-Rank jutsu they will be shock to the core, a one year old use a B rank jutsu like that.

"System show my parameter"


Power: E- (Low Genin level)

Chakra: E- (Mid Genin Level)

Strength: F (Mid Born Level)

Agility: F+ (High Born Level)

Endurance: F+ (High Born Level)

Vitality: F+ (High Born Level)

Energy: E (Mid Genin Level)

Control: E+ (High Genin Level) ]

A year passed, Roy is now 2 years old he usually in his routine but right now his parents said to him they will go out for trip, he excitedly run like a child (Well right now he is) the trio went at the amusement park laughing and having fun, Roy always feared to loss his family so he promise to himself that he will always protecting them at any cost.

2 years later, Roy now is 4 years old and his mother gave a birth to his little sister yesterday they name her Hannah, Roy smile seeing his little sister. A few days later, Roy tell his parents that he wants to become a ninja, his parents stunned from what their heard, his mother always persuading him but his father is only supporting him from a side because he knew something, a year ago a certain ninja said to him that his son can become a ninja he's a happy when he heard that because the world is in peace right now, day by day his mother persuading him but later she agreed but for some condition always be a good boy that what she said.

4 years later, Roy chakra is now High Jonin Level and his control in chakra is Low Kage Level, 6 years ago Roy thought that if he wants to low his profile he needs something that can disguise his chakra so Roy bought a skill that can hide, change and disguise his chakra, right now his chakra only show that it's Mid Genin even Hokage will not sense that his chakra is being changed and its sealed by something.

Roy's appearance is more cuter than when he is 1 years old with shaven black hair and black eyes there's a few strand of hair hanging between of his eyes, right now Roy is wearing his usually clothes a black coat and his black pants but this time his waist has a small brown bag. Roy walk toward where the academy. 8 years old is common from enrolling at the academy and this when all the main and side characters will enroll to academy.

Many child and their parents are walking toward a certain place, Roy followed them soon he can see some familiar appearance like Naruto, Sasuke. All their parents left and only the kids left behind and in front of them is a stage, a few minutes, many kids is shouting the name of their idol the Hokage Roy is not one of them, Roy only respect and admire him but it's only that.

The Hokage started his Will of Fire speech and lastly finished, Hokage glimpse a certain aura he look toward where is Roy standing, Roy sense that Hokage is gazing at him with an amuse look on his face but Roy only smile and walk to where his room.

'Interesting his chakra reserve is high I think it's at mid genin to high genin' Hokage brought his hand to his chin and thought.

Roy now is in his room with all the character he knew.

drrrrrrrihing* (Door Opening)

The door opened anf the teacher walk casually to where the teachers table.

The teacher slam his hand on the table and introduce himself with the name of Iruka Umino.

"Introduce all yourself name hobby, dream etc. Then he point to his front side and one by one they introduce themselves.

"Shikamaru Nara no hobby no dream yawn* that's all" Shikamaru said while a look of laziness.


"Sasuke Uchiha"




"NARUTO UZUMAKI I WILL BECOME HOKAGE DATTEBAYO" Naruto put his hand to his chest while saying those.

"Pfft.. hahaha" Roy laugh at him but there's no disdain on his face unlike to others, the other kids also laugh but they look is full of contempt.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Iruka shout. Iruka sometimes maybe a caring teacher but if the others don't obey him he will do anything to make you obey him.

"No study for today, so make this day to know each other an.." Iruka said but before he can finish what he need to say to all his student, he heard a shouted and to his surprise he didn't sense and saw who shouted, only later that kid stand after then he saw him that there's someone who are standing a the right side.

"SENSEI! you forgot me" Roy stood with his hand in the air then shouted and said.

"My name is Roy, Roy Sanchez the one who will conquer the verse and smash the God, just kidding wink*"

"..." All the students included the teacher are speechless from what they saw and heard.