
ROUND 0 : Lunar Distortion

The 11th dimension or so called by the constellations... after 11 failed attempts to clear the ROUNDS ,it was now the turn of the 11th dimension . Roy a 17 year old boy of the 11th dimension can he reach the end of the ROUNDS.

Parimal_Yadav · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The 11th Dimension


[ SUPREME ONE the the 10th dimension has failed to clear the 27 round … it is the 11th dimension now! Just how many more years (grins) ]

[ Do not worry Derathus lets keep our hope in this dimension ] the supreme one replies

[ But this time those mysterious entities changed the procedure , they added a new 'ROUND 0' we were just able to get the information that this round is a very very small scaled ]

[ Ok good job now you may leave ] as the namely supreme one replied , his white hair shined as the moon light gleamed over his lonely, depressed face [ I will keep an end to this, just a right one this time ] he said to himself .


''Man the moon today is so magnificent , I wish I could be like the moon , radiant ,dominating the tiny looking stars ….hmph In this boring life I feel like I could keep glancing at the moon forever …but I have go to the school tomorrow .'' Roy the young man spoke as he laid on his back on the large grass field



''In this not much to do life I am

Roy a 17 year old have two best friends ,Max and Harry who are always beside me .''

As Roy entered the class , he looked at the students chitchatting and same old black board with a sigh of disbelief …and the bully Terry who would ask no rather snatch money from Simon the well-off golden spoon kid in the school but he's a total pussy cat

''Man when would this bully grow up he should study and get a good paying job, well not my problem any way, I would rather not mess with him ''

 Roy whispered to the smart looking blue haired ,handsome Harry

''Well why bother about them then.....at least be true to yourself Roy, you have changed in the past 10 years (sigh)''

Harry replied eagerly and furiously , Those words made Roy remember about something he shouldn't have.

Roy thought to himself ''Let's give a break for the thought of something existing in life , but I can't stand this bully anymore''

'' Hey you third rate thug cut if off already it's been a year ''

The students who were in their own word until now turned their attention towards the commotion in the class.

''Hey don't butt-in you silent kid do you think it will make a difference if I take some money from him he has millions argh I'm letting it slide this time so f**k off'' Terry replied and sat in his place as he looked at Roy like he was indicating him that he is a prey and nothing more .

''Wow he left without causing a ruckus like typical third rate bully , by the way are you okay Simon'' 

Simon was terrified he was biting his nails while his hands were shaking 

''Y-You beggar what have you done I could have just given him the money what will happen to me if he beats me'' Simon looked at Roy with a devastated look

''Hey hey calm down you can't let it slide he was taking your money for a year now'' 

" Just don't bother me ! I have the money that you can not even dream of''

Roy was baffled by those words because he was just trying to help, he walked towards Harry with a grim look 

''Hey Harry didn't you say I have to be myself , did you see now how they humiliated me'' Roy lashed out on Harry

Harry closed his book and replied

'' Huff Roy you should not think much about people who do not value others good will''

''argh okay but where's Max he sure will be late today '' 

The doors opened with a bang and a tall orange haired guy appeared 

'' Heya fellas did ya all miss me''

" Here he is as soon as you took his name"

"He sure is and with a grand entry"

While the three friends were taking the Math's lecturer came in and started his boring theories .But Roy was busy taking with Max about gaming 

(In the recess)

"Even though winter came to an end I can feel the cold breeze the birds chirping but even though this is BORING" Roy thought to himself 

{ Initiating 'ROUND 0 ' sending the players to the soon to be destroyed planet }

Every one in the class saw this one message they started taking to each other about what it was.

{ Initiation complete ALL THE BEST }

As soon as this message appeared everyone in class were turning into dust and were being dragged into a portal

" I don't know what is happening but this is EXCITING" Roy thought (swish)


This is my first series and so the journey starts

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