
ROUND 0 : Lunar Distortion

The 11th dimension or so called by the constellations... after 11 failed attempts to clear the ROUNDS ,it was now the turn of the 11th dimension . Roy a 17 year old boy of the 11th dimension can he reach the end of the ROUNDS.

Parimal_Yadav · Fantasía
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2 Chs


"This is exciting "

Those words came from Roy while everyone else widened their eyes as they shouted as their body was being dragged into a portal.

{ Transport complete , Welcome to planet 'Kaana '}

"Who the hell are you and where are we ." Those words came from the mouth of a brave kid

{ Huh I am Runa the administrator of the Dimension 11 , but didn't I tell about the place you are in ? But you a mere Insect dare to raise your voice against me} 

As soon as the the kid who was looking like a 5 year old kid with an angel like appearance said those words she widened her mouth just to reveal a blood dried 72 teeth .

(CHOP) She no rather that thing chopped of the brave kids head that scene created a eerie disgust among the hearts of the remaining 34 kids

{ Eeew you insects taste like shit anyway this was just an example don't go around making weird speculations like you are the chosen ones by the god "We are heroes" rather your are just insects we can kill anytime }

The students fell on their knees like they gave up on their life .

" This is not in the slightest way exciting but why am I smiling . What is wrong with me?" Roy murmured.

" Hey Roy are you okay ? Don't give up there must be a way for us to survive stay strong" Max mistook Roy 's excitement for fear and and told him not to worry.

While every one else were not even able to open their mouth , the class president Shane raised his voice in an respectful manner.

" Then why bother bringing us here there must be a reason tell us what it is ."

{ Oh what do we have here but I like the way you speak so wait a moment }

{ Starting the live stream }






{ I Runa welcome all of the esteemed constellations to the live stream of the 11th Dimension aren't you excited to find a vassal for you ? }

[ The SUPREME ONE is looking at you furiously ]

[ All the constellations at you with a contempt to kill you ]

{ My my why are you so angry dear constellations }

{ Coming back to your question you are here to clear the tutorial 'ROUND 0' if you manage to clear it you will be sent back to earth }

[ The constellations are asking what is this 'ROUND 0' ]

{ You will get to know in the near future , Now participants you will each have random special attribute assigned only for you and in the future if your performance impresses the constellations they will be able to support you but remember you can only have one supporting constellation this can change the chances of your survival, now say ' Status window '}

" Status window " Roy says it


Name : Roy

Race : Human

Job : N/A

 Attribute : N/A

Supporting constellation : N/A

" Hey you two are you also seeing this weird thing that just popped out" Roy asked Harry and Max.

Curiously Harry and Max checked their status window


Name : Harry

Race : Human

Job : N/A

 Attribute : Observation (click to view more )

Harry shares the information of window with Roy and Max

" It says my personal attribute is observation it seems I can view others status window , let me test it out "

Harry thought that " Even though a person died in front of us me and every one seems fine after sometime as if nothing happened ... something is affecting us for now let's do what that angle masked demon says"

After that Harry checks Max's SW


Name : Max

Race : Human

Job : N/A

 Attribute : Strengthening

Supporting constellation : N/A

After that Harry checks everyone's SW except Shane not that he did not but he couldn't .

" Something is suspicious he is blending in this situation extremely well " Harry told the two of them about what he found out using his skill

But Roy was still unhappy about he doesn't work have an attribute 

{ Time up now let's start the round 0 }

{ There is nothing much about this you just need to survive and the time limit is 5yrs 4 months 15 days 34 min 24 sec }

{ Now bye bye I will meet you after the Round is finished }

As the sun slowly went down the moon rose but it was very unusual and very unusual the moon was half broken as if something large hit it but it did not surprise the students after what the witnessed .

The kids managed to set a campfire and sat around it .

"There was not enough heat coming from the side I sat with Max & Harry so I came this side but why is this girl sitting beside me" Roy said to himself 

" He is a nice puppet he should be impressed by my charm , there is nothing better than having puppets do the work for me " The girl thought 

Roy felt uneasy sitting beside her so he started walking towards where his friends who were in the opposite direction , just then he heard voice like cracking and tearing from behind as he turned back he saw the girl beside him was bite by her neck and being dragged into the dark woods by strange looking creatures like wolves.

Then Roy's eyes widened and he started trembling when he heard his mother's voice

" Roy my son isn't this EXCITING "