

The Empress Yang surmounted her throne on the swords and skulls of her adversaries she had amassed over the years, her Crown begotten of treachery and malice with her sceptre blemished with blood saw the most colossal talents corrupted by overwhelming ambitions and insatiable greed for power threatening the tranquility of the Empire, Turbulent undercurrents of revolution and insurgence ensuing, Renaissance colliding with tradition has the Mandate of Heaven compromised by fierce contentions for the Imperial Dragon Throne. When Ladies of the Palace along with Imperial Princes pull the strings, Courtiers call the shots as things start to crumble and fall apart, could this be affirmed itself sufficient a Genesis of the most appalling, most fatal, and most inglorious end? Also Known As; THE SILK CURTAIN Set in 13th Century Imperial China, The Southern Song Dynasty

Glorian_C_Regnare · Historia
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55 Chs


          "It is time for what?" Emperor Ningzong inquired curiously.

          "It is time for me to reveal the criminal Your Majesty." Qian Xiangzu mentioned.

          "Who is it, what have they done wrong?" Emperor Ningzong desperately questioned him.

          "The Criminal that I wish to expose to Your Majesty tonight is the Empress." Qian Xiangzu said and the Emperor's mouth falling with surprise Qian Xiangzu confident in himself bowed his head.

         "What!" He exclaimed.

         "Yes Your Majesty." Qian Xiangzu affirmed, "the Empress is the biggest sinner in this Dynasty." He confidently alleged.

         "You must be mistaken." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

          "The Empress Your Majesty connived with High Ranking officials, met them outside the Palace in the dead of night and discussed politics and manipulated them along with her cohorts, she disregards Your Majesty's position as the Sovereign Emperor and ruler of this our Great Heavenly Empire." Qian Xiangzu said.

          "You can not make such a baseless accusation Your Excellency." Emperor Ningzong reminded him.

          "I am certain Your Majesty, Her Highness disregards tradition that she fails to understand her place and as such she must be deposed." He pleaded.

          "Deposed?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.

          "If Your Majesty requires proof then I shall show it to you." Qian Xiangzu said, "if I am lying then Her Highness should be in the Central Palace." The Grand Chancellor said.

          "Your Excellency?" The Emperor raised his voice at him.

          "Even if Your Majesty declines, Her Highness will be arrested outside the Palace along with those Officials." He reported that the Emperor furiously smacked his table and stood up in front of him.

          "What if you're wrong?" He asked, "do you understand how grave a sin it is to slander a member of the Imperial family let alone the Empress of this Great Heavenly Empire?" He muttered.

          "Then what are you afraid of Your Majesty?" The Grand Chancellor asked him as the Emperor clenching his fists he turned to Eunuch Deng.

          "Lead the way to the Central Palace." He ordered and the latter bowing his head he immediately set out of the building while the two followed him.

          The military units rummaging through the officials' residences, Shi Miyuan seated in his study sipped at a cup of tea when his doors were knocked down.

         The guards halted instantly upon storming inside to find him, much more surprised that he was present in the room that they least expected.

         "Your Excellency?" Qian Xiangzu's retainer at the forefront stuttered.

         "You barged in here looking for something but then I find it suddenly amusing that you look like you have seen a ghost." Shi Miyuan confidently mentioned.

          "What are you doing here?" He asked.

          "I believe I should be the one asking you that question." Shi Miyuan responded, "don't you get what kind of crime you have committed?" He asked with a ghastly smile on his face.

           "No." The young man thought to himself and turning around he immediately rushed out of the room.

            Yang Cishan, Peng Zishou and all the others present within their respective homes it could only mean one thing at least he thought to himself as he mounted his steed and rode off in the direction of the Imperial Palace.

           Emperor Ningzong and the Grand Chancellor arriving outside the Central Palace they walked through its gates as they both halted at the bottom of the staircase that led to the Empress' personal bed Chamber.

           "His Majesty the Emperor." Eunuch Deng announced and the doors of the building seized by Xiaoyang and Manyin, they were flung open to reveal a fairly tall and familiar feminine silhouette.

            Slowly the Empress emerged confidently while the lightning streaking across the sky illuminated her face before the thunder roared afresh.

           "My Empress?" Emperor Ningzong said.

           "Yes Your Majesty." She responded innocently with a smile on her face.

            "It can't be." The Grand Chancellor remarked and the Emperor already soon to explode with rage turned to him.

            "Remind me what you said." He spoke demandingly.

            "Your Majesty......." He stuttered with hesitation unable to believe his eyes.

            "Guards?" The Emperor summoned them and they immediately complied with his order coming closer to him and kowtowing to him.

           "Seize him he ordered while pointing at the Grand Chancellor and without wasting time the guards holding onto the old man bound him with a red nylon chord while the Empress descended the stairs and rushed up to her husband seemingly innocent and naive.

           "What's the problem Your Majesty, what has he done wrong?" She appeared to desperately plead to him when Lan He suddenly rushed Into the Courtyard as well.

          "Your Majesty." He said bowing his head, "I have something urgent to report." He desperately alleged.

          "What?" Emperor Ningzong inquired before the Imperial guards could drag the Grand Chancellor away.

           "The Minister of Rites, Grand Secretary and the Prince of Wei's residences among others were attacked by Capital troops, the Prince of Wei was injured in the strife and he is in a very critical condition." Lan He reported.

           "Who gave the Capital troops orders to act in such a barbaric and uncouth way?" Empress Yang asked a look of intense worry and concern all over her face.

          "I did." The Grand Chancellor admitted before Lan He would report him and the Emperor more infuriated coughed up blood all of a sudden.

          "Your Majesty?" Eunuch Deng cried out as the Emperor slowly collapsed to be held up by Lan He before he reached the ground.

           The Empress looking at the Grand Chancellor stared back at her.

           "You witch." He lashed out unable to contain his rage.

          "Have the Grand Chancellor expelled from the Palace." She ordered a sombre tone in her voice before she knelt by her husband's side.

           "Take His Majesty inside." She said as they lifted him into the Central Palace while Qian Xiangzu unable to believe everything that had happened was dragged outside the gates which were shut to him.

           "No." He thought inwardly, "how?" He asked himself before he slowly turned around to walk away alone in the dark streets.

          Consort Cao in her Chambers Linxiang rushed in and knelt before her.

          "Your Highness, it's bad." She yelled as the old woman still quiet was immersed in her thoughts.

         "What's with the fuss?" She inquired.

         "The Grand Chancellor wanted to prove that the Empress was conniving with High ranking officials to manipulate politics, he dispatched capital military units to their residences and Lanling Court where they usually met but nothing was found, he claimed that the Empress had left the Imperial Palace at night to meet up with them in secret but she was in the Central Palace all along." Linxiang responded.

         "What about His Majesty?" Consort Cao inquired.

          "He was infuriated that he coughed up blood and passed out the Grand Chancellor was instantly expelled from the Palace by the Empress it's likely that he'll end up losing his life." Linxiang responded.

          "Maybe." Consort Cao whispered while her mind seemed discontented.

         "How is His Majesty now?" She asked.

         "I don't know as he is in the Central Palace, we have barely received any news about his condition since he passed out last night." Linxiang reported.

         "Keep a close eye out for anything suspicious, report to me if something happens." She ordered.

          "Yes Your Grace." Linxiang replied.

          Empress Yang seated next to the unconscious Emperor she watched him as the Imperial physician tended to him.

          He took his pulse and once he was done he started packing together his tools again putting them back into the medical kit.

          "How is His Majesty?" She asked.

          "His health is very fragile, he barely slept well the past couple of days, he is so stressed that it's natural that the shock and anger brought him to black out." The Imperial physician replied.

         "Is his life in danger?" Empress Yang inquired.

         "His Majesty is out of danger but nonetheless, we need to be very careful." He responded and standing up he bowed his head and withdrew from the room leaving the two alone with Beiyuan.

         "This is all my fault." She remarked.

         "Don't blame yourself Your Highness." Eunuch Deng consoled her.

         "I have been headstrong all my life and for that, His Majesty has always suffered, being his Empress has given me very many enemies and all that I do is sit back every time he defends me it only feels like he is using me." Empress Yang mentioned.

         "Calm down Your Highness." Eunuch Deng insisted.

          "What about the Grand Chancellor?" She asked.

          "Since he claimed Your Highness left the Palace and connived with High ranking officials to manipulate politics had the capital Patrol troops attack them in their homes he doesn't have long to survive, he slandered you and that can be considered treason." Eunuch Deng reported.

          "No one will die." Empress Yang said.

          "But Your Highn......" Eunuch Deng speaking in protest she raised her hand and halted him.

          "That's enough, that's it, I have realised that His Majesty has never recovered from the wound I inflicted upon him by orchestrating Han Touzhou's murder, besides you had the Imperial physician, I don't desire to put him through the same situation again." She said as she looked at him.

          "Your Highness.....?" Eunuch Deng called to her.

          "The others will be furious, my brother on the death bed his opponents will not rest until his head rolls, I am not sure when His Majesty shall gain consciousness again, I must stop them." The Empress concluded.

          "How are you going to do it Your Highness?" Eunuch Deng kept quiet.

          "I need to see the Grand Chancellor now." Empress Yang replied.

          "Yes Your Highness." Eunuch Deng replied and bowing his head he slowly withdrew from the room.

          The Imperial physician returning to his office he sat down silently.

          "A weak pulse, a lot of internal injuries, it must be worsening." He thought to himself as he pulled open his drawer and from it he put a small sack of medicine on the table and looked at it.

          "I'll do whatever I can to cure you Your Majesty." He thought to himself as he stood up immediately and rushed off to make a herbal concoction.

          Walking through the doors of the Grand Chancellor's quarters, she stood right in front of him.

          "Your Highness." He spoke nonchalantly.

          "Your Excellency." She responded in a similar tone as she sat down on the stool in front of him.

         "It must have been a long night for you." She remarked.

         "I might have not exposed you yesterday but I shall certainly do it one day." He mentioned.

         "But sadly that day won't come." She confidently responded to him.

         "You can go on being proud Your Highness." He said.

         "Last I heard my brother was fatally wounded in your little attack, the rest of my people that you pointed your sword at are infuriated and certainly out of control, however, the Palace also bears me witness and so does His Majesty who passed out and is busy fighting for his life, after everything that went wrong in one single night and you happened to slander the Empress, do you still not realize the gravity of the situation?" She inquired while he kept quiet.

         "That's the sound that I expected to hear," she muttered, "everything was well calculated from the start I knew that you having once stood by me understood my ways and motives, that you would tell the bait from the real prey I simply moved according to the way you wanted me to move when in reality I didn't move at all." She confessed.

         "So all those people that sneaked out of their residences to gather at the brothel...." The Grand Chancellor could hardly believe it.

          "It was my handiwork, the most important piece in the game was not them but me, you just simply had to buy the idea that I faked my return to the Central Palace as a cover to keep my trails unseen, after all, there was no better evidence than getting me caught in the act." The Empress remarked.

         "But you didn't come here to confess to me how you executed your little charade." Qian Xiangzu mentioned.

          "You're right Your Excellency." Empress Yang replied.

          "Then what brings you here?" He asked.

          "You have sinned against the Imperial Court and our Great Heavenly Empire, the punishment for your crimes is death." She said.

          "But Your Highness won't kill me." Qian Xiangzu mentioned.

          "Suppose I wanted to do so, how hard do you think it would be?" She inquired.

          "So you would manipulate the Emperor's hand to have my head?" He asked.

          "Given my expertise it wouldn't be hard, as it so happens I have seen foes much more powerful and fierce than yourself but how many of them still live to this day, how many of them have survived my blade of justice, escaped the wrath of my power?" She asked him.

          "You're not so invincible Your Highness." He mentioned.

          "You're equally not formidable enough, just worthless, what can you and your cohorts do to me even if you tried so hard?" She said.

         "Your Highness?" The Grand Chancellor lashed out.

         "Your Excellency?" She yelled at the top of her voice while smacking his table in fury that he instantly fell silent.

          "Once His Majesty gains consciousness, I want your resignation from the office of the Grand Chancellor." She notified him, "I won't be asking you a second time otherwise I'll bring you down myself and there's no guarantee that I'll have both you and your family's lives spared." She said as she stood up from where she was seated and bowed her head.

         "You only have twenty four hours to show me your resolve." She said to him before she turned around and walked out of the room.

         Shi Miyuan seated in his private Chambers Dong Hua walked in before him.

         "What happened at the Palace?" He asked.

         "His Majesty passed out right when the Grand Chancellor was making a scene, the Empress seized that opportunity to have him dragged outside the Imperial City's walls." He reported.

         "So that means the situation was bad enough." Shi Miyuan remarked.

         "The other officials are all enraged, we have dealt with the rumours and they are already circulating all over the capital." Dong Hua notified him.

         "Seeing that many people were endeared to the Empress, having learnt of the Grand Chancellor's slander their fury shall not be controllable even if His Majesty wanted to be generous he wouldn't be in the position to hold out." Shi Miyuan said.

         "Whether the Grand Chancellor likes it or not there's no way he could possibly get out of this." Dong Hua said.

         "The Daily Assembly will surely be held tomorrow until then it is now time to gather our strength and strike the iron when it is still hot." Shi Miyuan asserted.

          "Rest assured, all the Courtiers involved in this have perhaps by now already started submitting memorials to the Palace demanding His Majesty to depose the Grand Chancellor." Dong Hua assured him.

         The Empress returning to her main chamber where the Emperor was being tended to she looked at him unconscious and lifeless that her heart started bleeding inwardly.

         "Your Majesty?" She called to him perhaps hoping that he could hear and get up yet without a single response, Manyin, Xiaoyang, Beiyuan and Eunuch Deng who were next to her couldn't help but feel sorry.

         "Everything will be alright Your Highness." Beiyuan tried comforting her while her eyes moving to a table nearby she saw a couple of scrolls already piled up.

           "What are those?" She asked.

           "It hasn't been even three hours Your Highness, officials have submitted petitions to His Majesty to have the Grand Chancellor deposed while public outrage seems to have gone out of order." Beiyuan responded.

           "At this rate, it would be really hard for the Grand Chancellor to retain his position." Eunuch Deng remarked.

         "Alright, please leave us." She ordered and they immediately withdrew from the room as she sat down beside him.

         "Forgive me Your Majesty." She whispered, "you are suffering because of me." She said as she held his hand and slowly she rested her head beside him to close her eyes and shed a tear.

         The hours slowly passed and the incense burning in the room for a moment she descended into a deep sleep.

         The Emperor opening his eyes stared at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts his mind seemed blank as he tried to recall everything that had happened before.

         Trying to move his right hand he felt someone holding onto him.

         Lowering his eyes he saw the Empress who was sound asleep right next to him and sitting up slowly making sure not to awaken her he stared at her lovingly.

         She still looked as radiant as she had looked in the early years of her youthfulness, only a little bit fatter than he could recall it suddenly brought back some of those memories of her the first day that she had seen him, the day that she had climbed on his back to go over a wall, the first time he'd seen her fight and the time that she returned to his harem fourteen years before.

         "My Mei'er, my beautiful one, heart of my heart, soul of my body, my precious star, the star of my darkest nights, I pray to the almighty every hour of every day that you live a long life, that he spares me for having burdened you dear shoulders even once, that he sets your soul free from the shackles of this lonely castle." He whispered.

          Silence temporarily prevailing as he smiled at himself, the doors of the room were opened and Eunuch Deng walked in holding a tray in his hands.

         "Your Maj......." He was still saying when the Emperor raised his finger and put it on his mouth signalling to him to keep quiet which he did as he slowly got closer.

          At that moment the Empress awoke and looking at her husband she was surprised that her eyes beamed with so much joy and excitement.

          "Your Majesty?" She said as she sat upright.

          "My Empress." He responded.

          "Are you alright, are you feeling well?" She asked concerned.

          "I am fine thanks to you." He responded.

          "Forgive me Your Majesty, please never do that again, if you leave me my heart would shatter to pieces, how is it that I would live without you then?" She asked.

          "I understand what you must be going through." Emperor Ningzong mentioned, "but I should be the one asking you are you alright?" He said.

          "Don't mind me Your Majesty." Empress Yang responded, "you are alive and well and go me there is nothing else in the world that matters more than that." She said as the Emperor held her cheek.

          "I don't want to believe that you are fine after what happened with the Grand Chancellor." He mentioned and the latter looked down.

          "I don't know Your Majesty, every day is just so hard, I live in fear every day, it's preying on me, so so much that when you go from this world I can't help but wonder what have I left to protect save for the Crown Prince and where is there another that shall protect me?" She said.

          "It must certainly be very hard." Emperor Ningzong said, "but after what happened between both you and the Grand Chancellor I have been thinking really hard and I have finally made a decision." He confessed.

          "Your Majesty if it is in my best interests but compromises your position I kindly ask you to take it back, I can't possibly bear you facing the public scrutiny for my sake." He said.

          "Enough is enough." Emperor Ningzong mentioned.

          "Please don't kill the Grand Chancellor, spare his life at least, I beg you." She pleaded, "I understand that by slandering me he committed a grave sin which is equivalent to treason, but if you kill him you'll shoulder that guilt and I will never be at ease." She added as she looked down at her hands.

          He held them up.

          "You have suffered being by my side, I think it is high time that I used my position as the Emperor, as the most Supreme Ruler of this our Glorious Heavenly Empire to protect you." He said.

         "No Your Majesty." She refused as he confidently turned to Eunuch Deng who was standing close by.

          "Summon the Grand Chancellor, the Minister of Rites and the Grand Secretary here immediately." He demanded.

          "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied as he stepped out of the room.

          "What are you thinking Your Majesty?" The Empress inquired.

          "I am disappointed in the Grand Chancellor even though his career is meritorious, if he could easily attempt to slander you then I can no longer find confidence in his service, I can no longer trust him, I can no longer believe that he has what it takes to protect you from the cruel politics of the Imperial Court." Emperor Ningzong responded, "there should be a change in the balance of power." He asserted as the Empress immediately fell silent.

          Stepping outside she was joined by Manyin and Xiaoyang.

          "Is everything alright Your Highness?" They inquired when they noticed a strange unclear expression on her face.

           "Any news from my brother?" She inquired.

          "Not yet." Manyin replied.

          "Is that so?" The Empress inquired.

          "Last we heard according to the rumours going around he was fatally wounded so he can't be doing well." Xiaoyang said.

          "I need to have a word with him." She said, "make arrangements for me to visit the Yang Manor." The Empress concluded.

           "Yes Your Highness." They replied while she continued her way.    

           The Grand Chancellor in his room was silently seated as he recalled the words that the Empress had mentioned to him, he couldn't set his heart at ease and sweating profusely, his attention was aroused by the sudden entrance of his retainer into his Chambers.

          "Your Excellency." He shouted at the top of his voice, stopping to gasp for air as he was out of breath.

          "What's wrong with you?" Qian Xiangzu asked the young man.

          "We have a big problem Your Excellency, His Majesty happens to have gained consciousness as of now and he has asked you to be present at the Central Palace immediately." He reported while the Grand Chancellor worried he tried to hold himself together.

        "Let's go." He said as he stood up from where he was seated and walked out .

         The Empress walked through the gates of the Yang Manor she mounted the stairs that led to Yang Cishan's private Chambers and halted outside the doors.

         Yang Cishan lying in his bed with Jinglan beside him tending to him the Empress' presence was announced.

         The doors being opened she walked in on the two who immediately kowtowed to her.

          "Your Highness." They said in unison as she approached her brother and sat down beside him.

          "Are you alright?" He asked.

          "It's nothing Your Highness, I am perfectly fine." He responded as he smiled to her heartily.

          "Hearing what happened I couldn't help but worry, thereafter the Emperor passed out so I couldn't come visit you immediately." She said.

         "Your Highness' plan succeeded, that's all that matters, now all that we have to do is gather our power, as it is that the Grand Chancellor took a misstep and gravely erred he can't survive the public fury and our own." He remarked.

         "That won't be necessary anymore." Empress Yang responded.

         "Why Your Highness, after all the effort that you have put in to come this far?" Yang Cishan inquired.

         "Things have turned out much better than expected that our part can come to an end here." She responded.

         "I don't understand." Yang Cishan said.

         "The Emperor was infuriated and his feelings towards the Grand Chancellor haven't changed with him regaining consciousness, besides I had given Qian Xiangzu twenty four hours to submit his resignation from office but I didn't know that heaven would see us through this." She responded, "before I came to see you His Majesty summoned Shi Miyuan, the Grand Chancellor and the Grand Secretariat." She notified him.

        "That's remarkable." He said surprised.

        "I thought so too." She mentioned.

        "Then that means that....." He was saying when she interrupted.

        "Yes, His Majesty is most likely going to strip him of his titles, styles and honours as the Grand Chancellor." She concluded.

        "Congratulations Your Highness." Yang Cishan said.

        "It can be said that the apple fell from the tree at the first shock but we can't be too certain yet, it's important that we remain alert still especially now." The Empress muttered.

         "But most of our worries can be eased." Yang Cishan remarked.

         "Once the Emperor begins to move we shall move in his shadow." Empress Yang asserted as she smiled at herself ghastly.

         Emperor Ningzong seated in the audience Chamber of the Empress Shi Miyuan and Peng Zishou stood in front of him quietly.

         He looked furious as he was lost in his thoughts, the Imperial Jade seal by his side he slowly watched the fire burn in the brazier in front of him.

         Momentarily he sighed.

         "What's the matter Your Majesty?" Peng Zishou inquired.

         "Be patient." The Emperor responded.

         "His Excellency the Grand Chancellor." Eunuch Deng announced and the doors being opened to the old man he suddenly walked in to meet the gaze of his two rivals as he halted in front of the Emperor.

          "Your Majesty." He said bowing his head to him while the Emperor unable to look him in the eye kept his gaze fixed on the brazier.

          "As you are all aware I summoned you here." He spoke in a lowly tone, "there's something that I require of you as you are standing within this room." He said.

         "And as it so happens we have a treacherous person in our midst." Peng Zishou said.

         "The Grand Chancellor deliberately went out of his way to poison Your Sovereign Majesty against us on false charges of conniving with the Empress to bring disorder to our Great Heavenly Empire." Shi Miyuan lashed out furiously.

         "Now that we are before you Sire we wish to report that the people are discontented and furious." Peng Zishou reported.

         "The Grand Chancellor has failed in his duty to protect the Crown and serve it diligently thus he should be punished." Shi Miyuan proposed.

         "Enough." Emperor Ningzong said and the two immediately fell silent, "I understand your concerns that is why I personally asked you all to be present here." He said as the two bowed their heads while he raised his to look at the Grand Chancellor.

         "Why?" He asked him, "why did you do it?" He inquired while the old man remained silent, long enough for him to misspell the feeling written on his face as guilt.

         "You dare mention to me the deposition of the Empress and falsely charge her with conniving with high ranking officials because they are her kin, why?" The Emperor asked as he smacked the arm of his seat.

          "You really ask me why Your Majesty?" He mentioned, "I am too ashamed to look you in the eye, Her Highness manipulates the politics of our country and........" He was saying when the Emperor growing more furious he picked up the small Jade kettle close to him and threw it onto the ground.

          "Calm down Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng meditated before the situation turned more bitter than it already was.

          "Even at this point the Grand Chancellor continues to falsely accuse the Empress?" Shi Miyuan lashed out.

          "A man like Your Excellency that can posses nothing more than a weak constitution will bring destruction to our Great Heavenly Empire." Peng Zishou said and the Emperor quiet, he stood up from where he was seated.

          "It took me long enough but I have eventually come to realize this myself, once I was confident that this nation required a man with your skill and charisma to guide it through its darkest times but it appears that I was mistaken." Emperor Ningzong said as he got closer to him, "I can no longer trust your service to this country, I can no longer trust you to command the confidence of my Government in my name." He said.

          "Your Majesty summoned me to tell me this?" He inquired.

          "Step down from the seat of the Grand Chancellor this very instant." The Emperor demanded.

           "Your Majesty......" Qian Xiangzu unwilling he tried to explain himself but the Emperor halted him with his right hand.

          "I don't want to hear it," he said, "it's either your resignation now or my dismissal, choose." He demanded and the Grand Chancellor looking at him slowly went down onto his knees before the Emperor as the Shi Miyuan and Peng Zishou watched him.

          "It hasn't been a year your Majesty, let alone two months, I have let you down already , it is all my fault." He professed, " if it is your wish that I step down from office then I shall oblige." He muttered.

         "With effect immediately, the Grand Chancellor is hereby demoted to the office of Vice Minister of Rites, Shi Miyuan the Minister of Rites shall assume the office and duties of the Grand Chancellor." Emperor Ningzong announced as Shi Miyuan immediately went onto his knees.

         "I thank you Your Majesty for your goodness, pledge my allegiance to the service of this our Great Heavenly Empire, to this our beloved Country, you our most Serene Majesty and the Imperial Crown." He said as he kowtowed to him.

         "The Grand Secretary shall draft the Imperial Edict." Emperor Ningzong said and while it was written there and then he sealed it.

         Early the following day, dressed in his Official robes, his wife entered his room while he waved off all the others.

        "Your Excellency." She said while bowing her head.

        "My dear." He replied.

        "Alas, you look radiant." She remarked.

        "Don't you think that there is something missing?" He inquired.

        "Perhaps." She replied as she stared at the Ten-beaded Crown.

         "Would you mind putting it on my head?" He asked for what seemed to be the first time in years.

         "Sure." She replied as she carried it from its cushion and holding it within her arms she placed it on top of his head.

         She withdrew slightly afterwards and his heart couldn't help but feel heavy.

         "I am sorry." He said.

         "You shouldn't be." She responded.

         "Certainly I must." He responded, "I have been indifferent to you, it must hurt you to know that I can never give you my heart but for bearing with me I can't be more grateful." He said.

         "I should be the one who is grateful Your Excellency, I was nothing more than the daughter of a family of traitors to the Imperial house, to this Dynasty." She said, "if I must relive my life with the protection this marriage has given me, I couldn't be more than happy to know that I married the greatest statesman of this country, the greatest statesman in the whole world." She mentioned.

        "Alright." Shi Miyuan replied.

        The Officials gathered in both the Grand Square and hall, the trumpets were sounded and the gates were opened to them.

         Nobly, Shi Miyuan appeared holding in his hands the Ceremonial Jade tablet as he made his way down the walkway that led to the stairs of the Magnificent throne room.

         Appearing through the Officials turned to him and bowed their heads as he passed until he halted in front of the Emperor who was seated on his throne in his Imperial Dragon Robes.

        Eunuch Deng stepped forward on a raised platform as he faced the entire Court.

        "His Majesty our August Emperor's Edict." He announced as they immediately bowed their heads while Shi Miyuan went down on his knees with the Jade tablet raised to him.


         "Shi Miyuan thanks His Majesty." He said as he kowtowed to him thrice before standing up to face the rest of the Imperial Court who bowed their heads to pay their respects to him.

         The Empress in her Chambers smiled at herself ghastly while Shi Miyuan couldn't help but feel excited inwardly to contain it.

         "I did it Your Highness, I am victorious, I'll use all my power, everything I have to protect your family, to protect you, until my last breath." He thought to himself while Qian Xiangzu raised his head and looked at him.

         "I shall take away everything you have strip you of all your power and shall make sure you die a miserable death." He swore inwardly.

         Consort Cao seated in her Chambers she sipped at a cup of tea lightly, the peony burning in her room and filling the air, it was quiet, dark and close to abandonment.

         "Your Grace, it is I." Linxiang announced her presence.

         "Come in." She gently responded and opening the doors the latter rushed into her presence and bowed her head.

         "What is it?" She asked.

         "Alas Shi Miyuan has been designated as the Grand Chancellor, thanks to the Empress, he is now the most supreme authority in the Government." She reported.

          "I suppose the Empress' hold on him has never been more tight than it is right now?" Consort Cao remarked, "Isn't Qian Xiangzu's life so tragic to have fallen from such a height?" She asked when another of her Court Ladies suddenly announced her presence and she acquiesced to her entrance.

         Making her way in she bowed her head to her.

         "What brings you here?" Consort Cao asked.

         "Forgive me Your Grace but the former Grand Chancellor requests an audience with you." The young girl reported and Consort Cao briefly giving Linxiang a glance she smiled.

         "Let him in." She said and moments later the old man appeared before her.

         "Your Grace." He offered what appeared to be a most sincere salutation.

         "Your Excellency." She muttered as Linxiang excused herself and closing the doors of the chamber she granted them some privacy.

         "You are here much earlier than I expected." She said.

         "Did Your Grace really expect me?" He inquired.

         "Great Minds think alike Your Excellency." She responded, "however, what is it in the whole world that moves you that much to the point of seeking Mr out?" She asked as the old man slowly sat down on the stool in front of her.

          "What do you think Your Grace?" He asked.

          "The Empress' favourite is now the Grand Chancellor of this our Glorious Heavenly Empire, Your Excellency must be hurting from the demotion it's possible to fathom that both you and I share a common enemy which could ultimately give us a common goal as well." Consort Cao responded.

         "You are in deed smart Your Grace." Qian Xiangzu said.

         "Why thank you." Consort Cao replied.

         "I erred and I lost to the Empress, my titles, my styles and honours were swept away with a couple of strokes, but what's worse is the fact that I can't remain seated and watching while my power crumbles." Qian Xiangzu said.

         "It must be painful." Consort Cao sympathized.

         "The Empress can destroy me anytime she so wishes, I believe that she can do the same to you being the mother of the Emperor's biological son, as long as the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji is alive as a pretender to the throne by his birthright her political power and influence will only feel threatened." Qian Xiangzu said.

         "Hence you seek me out proposing an alliance?" She asked.

         "The best way for us to survive, the best way for us to seize power," Qian Xiangzu asserted.

         "What do I get in return?" Consort Cao inquired curiously.

         "In this Palace, you are a powerless Consort that happens to be an Imperial Prince's mother, with my help I can change that status and help you give the Imperial Prince his true inheritance." Qian Xiangzu replied.

         "Very well then." Consort Cao muttered as she smiled at him ghastly.

        Emperor Ningzong standing in the Grand Hall shortly after he had his eyes fixed on the Imperial Dragon throne in front of him.

         The doors being opened Shi Miyuan, the Grand Chancellor walked in and halted behind him.

         "Your Majesty." He said to the latter who instantly turned around to look at him.

         "You are here." He said.

         "Yes." He responded.

         "What a magnificent day this must be for you!" He exclaimed, "you have finally ascended much higher than anyone else, is it not the highest position someone like you could attain?" He inquired.

          "Perhaps." Shi Miyuan responded.

          "But the biggest question is what do you intend to do?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "What do you think Your Majesty?" Shi Miyuan asked.

          "If need be you have rid the Imperial Court of the corrupt, you are not pacific in nature at times your resolve is stronger than the will of many to this nation it could make you the most useful person and to the same country it could make you by far the most dangerous one." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "But what does Your Majesty think?" Shi Miyuan asked.

          "I don't trust you, I never have all those years our differences getting far out of hand I once hoped for a day to come when I could lean on you but it seems it will never come to pass." Emperor Ningzong responded.

          "Forgive me Your Majesty that I am no loyal citizen, forgive me that I have no will to protect the Crown." Shi Miyuan requested.

          "It isn't your fault after all, fate was cruel enough that we love the same person, cruel enough that we love the same woman." Emperor Ningzong said as he looked at him, "you and I envy each other for something we'll never have, you on one hand are strong enough and nothing can stop you from protecting her while I am restrained by the Crown, sadly for you, I perhaps have her heart and made her my wife which you'll never have." He said.

         "I promised Your Majesty that I would protect her against anyone even if that person is you." The Grand Chancellor said.

         "Then don't make me regret making you the Grand Chancellor of this our Great Heavenly Empire." Emperor Ningzong said, "I care less if the future generations call me a weak-willed Emperor but I promised to protect her yet with everything that has happened I feel like I won't, I feel like I don't have that much time, I feel like I'll never be in the position to do so." He professed.

         "So you make me the Grand Chancellor and tie me down to serving the throne in the name of protecting the Empress, there's none more brilliant than you, none is a greater schemer than you are." Shi Miyuan said.

         "You may point your fingers at me but you know it deep down that you also needed this power, you know it deep down that you wanted it, and yes I may have schemed to set you up this far and chain you to the Crown, but I am the Emperor of my people." He said.

         "The day the Empress ceases, the day she can not hold on long enough, I shall withdraw." Shi Miyuan said.

         "But she won't." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "How can you be so sure?" Shi Miyuan inquired.

         "Because she would do anything to protect my children, she'd do anything to protect my Glorious Empire, not because she longs for it inwardly, because of the guilt in her heart, it's the least she feels she has to offer, for everything that I have done for her." Emperor Ningzong replied and Shi Miyuan bowing his head slowly withdrew from the hall.

         Empress Yang seated in her residence Manyin walked in before her.

         "Your Highness." She said bowing her head.

         "How is Qian Xiangzu?" She inquired.

         "The moment the ceremony was concluded he went to Rongchang Palace." Manyin responded, "now that he has lost it is clear that he's sought refuge by joining hands with Consort Cao." She muttered.

         "Old habits do die hard." Empress Yang remarked, "I would have killed her since I have that power I am sure you are curious why I am still keeping her alive." She said.

         "Is that a question you can answer for me Your Highness?" She inquired.

         "Death is salvation but surviving is hard, for Consort Cao, to break, to fight every day and embrace defeat as the only outcome is to die daily by living painfully." Empress Yang responded.

          The Imperial Court is now under your Supreme control, your whisper is their voice that can never be silenced, I am sure that before Consort Cao moves you already saw this coming." Manyin said.

          "I need to have a word with His Majesty." Empress Yang said.

          "Yes, Your Highness." Manyin replied and bowing her head she slowly withdrew from the room leaving her mistress lost in her thoughts as she slowly tapped her table.

          "You won over Qian Xiangzu, congratulations Your Grace." Linxiang said to Consort Han.

          "There's no need for you to get too excited as he is no longer the Grand Chancellor." Consort Han responded.

          "Yes Your Grace." She responded, "but at least he still has connections in higher places." She said.

          "His alliance might have been secured but that wasn't my main aim in this." Consort Han responded.

          "Then please enlighten me about it." Linxiang requested.

          "After what happened many of the Courtiers will start to fear the Empress's influence and power while on the other hand, Shi Miyuan desperate to protect her will do anything in his power to keep them contained." Consort Cao, "as such a rift will naturally emerge amongst the Empress' people." She added.

          "Then they would in turn support you Your Grace?" Linxiang asked.

          "When it comes to power and glory, every man is too selfish to share it." Consort Han replied as she smiled at herself ghastly while Linxiang staring at her she was confused.

          The Emperor Ningzong on his way to his Chambers crossed paths with the Empress and her retinue.

         "Your Majesty." She said as she bowed her head to him.

         "My Empress."  he responded quite surprised but happy.

         "Do you mind if we took a walk together?" She asked.

         "I could use it." Emperor Ningzong responded and the two without wasting any time they walked together hand in hand while she leaned on him slightly through the Imperial garden.

        "Congratulations." He said to her.

        "About what?" Empress Yang asked.

        "Shi Miyuan finally became the Grand Chancellor, I figured that you would be very happy about it at least." He responded.

        "But you don't sound happy." Empress Yang said.

        "Frankly, I hate his guts." He responded.

        "But you went out of your way, you wanted him to protect me in the near future, you wanted to give me a shield against the members of the Imperial Court." She said.

        "After what happened with the deposed Grand Chancellor, I couldn't help but wonder, most of the time my thoughts were restrained to my presence, but what happens when I can no longer be here to protect you, what if the next Emperor that succeeds me cares less for your presence, as it was Qian it could have been another so only if the most Supreme person in the Court was the most reliable person in the whole world to protect you, my heart would be at ease in the Netherworld." Emperor Ningzong mentioned.

         "And Shi Miyuan can't harm me?" She inquired.

         "It's beyond him, besides it's not him I trust, but his feelings for you my dear, however dangerous they can be, those I put my faith in." He responded.

         "Aren't I too lucky to have you by my side?" She inquired.

         "Perhaps." He responded while she took a deep breath and sighed while she looked at the peach tree in front of them.

         "This strife is exhausting, the throne, the harem and the Inner Court, the Empress' title I have gained, once every time I took a step back and thought, how many of those countless lives were lost, how many of those people were buried in my name, how many enemies have I made by bearing the Phoenix Crown on my brow?" She asked.

         "None of that is your fault my dear." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "Do you think that I am that innocent Your Majesty?" Empress Yang asked, "I sent Consort Cao to the Cold Palace in the name of protecting her, I banished the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji out of the Palace and demoted him to a commoner to protect him from Han Touzhou but that little thing must have had a hard time." She said.

          "You did what you had to." Emperor Ningzong consoled her.

          "It's because I replaced the Empress." Empress Yang replied, "had the Empress Gongshu been alive, maybe Consort Han would have never rebelled and attempted to usurp power, maybe if you were an ordinary man we'd be living a normal life but every day that I wake up knowing that someone wants me dead, I can not take a breath without thinking twice it is unbearable." She said.

         "Forgive me for being born an Emperor in this life of mine." He said.

         "But you don't have to be sorry Your Majesty, as you protect me I promised that I would use everything in my power and position to do the same." She said, "I wanted to stone for my sins, I wanted to make it up to Consort Cao and the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji." She said.

         "How?" He asked.

         "There were rumours questioning both the legitimacy and paternity of the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji, the Courtiers might rise again in the future and our enemies could bring it up still." She said as she turned around and faced him, "please give me your permission Your Majesty, as it is that the Empress is the mother of all the Emperor's children I want to officially adopt the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji as my son." She said.

         "My Empress, what are you saying?" He asked.

         "I understand from experience what it means to lose a child, Zhao Zeng and Zhao Jiong were close to my heart that I can never allow Consort Cao who is like a sister to me to experience the same pain I have been through because of a power struggle at Court." She mentioned as she held his hand, "please." She insisted.

         "Alright." Emperor Ningzong said, "it is wise of you my dear." He muttered as he held her hands tightly as well and he kissed them while she smiled sincerely at him.

         "Thank you Your Majesty." She said.

         "Just promise me that no matter what happens you shall be safe." He said.

         "I promise." She responded as she looked at him in the eye.

         Shi Miyuan in his backyard stood and gazed at the jujube tree while he recalled the distant promises that he had made with the Empress when she was still a Court Lady.

          He seemed lost in them as he recalled the words that the Emperor had said to him he didn't notice Dong Hua who immediately rushed to his side.

          "Your Excellency." He yelled that the former was brought back to his senses as he turned around to look at Dong Hua.

          "What are you doing here?" He asked.

          "It's the Empress." Dong Hua replied.

          "Has anything happened to her?" He asked.

          "The Grand Secretary just drafted an Edict that was officiated by the Emperor, Her Highness has become the legal mother of the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji." He reported.

          "What?" Shi Miyuan inquired, "it can not be." He muttered under his breath.

          "I had a hard time believing that His Majesty would do such a thing, however I have been informed that the Empress personally pleaded with the Emperor to make the Imperial Prince Zhao Ji her adopted son." Dong Hua alleged.

          "I need to see the Empress." Shi Miyuan muttered.

          "Yes Your Excellency." Dong Hua responded.

          "There is no need." He heard a familiar voice which induced him to turn around only to see the Empress standing there.

          "Your Highness." He said bowing his head.

          "Whatever it is that you wish to ask you can ask me directly now that I am here." She said.