
I'm Quite Lucky

Staring at the hundred of robots that made beeping noises all I could think of was 'Today's going to be a long one...'

Being pulled from my thoughts a frown formed on my face as I began to open fire on anything that moved.

Looking behind the hoard of normal soldiers, I saw a few larger ones, which I recognized as Eradicators, began setting up and deploying their shields. Smashing Crescent Rose into the ground, I felt the blade lodge lightly into the stone covered street.

Using a little bit of aura I imagined fire dust rounds filling Crescent Rose's mag. Looking down I noticed the small sign on the edge of the clip changing from normal rounds into fire dust.

'Alright let's see how you bunches of scrap metal fare against this!' I happily thought as I aimed and fired at one of the larger bots before it could deploy its shield.

Hearing the distinct noise of my sniper scythe firing, I soon felt the recoil and watched as my round flew towards the bot. Almost instantly as soon as it hit, the robots chest blew up in a fiery explosion maiming a bot next to it.

"Why haven't you been using that?!" Lena shouted out as she was taking out more raptor bots that tried flanking Reinhardt.

Reinhardt simply laughed out and gleefully swung his hammer. Responding to Lena I shouted "It takes a lot out of me and also I was told to keep damage to a minimum!"

Looking around I saw all the damage Null Sector was doing and then said "But I guess the damage from my explosive rounds aren't really that noticeable compared to theirs!"

Shouting over the explosions and gunshots Torbjorn yelled. "Get back to killing bots and stop ya yapping!"

'Yeah yeah turret boy...' Shaking my head I raised my eyebrows and thought 'That came out of nowhere...'

Pulling Crescent Rose out of the ground I used my semblance and rushed passed Reinhardt. Cutting down the normal soldiers in front of us I began to move with blurring speed that the others couldn't fully see.

Swinging left, right, up, down. I cut down bot after bot and ignored any stray bullets that managed to hit. Seeing the small group of bots that were in front of me were destroyed, I flashed back behind Reinhardt.

Mercy ran up to me, quickly checked to see I was okay, and then ran back to helping the others. Taking a short breather behind Reinhardt as I occasionally shot at some bots. Looking around I noticed we were about to pass by a corner and that the bots were retreating backwards.

"Careful I think they're planning something!" I shouted as Reinhardt braced his shield.

Everyone went on guard as we passed around the corner only to see 4 Bastions.

Eyes opening widely I noticed how the Bastions opened fire launching hundreds of rounds towards us. "Get behind me!" Reinhardt shouted as his shield began to take some damage.

Taking aim at one of them I shot at where its head would be in it's turret configuration only to get hit from the side. "Gyah!" I shouted out as the air was knocked from my lungs for a short second.

Turning around I noticed a Grenadier Null Sector Unit with it's shield up surrounded by multiple other basic troopers. Quickly charging my semblance I flew towards the Grenadier with Crescent Rose at ready.

Shooting a few times to boost myself I swiped downwards cutting straight through the shield of the Grenadier. Getting shot a few times I felt my aura chunk slightly.

'Gotta get these off of me!' I thought as I quickly spun and swiped at the bots surrounding me.

One of the bots ran towards me and opted to try and grab me in a self sacrifice. Jumping backwards I dodged the bots tackle only to get shot in the back by one of the 3 remaining units.

Lena blinked over to me, winked, and then opened fire on the remaining 2 Nulltrooper units. "Thank me later!" she shouted out cheerfully and teleported back to take out more enemies.

"Yeah, yeah, I will even give you one of my cookies." I said aloud and looked around to see how the others were doing.

Seeing that Reinhardt was facing an oncoming hoard, I worried slightly and readied Crescent Rose. Looking down at the bot that tried to tackle me, I shook my head and pulled the trigger.

Finishing off the bot that tried tackling me with a shot to the head, I ran back and began to open fire on the Bastions.

The fire dust rounds surprisingly weren't hurting the Bastion units as much as I was hoping, so I aimed for the gun barrels to disable them. Shooting 3 times into a Bastion I watched as it's main gun blew up.

Taking this short second I watched as the rest of the Null Sector began to push us to cover the Bastions repair.

"Lena use the bomb!" Torbjorn shouted out as Lena nodded and shouted "Pulse bomb ready!" after pulling it off her back.

She blinked up to the repairing Bastion unit while dodging around Null Sector units left and right. Finding herself in front of a Bastion firing squad and threw her pulse bomb and recalled backwards.

Recalling quickly she appeared right behind Reinhardt and looked away as the Pulse Bomb went off causing the nearby Bastion units to blow up.

Reinhardt taking this chance quickly pushed forward as he shouted "We must push now! We take this block now!"

Everyone began to attack with more ferocity as Reinhardt swung his hammer through hoards of Null Sector bots.

Mercy was constantly healing everyone who got hit to make sure they stayed up and fighting. Taking this as an initiative I switched my rounds to Gravity Dust and began to open fire.

Launching nearby Null Sector units into others, I watched as the Gravity Dust barreled into the enemies. Flipping Crescent Rose over I shot once to launch myself as well.

Flying towards the enemies I passed by Torbjorn's turret and almost like it was in slow motion I watched it open fire on nearby enemies. 'Coooool' I thought as I flew past it and cut down nearby Units with Reinhardt.

Occasionally launching rounds from my Sniper Scythe as I flew towards enemies, I lost my balance after getting hit by something.

"Oomph!" I exhaled out as I caught my balance and attacked whatever just attacked me. Turning around I saw that whatever I hit was a Null Sector unit with black eyes, which tried tackling me.

"Why do these guys keep trying to tackle me!?" I shouted out in anger as I cut it down with a simple attack from my Scythe.

"Ha who knows love, maybe they just like you!" Lena shouted out as she opened fire on a Null Sector unit that tried pushing behind me.

Chuckling slightly I nodded in thanks to her and began to cut down units again. Slowly but surely with our combined effort, even Mercy's, we cleared out the city block that we were in.

"Everyone regroup! Take a short breather but be vigilant, Null Sector won't let us push this easily!" Reinhardt shouted out as everyone moved back behind his giant blue shield.

Pulling out my scroll I checked my aura and frowned. 'Guess I was using it a lot...' I thought as I stared at the screen that said 72%.

Some might not think that's a lot, but considering I have twice the aura I used to and it's been less than 2 hours of fighting, it's a lot. If I didn't have twice the aura I would already be close to being under half my aura.

'Best to relax a little bit and stay back.' I transformed Crescent Rose into her sniper form and watched out for Null Sector.

"Phew I am glad that we can have a second to breathe, there are more Null Sector then Anna predicted..." Mercy sighed out in relief.

Torbjorn tinkering with the turret and checking on the bomb looked over and agreed. "Yeah, it's strange to see Bastions already. From what I know it would be best for them to be closer to the factory, not out here in the open..."

"Oh what does it matter! I have destroyed thousands of Bastions! 4 Puny little Bastions won't take us down." Boisterously said as he held his shield up protecting the moving payload.

Lena and I sighed after hearing this. "Yeah, but I have to agree with Torb on this one love, I thought Bastions were one of the better defense units that they have, why use them here?"

'It does sound weird, why use their main defense units this early on?' I asked myself as we continued walking to our destination.

We walked for a short while longer as everyone was put on extra guard due to what Torbjorn and Lena said, even Mercy had her pistol out as no one needed healing. Suddenly my senses exploded and I quickly unfurled Crescent Rose.

Saying nothing I stopped where I was and looked around. Focusing on my aura to charge my semblance, I readied myself. Everyone except Lena stopped and all went on guard. Lena seeing this quickly readied herself as well.

The road quickly went dead silent and the only noise you could hear was the hover engines of the bomb. Listening carefully for anything off, I heard a small scrape.

*Scrch* An almost completely silent scrape was heard. Flipping my head over to where I heard it I saw a small glow in an alleyway. Quickly readying Crescent Rose I opened fire on the small orange glow.

The sound of my weapon firing was like a trumpet of war, as all hell broke lose as soon as I did that. Hundreds of Null Sector units began to charge out from behind us from the alleyways we have passed, as Null Sector drop pods began to fly down to the ground in front of us.

"Enemies Behind!" I shouted out as the battle once more continued.

*Boom!* The sound of drop pods landing aggressively on the ground echoed out, but it was ignored as we have already began fighting.

Purple painted droids charged from all sides of us. Reinhardt trying his best to protect the payload and us could only shield in the great onslaught we were facing.

'Damn! Why are there so many! This is a whole Atlas Fleet Ship worth of droids!' I shouted in my head as I began to rapidly fire on the oncoming droids from behind us.

Taking out as many as I could, I watched as multiple droids fell down in disrepair. Holding Crescent Rose behind my back I launched towards the enemies and cut them down, only to be met with more issues.

"OR-14!" I shouted out as I looked down the alley way to see an approaching Orisa Null Sector droid. Clad in purple armor, it looked like a horse, but well... With a machine gun on its arm.

Ignoring the oncoming Null Sector units I yelled for help.

"I need help over here! There's too many!" I shouted out as I was being surrounded.

Reinhardt turned around to try and help but grunted as his shield was hit hardly by a grenade. Unable to help, Torbjorn took the opportunity and began to open fire on weak points on the Orisa.

"I got your back! Be careful, don't get close to it!" Torbjorn shouted and I slightly remembered why.

Feeling a slight pain I remembered something. All Orisa units, or OR-14-NS Units tend to have a heated sword attached to one of their arms, add on to the fact that they have the strength of a truck, it was quite dangerous.

Charging my semblance I flashed away from the approaching OR-14 Unit. Pushing through the encirclement of Nulltroopers and pushing some over, I escaped their trap. Reappearing in a corporeal form I felt my aura chunk as I grunted in pain as I was shot.

Flipping my head to where I was shot my eyes opened comically large as I noticed that it was from the OR-14. The OR-14 seemed to be reeving up its gun, as it quickly picked up pace as it opened fire on me.

Using more of my depleting aura I charged my sprint and began to open fire on approaching Nulltroopers as I ignored the OR-14's bullets. Dodging occasionally by using my recoil from Crescent Rose, I took out most of the Nulltroopers.

Luckily Torbjorn was trying to keep the OR-14's attention off of me as he opened fire on it, sadly his gun couldn't pierce deep enough in it's armor to kill it. Torbjorn slapped his turret and it flipped over around to the OR-14 and began opening fire.

Torbjorn now had its full attention, as it began to open fire on the turret and him. 'Sht he doesn't have aura, I must help!' I screamed in my mind as I began to open fire on the OR-14.

The OR-14 made a weird noise in disdain as it was being pushed back. Taking this chance I began to rush towards the OR-14 to cut it down. Suddenly the OR-14 stopped shooting and moving for a moment as it's head straightened out. It's orange eye's flashed black only for a split second as well.

Out of nowhere as if it stopped caring about me, it dropped something on the ground that began to beep. Staring at it as I approached the OR-14 I wondered if it was the booster that most OR-14 carry with them.

'What the-' My thoughts were cut off as a sudden explosion went off. A blinding white light blinded me and launched me backwards as I was closest to it. Feeling the heat tickle my face, it turned into a not so much of a tickle but instead of a scorching pain.

"Gyah!" I shouted out as I was launched aggressively into a wall. Slamming into the wall I left a small dent and landed on the ground. The sound of my aura cracking appeared as my red soul shield flickered slightly.

"Ruby!" Lena shouted out and tried to approach me only to get stopped by Slicer droids.

"Ughh..." I grunted out as with difficulty I stood up panting, trying to regain the breath that was knocked out of me. Mercy quickly flew over to me with great speed and with the help of Torbjorn covering her, began to check me.

She frowned slightly after seeing that all the damage I had was superficial, and the only bad thing was that my face was slightly burned. Holding her staff up with a frown adorning her face, she began to heal me.

"Heh, thanks." I quietly said to her as she gave me a small nod. After 10 seconds, whatever pain I was feeling on my face disappeared, and Mercy quickly flew back over to empowering the others.

Quickly and quietly, I pulled out my scroll to check my remaining aura. "Shit..." one of the few times I swore happened as I saw that my remaining aura was already in the low yellows.

"From 72% to 23%... I'm going to have to play more carefully." I said to myself as I pocketed my scroll and made it back to my position behind Reinhardt.

"Are you doing good Ruby!?" Reinhardt shouted out over the gunfire as he shielded his team and occasionally swatted some pushing Nulltroopers.

Sighing I began to fire and shouted out in response "Slightly! Mercy patched me up, but that explosion really chunked me good! I won't be able to use my powers as much!"

Reinhardt dropped his shield for a moment, and using my support fire launched a firestrike through a squadron of Nulltroopers.

"You don't need those fancy powers to fight! Stay behind me some more and recover, I will keep you safe!" He shouted out and quickly raised his shield to block an Eradicator's grenade.

Smiling I took aim and shot the Eradicators head clean off and yelled a short, but cheerful "Thanks! I do need a small rest."

With that we all got into a rhythm again of us shooting, cleaving, or destroying Null Sector troops. After about 2 minutes of fighting, it seemed that we were winning. Lena quickly jogged over to me as she was no longer pressured by stragglers.

"You good love!? I watched you take that explosion head first." She asked in worry as she occasionally fired on approaching troops.

Smiling gratefully I nodded. "Yup, just a little tired. Won't be able to use my semblance as much though..." I voiced out in slight disdain.

Lena laughed and was inwardly thanking whatever God there was, as if Ruby didn't have aura she would have been dead. "Great to here love, was real worried about-"

"Enough yapping! Just shoot the damn droids!" Torbjorn cut Lena off mid sentence. Lena glared at Torbjorn but nodded in agreement and went back to shooting Slicers or Nulltroopers.

Slowly but surely, we pushed on and watched as the forces dwindled to nearly nothing. No more drop pods were flying down as we slowly approached our destination.

The only thing is that, I didn't know what a reception we would have when we got there.


*Somewhere in the Factory*

"Enemy has unidentified ability. Prepare the Moirai..."

A voice echoed out throughout the dark factory as suddenly 3 droids made a noise.

*Bweep, Bwomp* 3 Droids stood slowly. Standing their eyes glowed a bright orange until something happened. Suddenly their glowing orange eyes turned black.

After that hundred of Nulltroopers units, straight off the factory line, stood up. With an eerie black in their eyes, they stood and prepared for a battle.

"Go forth my daughters!" An ominous voice echoed out throughout the factory.


Authors Note:

Hey it's your author! I have written this to give a message that would be too long in the authors thought section. Pretty much I wanted to apologize for slow updates, as recently I have been unmotivated and more focused on trying to get a chapter out for my first Fanfic on my fanfic account.

Add on that I procrastinate and I'm busy recently, it's a little more difficult to get chapters out every other day. :P

Chapter updates will still remain a little slower, as I have been focusing more on my Fanfic net account. Feel free to go check out my first fanfic if anyone is curious, it's under GaZe.Zero and is called Reincarnated into Remnant with the Fox System. It's another RWBY fanfic btw.

I also plan on maybe releasing another RWBY fanfic on Webnovel and Fanfic, I am not sure yet as I like to procrastinate and I have been more busy, but I will make sure to definitely let you all know if I do.

Anyway's, I wonder if anyone will find out who the God Program is with my small hint. Hope you all enjoyed this little author's note, and also enjoyed the chapter! Cya next chapter! :D