
Roses, Explosions & Delusions

KisuraKasuda · Cómic
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3 Chs

Ethernal Horizon

"Chunibyo. This word is used to describe those who wish to stay young. Sometimes cases of Chunibyo can be where the patient only has it to avoid many things in their path, but know they do not posses actual powers. Then there are those who are so deep into their delusions that they believe they are fighting a secret battle to save the world. I used to have Chunibyo, did I ever tell you that? My Chunibyo developed because I lost my father when I was young, but as I got older I found out there was a reason for my Chunibyo to get worse. Yuuta Togashi, my boyfriend, had helped me find where I stand and I love him for that. I just fear that my time with him is at an end. Hopefully you can help me find my way to him?"

The girl with long blue hair looked at me awkwardly.

"Why would I help you if I don't really know you?" She asked.

"Your Aqua correct?" I ask for confirmation. She started spinning around all happy like.

"Yes I am Aqua, goddess of water!" She pulled out twin fans and water came out in streams. Party tricks?

"Kazuma was right." I sighed.

"Wait you know Kazuma." She threw her fans down and started shaking me vigorously.


Once she stops shaking me my head starts spinning.

"He was brought to Japan." I said still trying to collect myself. I think something triggered her in that sentence because right after I told her Kazuma was back in Japan she just walked away without saying anything else. If I'm being honest I don't think Aqua is as useless as Kazuma says, she actually seems to know what she's doing. Why do I say this? Well while I was thinking she wanted nothing to do with the situation, Aqua, came back with this strange coin. Aqua held it up to me and told me that this is the goddess Eris. Eris, apparently is in control of where people go when they die, but I told Aqua that Kazuma said he never seen Eris once Megumin blew them up.

"If Kazuma never seen Eris when he died then something is wrong." She said.

"Wait," I put my hand on my chin, "I never seen this Eris girl either."

After learning that Kazuma and I haven't seen Eris, Aqua started to freak out. My question is if Aqua is a goddess why can't she do anything about it? Well I guess when Kazuma died he dragged Aqua to this world by force, which of course he did. Aqua took me to her parties house, which I wanna say it is way nice than I expected. Upon arriving I met Darkness. Aqua explained everything to Darkness, what happened to Megumin & Kazuma, who I was and that Eris might be gone. As expected Darkness had questions which I was happy to answer but once I mentioned Kazuma, Darkness moaned.

"You mention that savage of a man who wishes to ravage my body." She holds herself tight.

"I'm sorry?" I was very confused. Aqua quickly explained Darkness's "unique" trait. Darkness is really kinky.

"I can only imagine what that man has done to your body while you sleep at night," she moaned again, "the thought is just to unbearable."

"Actually I have a boyfriend." She stopped and looked at me.

"Congratulations." She said in a serious tone. Darkness eventually agreed to help us which was great, but I don't think it would be enough. For the next couple weeks Darkness, Aqua and I tried out best to come up with a plan on how to bring Kazuma and Megumin back while also returning me back to Yuuta.

I heard girl yell outside, it sounded like she was calling for Megumin. Aqua started to walk past me so I asked who was outside. Apparently her name is YunYun and I guess she is also a Crimson Demon, maybe she can help out? Upon walking outside I see a girl who looks kind of like Megumin but with a bigger... Personality.... Yeah that's what I was gonna say. Once YunYun had seen me she for some reason thought I was Megumin. Do we really look that similar?

"Megumin I challenge you!" She says.

"I'm very sorry but I'm not Megumin." YunYun looks at me and I can tell she was embarrassed.

"Oh.... Uh..... I'm sorry." She starts to walk away.

"Wait!" She turns and looks at me, "I require your assistance." In that moment YunYun ran up to me and started crying on my chest. I can sense myself in this girl. I can tell she doesn't really have anyone. I know that feeling all to well. Once she let go, YunYun asked what she could help with, so I explained everything. YunYun and I made a deal, if she helps me get back to Japan I'll take her with me. She's not appreciated here and that's not okay. No more being in last place YunYun I promise.

In this world to gain skill points you need to fight monsters, which apparently Kazuma's team is kind of bad at doing. I agreed to help Aqua and Darkness gain skill points while also asking YunYun to join us. I found out that I'm the most powerful one on the team cause I can actually hit a god damn target! Darkness is a crusader that literally can't hit anything! Aqua is powerful but is to busy worrying about her stupid party tricks. YunYun is the only one on the team who is actually good at hitting a target, so of course YunYun and I fought together. My question is though why in the freaking world are there giant toads as enemies? As we we're fighting more toads started to surround us.

"We're outnumbered!" YunYun exclaimed. I started toward the toads.

"Reality rejected" my eye started to glow.

"and synapsis shattered" I hold my arm in front of me.

"Be banished" A dark energy started to fill my hand.

"From this" the energy turns into multiple spikes.

"World" the spikes propel forward impaling each and every toad near this area. I slowly lower my arm and turn to my party.

"How did you not waste all of your energy?" Asked Aqua.

"Remember I'm not from your world." The glow effect starts to fade in my eye. Right when we were about to celebrate our victory Darkness moaned again.

"The way you impaled those giant beasts was outstanding," she started."I wish to blasted with the same spikes."

Oh god I forgot about this.

"I didn't know a girl like you could be do dirty." Darkness exclaimed. The thing is Darkness is built like a rock but she's got a fetish for pain and humiliation. This world really is strange isn't it?

After a few weeks everyone was able to gain enough skill points be become nearly unstoppable, at least that's what I thought. Aqua kept using her skill points on party tricks and Darkness used them on defense, but honestly I'm not surprised. With a team like Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin I now see why Kazuma missed Japan so much. YunYun is the only one I've met in this world that is somewhat normal, well there's also Wiz. Wiz is apparently a general of this Devil King's top generals which I have no idea what that means. She is a sweet shop owner who has helped me control my powers better. As I walked into her shop Wiz smiled.

"Welcome back Rikka!" She said in a cheerful tone.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord greets you." I said in a joking chuni voice.

"Oh Rikka may I ask your help for something?" She asked.

"Yeah what's up?" She help up this metal rose pendant.

"I found this yesterday and I've been trying to figure out who it belongs to." Who do I know that has a rose pendant? "I had seen a girl with a red cape drop it, but unfortunately I couldn't find her again." Wait red cape? I think she just described Ruby.

"Were there any other people with her?"

"I believe the were 3 other girls. A blonde, a girl with cat ears, and a girl with white hair."

How did the get here?

"Thank you so much Wiz, I think I know who the pendant belongs to so I'll return it to her."

"Thank you so much Rikka," she looked happy, "I felt terrible for this girl loosing it, this looks important"

I nodded grabbing the pendant and heading out. Hopefully I have better luck finding Ruby than Wiz did.

As I get closer I tug on the girls cape and she stops in her tracks. I look up and notice that two of the girls are wearing red capes. The girl with the cape that I tugged turns around and looks directly at me holding a stick of cinnamon in her hand. Why cinnamon? The rest of the girls turn around revealing Blake, some white haired girl I don't know and a blonde with the same outfit as the girl with the cinnamon. I could tell Blake remembered me cause she ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"Oh my God Rikka I thought I'd never see you again," she said, "it's so good to see you again."

I smiled and hugged back. I'm so glad to see Blake again but if she's here Ruby and the others have to be here too. I held up Ruby's pendant to Blake.

"One of the shop owners found this." I said hoping Blake knew where Ruby might be.

"Unfortunately Ruby lost that when we were transported here so I don't know where she is." At least I can find her with Blake.

"Oh Rikka I should introduce you to my friends." She said stepping to the side. The girl with white hair bowed.

"My name is Emilia." She stood back up and smiled. Such a sweet time in her voice. The next two stepped forward. The blonde spoke first.

"My name is Hatsume Aoba, it's nice to meet you." She has a friendly tone in her voice.

The last girl smiled.

"Hi there I'm Momo Minamoto but everyone calls me Momochi." Momochi and Hatsune put there backs against each other.

"We are members of Tsukikage!" The both said in confidence.

"What's Tsukikage?" I looked at them confused.

"They're spies," Blake said, "they protect the city they are from. If I lived in their world I would join myself."

Momochi quickly puts away that stick of cinnamon. I really need to find out what that cinnamon is for.

Blake and I took her new friends to the place I had been staying at. Upon entering though Aqua and Darkness immediately recognized Emilia. Apparently the three of them as well as Kazuma, Megumin and the rest of Emilia's people were stuck in a strange world together as well. After a while we all got along with each other. Momochi and Hatsune I found are both from Japan which I have to admit is pretty cool, I mean if there are spies in Japan who knows what else there is. The first action we decided on was to try to find out how we got where we are and what's happening and I think I might have an idea. Everything leads back to when I was teleported to Remnant, at least that's what I thought. Remember how I said Emilia, Aqua and Darkness met each other before? Well apparently when they were all teleported to a strange world outside their world's it created an anomaly. As of right now we can only guess that since our world's are colliding that the space time continuum is being ripped apart. If everything that I've been told is true we need to stop this at all costs. Time to tap back into my inner Chunibyo.

The sun rises as I slowly sit up realizing I'm in my own bed. How is this possible? I don't remember going home or anything. Pushing back the covers I slowly stand up, walking over to my bedroom door I hear a faint voice behind the door. After sliding it open one person catches my eye.

"Y-Yuuta." Tears fill my eyes.

"Oh your awake," Yuuta said in a calm manner, "I made you some yakizakana."

I quickly wrap my arms around Yuuta crying.

"Yuuta who is this girl wrapped around you?" A voice that sounded a little to familiar spoke out. I let go of Yuuta and slowly turn my head to where the voice cake from. A girl who looks exactly like me stands before me. How is this possible?

"I think her name is Megumin." Yuuta said look at the girl who looks like me. The girl walks up to me looking directly in my eyes.

"This girl is being a bitch." Once she calls me a bitch the floor open behind me. When I look back at her she pushes me into the hole. I quickly sit up realizing that it was all just a dream. If I ever see Megumin again I need to make it up to her otherwise this is gonna haunt me for a very long time.


Ruby's POV:

After the portal closed I was a bit upset to see Rikka go, after all she was a pretty good friend. Finally because of Rikka, Remnant is back to being a peaceful place, well at least that's what I had hoped. When Salem was defeated a crack where the portal that Rikka, Yuuta, and Sanae left formed. Obviously from the looks of a floating crack it's probably not a good thing. I walked up the the crack reaching my hand out to see what would happen.

"Ruby!" Yang yelled. I looked back at Yang.

"If we don't figure out what this thing does we could wind up dead, and I don't know about you but I refuse to stand by and do nothing." I looked back at the crack and put my hand closer. lighting started to jolt into my hand, but it didn't hurt it felt more like a tiny shock from shuffling your feet on the ground to much. When I pull my hand away another crack starts to form. Soon enough the cracks turn into a black hole. The force in which the black hole had was so to powerful I couldn't even use my semblance to escape.

"Hold on everyone!" I yelled as I slammed Crescent Rose into the ground.

"Ruby! Help!" Blake screamed as she was pulled into the black hole. Blake was the followed by Weiss, then Yang, and finally me. I failed Mom. I couldn't keep Remnant safe. I'm sorry.

I slowly sit up noticing I'm in a different environment. Standing up I look around to see building that look very similar to Remnant. Out of the corner of my eye someone that I know is walking in my direction. Jolting up I smile and run up to him.

"Yuuta Togashi!" I said happily.

"Ruby? How did you get here?" He asked. I quickly explained to him what had happened in Remnant. After Explaining I scoped the area to see if I could find Rikka.

"Uh where's Rikka?" I questioned. When I asked this question Yuuta started to tear up.

"She passed away from a bullet to the heart." My heart dropped as I fell to my knees.

"W-What?" I started to tear up. Rikka had spend close to 6 months in Remnant. Within that time we became extremely close. When Yang was kidnapped, Rikka, helped me stay strong. Rikka was one of the best friends I could ever ask for. I wipe my eyes and stand up.

"Who shot her?" I ask Yuuta.

"We aren't sure just yet," Yuuta started, "but we've been trying to find out who."

My fists clench tight.

"I find the killer myself." I sped off checking around the entire city in mere seconds. I'm not gonna let some jerk with a gun kill Rikka.

After searching the city for the 6th time I decided it was time to give up. Landing infront of Yuuta I look at him about to say something, but someone caught my eye. The figure looked like a man but was wearing a cloak so I could see who it was. Then I noticed something about this person that led me to believe who it was. The person in the cloak started walking to us slowly.

"Stand back you creep or face the wrath of my explosion." A voice came from behind me. A girl wearing a red dress and a hat with some for of face on it. Is this girl from another world too?

"Oh but I only want to chat." A scorpion tail slowly appeared from the person's back. My eyes widened a bit as I stepped back.

"Tyrian." He laughed and threw off his cloak.

"Very observant Ms. Rose." He laughed again. I reached for Crescent Rose, but was stabbed through the chest by the tip of his tail. I looked at him and smirked.

"That all ya got?" The hologram disappear as I slashed of his entire tail. Tyrian screamed bloody murder as he dashed at me with his arm blades. I gripped Crescent Rose tight flinging it behind me. Pulling the trigger I propelled myself forward. Tyrian swung his arm directly toward my chest, but when I try to move out of the way he slashes my side leaving a gouge. I swing Crescent Rose around aimed at Tyrian's throat, he quickly holds up his blades blocking the strike.

"I know your tricks you bitch!" Tyrian growls.

"Not all of them." I quickly step to the side.

"Be enveloped in the flames of darkness and disappear!" Yuuta sends a blast of dark energy knocking Tyrian down. Yuuta holds his hand above Tyrian with a dark essence emanating from it, but when Tyrian started laughing I got an unsettling feeling. Just then the sky started growing dark and I don't think I can prepare myself for whatever is coming.

I slowly open my eyes noticing that I'm in my bed at home. Sitting up I look at the door and make my way over to it. Confusion fills my mind as I'm stumped on how I even got home.

"Ruby." a voice says faintly. When I look over, a white cape that looks exactly like mine catches my eye. There is only one person I can think of that has a white cape. Right before I could think someone I thought I'd never see again appeared right before my eyes.

"M-Mom?" Tears started to fill my eyes as I fell to my knees. How is this possible? My mother is standing right in front of me, but I don't deserve to look at her. She kneels down infront of me grabbing my hand. When I look up at her he has a quiet little smile.

"What's on your mind sweetie?" She calmly asks.

"I failed Mom," tears rolled down my cheeks as I spoke, "Salem was beaten by someone not even from Remnant and I couldn't save my friends before they were swallowed by a black hole."

Mom stood up slowly.

"Not everyone is perfect. We all have days where we feel helpless, but on those days you can't sit around and cry you need to take a stand and defeat your demons. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to do, but because of the difficulty it only makes us stronger."

I look up at her and smile softly.

"Thanks mom," I say while wiping a tear away, "dad was right you do always know what to say."

The thing about my mom is the last time I seen her was when I was really young so I don't have fond memories, but what really throws me off was that a surpressed memory or mom reaching out to me?

I sit up quickly scoping out the room around me. Was it all just a dream? Wiess walks in the doorway.

"Ruby we need you." I nod and quickly dash outside. From the looks of it I'm in Japan. I need to find Rikka.

I look up at the sky noticing that the sun has been blocked out. This once normal world is in danger of being destroyed. Yuuta's hand glows more dark or a color, just the. he grabs Tyrian by the neck starting to crush his throat.

"Yuuta put him down!" Yuuta's eyes were completely blacked out. Backing up a bit I tried to intimidate him, but he snapped Tyrian's neck and started to walk towards me.

"Ruby Rose," he said in a raspy voice, "you will serve us or be extinguished." 

I backed up against a wall fear pouring from every crevice of my body. Yuuta looked back and blasted at something off in the distance.

"EXPLOSION!" I heard a girl yell as I darted away as fast as possible. Unfortunately the power had no effect on Yuuta. I'm sorry for what's about to happen Rikka. I grab Crescent Rose flinging it behind me and blasting at the ground. I propel myself forward, but before I hit Yuuta I hear a familiar voice.

"Mjolnir smash!" Dekomori smacks Yuuta down and stands infront of him with another girl who has a really cool looking hat.

"You will not be hurting Ruby, yes." Dekomori says confidently.

"She is required for us to succeed." said the other girl.

"I am Sanae Dekomori!"

"And I Megumin!"

"Together we are Mjolnir Explosion!" they leaned against each other. It was good to have people with hope, 'cause right now we really need it.

Over the past couple weeks people from different worlds have been appearing left and right, but we had a plan. Everyday each of us would go out as a team to gather up a new person that came through the rift. Everytime I went out it would be with either Megumin or Dekomori, but I would always try to find any of team RWBY. I unfortunately had no luck. I just hope everything turns out okay for everyone.



"You know there is no way out this time Ms Takanashi." Salem held a blade of darkness to Yuuta's throat, "Surrender and I will spare him, but if you do not comply I will slit his throat where he stands. The choice is yours."

I look at Salem with tears starting to fill my eyes. I can't loose Yuuta again.

"I'll surrender." I kneel down.

"Rikka no!" Yuuta yelled, "You have to keep fighting no matter what!"

"You are wise Ms Takanashi," Salem smirked, "but unfortunately wit cannot save you."

I'm sorry I couldn't save you Yuuta. Salem tosses Yuuta's lifeless body on the ground as I look at her unaware of what to do. Tears start to trickle down from my eyes as I slowly stand up.

"Reality Rejected." Salem calls on Grimm to attack me.

"Synapsis Shattered." My eye glows faintly and the Grimm start to get closer to me, but with each on getting closer another burns to ash. Both of my eyes start to glow a bright yellow. As I raise my hands infront of me, my body emits a type of dark energy.

"Be banished from this..." The energy pulsates in my hands as I stare directly into Salem's eyes, "World!"

A blast of energy propels forward at extreme speeds destroying everything in its path. As the beam hits Salem, she is able to absorb all of the energy thrown at her.

"Did you really think that would work?" She grabs me by the throat, "This time I'll finish you for good."

"Rikka are you okay?" YunYun asks concerned.

"What happened?" I slowly stand up, "Wait where's Yuuta?"

"He's still back in your world." Blake says confused. Did I dream all of that up? That's all I hope it was. A few minutes later Emilia and Puck came into the room with the best news I had heard in months. Apparently the portals all leads back to earth in different areas, but there is one portal in this world that leads back to Japan. The only problem is that there are 5 portals in this world so I'm not cometely sure which one leads to Japan. We were able to locate 4 of the portals pretty easily, but unfortunately non of them lead back to Japan. Everyone was on the verge of giving up until Aqua come back with news of the final portal. I guess this portal was in Kazuma and Aqua's old "house" of course there is a dangerous creature gaurding the portal so we'd have to leave extra prepared.  After gearing up Aqua, YunYun, Darkness, Emilia, Puck, and I made our way to the Aqua's old house. We had talked about how the creature won't stand in our way and started laughing a bit, but when we got there my heart dropped and my face grew pale. There before me stood Yuuta holding Ruby by the throat.

"Rikka Takanashi." He said in this malifested voice, "You will give me your power or I will kill your friend."

I felt sick. Salem was controlling Yuuta and the only thing I could do is stare at them. Why does this have to happen now? Why can't things just go back to normal? I create a blade and stand there as a tear runs down my face. I'm sorry Yuuta.

A tear runs down my face as I create a blade. I'm sorry Yuuta. YunYun, Darkness, Blake, Aqua, and Emilia get in a battle stance.

"This is my fight." I smile at them, "Please just stand back."

"But Rikka we can help..." YunYun was cut off.

"No we can't." Puck started, "If we help her in any way he'll kill Ruby."

I knew that something like this would happen, but I was never prepared. I have to fight the toughest for I've ever had to face in my life. Yuuta I will save you from Salem's clutches or die trying.

Yuuta created a blade and held it infront of him. I dashed at him slashing directly infront of me, but as my blade hit he blocked it with his blade. Grabbing my arm, Yuuta, threw me back and smirked. Creating another blade I dashed back over to him with Yuuta pulling the first move this time. I doge his attack quickly and kick him back then throwing a tiny blade into Yuuta's arm. The past two times I got closer it had been obvious that Salem was in full control of Yuuta. Yuuta is no longer alive in his own body, and if he is then there is only a sliver of his life left. Yuuta quickly jolts behind me stabbing me in the back. I grab him by the throat, throwing him infront of me.

"This is your best?" He starts laughing, "I expected more from the great Shingan."

My blade disappears as I look at Yuuta. A tear drops from my eye.

"Reality Rejected and Synapsis Shattered."

My body starts to levitate as spears of darkness form all-around me.

"Be banished from this."

My eye glows brighter than ever.


The spears launch at Yuuta, but to my surprise not one hits him. Yuuta dashes to me and in what seemed like a millisecond my vision grows dark. When my sight comes back I notice I am at Icho Private High School. Why does this day feel familiar?

"I am done with that level 7 magic user crap!" Yuuta says in a stern voice. I'm back when Yuuta and I met at school.

How is this possible? Is this a dream or reality? My hands shake rapidly and fear starts to over take my body.

"Takanashi are you okay?" Yuuta asks with a concerned look. A smile of relief filled my face. I stood up and looked at Yuuta.

"So you're a level 8 magic user now?" Yuuta flipped out as I giggled lightly. I closed my eyes for a split second, but when I opened them I was under that bridge.

"Wait, I should go first right?" Yuuta spoke loudly. Isn't this where we confessed to each other? Why am I reliving these memories.

"No," I smile shyly, "by the Eye of the Wicked Lord it was decided that I would go first."

"But I'm the Dark Flame Master Right?"

I lift my eye patch as a tear drops from my eye.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord is the strongest."

"Nope, not gonna happen." Yuuta smiles. "I said I had something to say do I'm gonna say it."

Yuuta gets in his Dark Flame stance.

"Be enveloped in the flames of darkness, become the love of Dark Flame Master." As a bike rider drove by Yuuta blushed and immediately stopped. I walked to Yuuta and put my head on his chest and close my eyes feeling the warmth from Yuuta. When I open my eyes my body is close to Yuuta. Looking up I realize I'm under the covers so close to Yuuta with our lips almost touching. I slowly bring my lips to Yuuta's feeling the warmth and passion in our kiss. Slowly pulling away I blush and smile lightly. I now realize that in order to save Yuuta I'm going to have to kill Salem even if that means loosing Yuuta for good.

My blade hits against Yuuta's arm drawing black blood from his now fresh wound. He quickly grabs my blade pulling me closer and grabbing me by the throat. I struggle to free from his grasp as Yuuta slams me into the ground. Feeling my ribs crack, I spit out blood as I gasp for air Yuuta is stronger than I thought. Quickly sweeping at Yuuta's feet I knock him off balance leaving an opening for me to strike. I dash forward throwing my fist straight into Yuuta's chest, he grabs my arms trying to push me away, but his strength slowly starts to fade as my arm goes straight through his heart. I quickly pull my arm back as I watch Yuuta start to stumble. Yuuta falls forward but fortunately I catch him.

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you." Yuuta coughs up a bit of blood.

"I can't go on without you." Tears fill my eyes as Yuuta lays in my arms, "Please don't go."

"Don't cry Rikka I'll always be a part of you." Yuuta smiles softly.

"I feel so weak without you." Tears run down my face slowly.

"Rikka you will never be weak." Yuuta puts his hand on my cheek, "Wicked Lord Shingan is the strongest there is."

Yuuta kisses me softly.

"I love you Rikka Takanashi." He looks into my eyes.

"I love you too Yuuta Togashi." As Yuura speaks his final words his last breath falls close behind. I put my head on Yuuta's chest and let out all of the emotions that have been building up inside of me. I feel powerless. Someone could try to kill me right now and I couldn't stop them. I cant live without Yuuta. No. Yuuta would want me to fight back, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Salem wherever you are I will make you pay. Don't worry Yuuta I will find a way to save you. I don't want to say it. I won't let her win. I will keep fighting for you. Yuuta there is nothing I won't do for you, but for now this is goodbye. I love you.


I've been in this world called Japan for 2 years and as a Crimson Demon it's getting harder every day not being able to cast my beautiful explosion. Kazuma keeps trying to tell me that I can't use my power in this world but I know that had to be a lie, because that mage with the eye patch can use hers. Honestly it sucks being stuck with a friend of Kazuma, but at least there are a few girls here. Ruby is a very nice person but she lacks the power for explosion magic.

"Will you stop talking about explosions?"

Kazuma? What are you-

"Just hurry the hell up with your stupid rant."

For your information it's not a rant! It's about how lovely explosion magic is!

"Look everyone want to know how Togashi got to be all controlled and stuff."

But I'm not done talking about explosion magic.

"Maybe I should have Ruby tell the story?"

NO WAIT! I'll behave I promise.


Let's start where Ruby came out of the portal thingy.

When I was told that a new portal was opened I had to see if Darkness or Aqua came through, but it was this girl in a strange red and black outfit. She had a really weird sniper rifle I believe it was called. I don't know what was said but the girl who's name was Ruby quickly dashed around Japan. When Ruby returned there was this strange man with a Scorpion tail, but Yuura killed him pretty quickly which I did not expect. Now was our chance to get Rikka back, although I wasn't to thrilled since she called me a mean word. That explosion she pulled off was truly amazing though so I do wish to learn from her. Yuuta has been in destress since Rikka went to my world, which I guess I now know how Kazuma felt coming to my world. I honestly don't blame Yuuta though he's unable to see the one he feels for. I wish that I could have what they do, but unfortunately I only have Kazuma and he is a big jerk. Yuuta's eyes were glowing a dark red and he said something about Ruby joining him. Ruby looked powerless so I knew I had to do something. Let's give this a try. I picked up my staff and held it infront of me. The sky grows dark as I smirk. It is time to preform my best explosion yet. Right before I could start my spell Yuuta grabs Ruby by the throat and drags her into a portal. HE RUINED MY EXPLOSION! Whoever is controlling him will pay!

After heading through the portal I notice Rikka with her head on Yuuta's chest. When I get closer I notice she is crying. Did she have to resort to killing Yuuta? I look over and notice Aqua standing speechless.

"Aqua you need to try to revive him." I demand.

"But if I do he could try to hurt Rikka again." Aqua said concerned.

"No please do it. I will try to contain him." Rikka cried.

"Who is responsible for this?" I question.

"Her name is Salem." Ruby starts, "She is responsible for the death of my mother and Yuuta."

I walk to an area with a nice amount of space.

"Come on Salem bring it!" I yell. The air starts to feel heavy. Looking infront of me I notice a black mass forming itself into a humanoid shape. Do her and Rikka have the same power?

"And who might you be child?" Salem stares at me with a look of death.

"I am Megumin, wielder of explosion magic, the most powerful most beautiful spell ever known." I've got her now!

"Explosion? You sound like a kid playing pretend." She says unimpressed. Pretend? How dare she speak so arrogantly about my beautiful explosion.

"You obviously do not know my power." I smirk. The  sky grows dark as the energy in the air flows into my staff.

"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark,

I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.

The time of awakening cometh.

Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,

appear now as an intangible distortions!

I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force:

a destructive force without equal!

Return all creation to cinders,

and come frome the abyss!

Oh, blackness shrouded in light,

Frenzied blaze clad in night,

In the name of the crimson demons,

let the collapse of thine origin manifest.

Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands

of the kingdom of demise!

Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds,

though I promulgate the laws of nature,

I am the alias of destruction incarnate

in accordance with the principles of all creation.

Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me!

Light in the end of the corners of the world,

come together I call upon the crimson realm,

my ultimate destruction magic!" A beam of light strikes down where that wretched Salem is standing. Time to end this.

"EXPLOOOOOSION!" The destructive force of my truly amazing explosion rains down upon Salem as her body is reduced to ash. Rikka looks at me in awe. I bet she wishes to learn it now.

"I Megumin am the most powerful mage in this land, bow before in so you may soak in my awesome glory."

"Oh so that was all?" Salem's hand wraps around my neck, "You are powerful so I will give you that, but you can never best me."

"H-How did you survive my beautiful explosion?"  Fear filled my body quickly.

"Because you can't beat me." Salem laughs. The last thing I hear is a small cracking sound, then darkness.


I never thought someone this powerful could actually exist. Watching Megumin's neck snap was heartbreaking but I couldn't do anything. I looked back at Aqua and Darkness noticing that both of them are in fear. This is the very first time I've ever seen Darkness not turned on by strength, buy who can blame her. Two people who were close to me are now dead. Crap this is depressing. Wait a second.


"For your information I'm not useless!" Aqua looks pretty pissed, "but if you truly wish for me to prove how amazing I actually am then I shall."

Aqua started to conjure up some sort of spell.

"Aqua it's to risky to fight her." Ruby cries. She might have a point, Salem is from her world after all.

"Aqua step back." Takanashi's eye started glowing bright. I gotta admit that's kinda hot.

"I thought you couldn't beat her?" This question was answered faster than it was asked.

"Not alone." Takanashi's other eye starts glowing yellow. Togashi's body floats to her. Oh man this is getting good.



"You still aren't done trying?" Salem laughed lightly, "You've already shown me what you are capable of."

I rip Yuuta's heart from his chest as his lifeless body floats infront of me. Using the power of The Eye of the Wicked Lord I can summon the Dark Flame Master to vessel himself through Yuuta once more. This may kill me, but that's a chance I have to take.

"I know what you're doing Rikka, you need Wiz for the transfer to be successful." Aqua points at Yuuta's heart.

"Please retrieve her for me, and everyone else help me protect Yuuta." Everyone nods and gets ready for battle. Salem starts to summon Grimm when her head explodes for no reason. Did Megumin's explosion have a lasting effect? Upon looking down I notice a ball with spikes retract behind Salem. As Salem's head grows back she starts yelling at someone.

"Sorry it took so long to get here." Some guy in a track suit walks up to Kazuma.

"Took you long enough Subaru." Kazuma jokes.

What the hell is going on?

A girl with pink hair walks up to Emilia and bows. So they know each other? Is this that Ram girl Emilia mentioned? Before I can create another thought a girl who looks kind of like Ram jumps infront of me and swings her ball chain thing at Salem. This must be Rem.

"Though I am entitled to protect Subaru I must protect this girl too." She yells. So Emilia was able to reach out huh? It's good to see I have people to count on. Salem screams and grabs Rem's chain pulling her close.

"You insignificant pests I will tear you apart!" Salem tore straight through Rem's chest, but Rem seemed not to flinch and headbutted Salem. Where the hell have these people been when we needed them? Rem quickly brings Ruby over to us and Emilia heals her the best she can.

"Thank you." Ruby stands up in pain.

"Can you do this?" I asked.

"My mom would have." A tear runs down her face as she smiles at me, "Protect Yuuta's heart okay?"

I nod lightly.

"Thanks for the support everyone, but we got this." Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang got in a battle stance. Go get her team RWBY



Weiss dug her blade into the ground creating a strand of giant icicles that snagged Salem in the chest. Blake quickly ran up the ice blasting at Salem. She threw her gun ant Salem hooking onto her and wrapping around Salem.

"Think your ready for this?" I asked.

"I'm always ready." Yang went up to Salem throwing blows into her chest and serving a blast that sent Salem to the ground. Blake jumped back and landed beside Yang. Salem got  up and sent a few Grimm our way. Throwing Crescent Rose behind me I blasted at the ground, and in one swing I killed every one of those Grimm. I looked back noticing that the girl they called Aqua brought back a girl in a long purple cloak she must be the one giving Rikka the power boost she needs. Now we just need to give Rikka time.

"You know we're not really hurting her, right?" Weiss pointed out.

"We're just trying to slow her down." I looked at Weiss.

"Do you really think melee attacks are best against her?" Yang asked. I smirked.

"Did you forget?" I quickly changed Crescent Rose into it's sniper rifle form. "It's also a gun."

After pulling the trigger a stun blast shot out paralyzing Salem for a few moments giving us time to get another attack in. I swung Crescent Rose at Salem, but she was able to dodge and grab Crescent Rose from my grasp.

"Such an annoying weapon." Salem split Crescent Rose in two.

"You will be easier to kill than your mother."

I fell to my knees.

"Ruby!" Yang shouted. A tear dropped on the ground infront of me.

"What's the matter Ms. Rose? Did I overstep my boundary?" Salem teased. I stood up slowly.

"Don't you dare mention my mother." Salem smirked. I raised my head, "Don't you dare mention Summer Rose."

My eyes started glowing a bright white. Salem dashed at me with her claw ready to hit my chest.

"Be enveloped in the flames of darkness and disappear!" A dark energy pushed Salem back. When I turned my head I noticed Yuuta and Rikka standing side by side. Another year trickled down my face. Thank you Rikka, you are so very strong I don't think I could do this without you. Now go beat Salem and win!


Dekomori had finally finished laying out our symbol of power when Kumin walked in. Of course the first thing she did was lay down. It had been a crazy few months with me going out of my chunibyo then getting pulled back in, fortunately I can confirm that Yuuta and I have grown stronger. When I was in a time of need her rushed to me and showed me the invisible boundary line so I am grateful to him.

"Why are you putting down that stupid thing again?" Nibutani made the same entrance as always.

"I figured that the fake Mori Summer wouldn't understand, yes." Dekomori teasing Nibutani as always.

"I told you not to call me that you little brat!" Nibutani grabbed milk out of her bag. Yuuta walked in to the room smiling at me. I quickly got up walking over to him. When I looked into Yuuta's eyes something felt different, like a dark aura was splitting us apart. I grabbed Yuuta's hand trying to pull him closer but he slipped out of my grasp.

"Please don't go." Tears filled my eyes as I tried to pull him to me. Yuuta mouthed the words "goodbye".

"No I can't loose you again." I tried my hardest to keep him from slipping away, but there was no luck. I couldn't save Yuuta so what hope is there. I fell to my knees crying when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"We will help you fight"

As Salem took the blow from Yuuta's attack I heard a familiar voice come from behind her.

"Mjolnir Hammer Smash!" Dekomori's Hammer smashed into the side of Salem's head knocking her down. Dekomori as well as Nibutani, Kumin, and Shichimiya walked to Yuuta and I.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yuuta asked.

"Honestly, do you really think we'd let you die?" Nibutani scowls.

"Does that mean you take on the title of Mori Summer?" I question.

"Though I hate that name I guess you could say I do." Nibutani looks at Salem, "Now let's beat this power hungry bitch!"

Salem rises from the ground in anger sending Grimm our way. Everyone kills each of the Grimm pretty quickly. With Salem grown more angry she becomes stronger.

"This is pissing me off!" Nibutani shouts, "Come on brat let's beat her down."

"I shall help you kill her Fake Mori Summer, yes." Dekomori and Nibutani rush at Salem ready to attack, but Salem prove to be stronger than the both of them. Salem grabbed the both of them by the throat, and in mere seconds a cracking sound came from their necks. Their bodies fall to the ground. Within seconds Grimm started ravaging the outskirts of Axel. This peaceful town was turning into a bloodbath. Ruby quickly rushes to Aqua and her team killing each Grimm then dashes to the next group, but before she could kill anymore I notice one Grimm aimed toward Weiss, Blake and Yang. Ruby used her semblance to quickly move to her team. Tragedy struck as Ruby arrived to late. Yang's body fell to the ground with slash marks deep in her throat. Blood oozed out of her now deceased sisters throat and Ruby was paralyzed with ears running down her face. I'm sorry I couldn't help Ruby, but I'm going to kill Salem no matter what happens to me.

"Reality rejected and Synapsis shattered." My eye glows a bright yellow.

"Banishment from this." The dark energy from the surrounding Grimm become part of my newly formed Aura.

"World." A blast of energy shot out from my body. Salem, it's time to die.

{ 3 years ago}

"Be banished from this world!" A blast of dark energy shot out killing the Grimm instantly.

"It seems you are really getting used to your power." Blake smiled.

"I guess having fake powers gave me an idea of what it's like." I thought aloud.

"By the way I gotta ask."

"What's up?"

"Why do you say that banishment thing?" Blake questioned, "You know you probably don't have to say that right?"

"Back when my chunibyo first developed I came up with a phrase that would help me 'hone my power' admittedly it was kind of dumb, but I've gotten used to saying it."

"I see. Well if it makes you feel stronger who am I to stop you." Blake smiled.


Ever since I had that talk with Blake I knew that I needed to use this phrase to make me not just feel stronger, but have physically more strength. Salem looked at me and smirked

"My you've gotten stronger, but it's a shame I'll have to kill you." Her words pissed me off.

"You killed my friends. You will die!" I propel forward with a blade in hand. When reaching I quickly slash at her, but she dodges. I look at Salem trying to find a weakspot, but nothing really stands out this might be bad. Salem grabs me by the throat as I start to cough up blood. Shit she's going to break my neck! I can't die not yet! My vision starts to go dark and a tear slowly runs down my cheek.

"Be enveloped by the flames of the Dark Dragon!"

"Y-Yuuta?" As the Dark Dragon attacked Salem, Yuuta caught me, saving me from hitting the ground. I looked into Yuuta's eyes and remembered why I fell in love with him. He's always been so kind to me, even though he gave me head trauma.

"So Rikka is safe, but can I use explosion?" That voice.

"Megumin?" There stood Megumin, Nibutani, Yang, and Dekomori, but how?

"I was able to revive them when Salem wasn't paying attention." I guess Aqua isn't useless after all.

"Hey Megumin." I got out of Yuuta's arms.


"You can teach Explosion to anyone right?" Megumin's face lit up with excitement. I should have figured, but at least she was willing.

"I'll hold off Salem you two finish up here." Yuuta ordered. I didn't know that Yuuta would be so powerful, but I guess I can't be to surprised Dark Flame Master is strongest after all.

From when it seemed like the odds were stacked against us we rose from the ashes and tore through Salem's armies in seconds. We could tell that her power was starting to fade so we had to act quick. Ruby dashed behind Salem cutting her in half at the waste while Yuuta pinned her down.

"You can't win! I will come back!" Salem screamed. The sky started turning dark as energy flowed into my hand.

"Darkness falls upon this land so I call upon you great spirits. Grant me your power to use against the forces of dark so that I may emerge from the light. I take your power and use it as my own." Both of my eyes started glowing bright.

"Try coming back from this." I point my hand at her as power starts blasting at her.

"EXPLOSION!" The explosion I made combined with my dark aura creating a vortex that was powerful enough to finish off what remains health Salem had left. The battle that had been going on for 3 years had finally been won. Goodbye Salem.

Within a few days everyone was able to find the way back to their respective worlds, but it wasn't easy to say goodbye to the friends we made. Aqua, Kazuma, Darkness, and Megumin went to their world first but as promised I kept Yun Yun by my side. Next was team RWBY this was the hardest since I became so close to everyone.

"So this is goodbye huh?" Ruby had a tear in her eye.

"If the multiverse in in peril again then no it's not." We both laughed.

"Rikka, in the short time that we've spent together I got to know you pretty well and I can safely say that you are my best friend."

"Don't you say everyone is your best friend?" Weiss was sarcastic as ever.

"I think I get what she means." I smiled and hugged Ruby tight. Ruby made a huge impact in my life and I don't think I could have become the person I am now without her. Yuuta, Dekomori, Kumin, Nibutani, Shichimiya and I were able to make it back to Japan safely. As expected nothing would be able to go back to normal, at least not for a while. Honestly though I think I prefer life with a little craziness.

{1 year later}

The sun started to rise as I noticed what time it was.

"Shit!" I quickly stood up, got dressed, and went out to the living room. My phone started to buzz as I noticed Yuuta was calling. I placed the phone to my ear.

"I'm sorry Yuuta I woke up late." I start putting on my shoes.

"It's okay Rikka." Yuuta always sounds so calm, "Oh don't forget to bring Ruby."

"I could never forget about her." I smiled and finished getting ready. A few minutes later I met Yuuta at the restaurant we planned to meet at.

"Yuuta I'm here!" I hugged him right and gave him a small kiss, "So what's up?"

"Hey Rikka." A familiar voice came from behind me. I turned around and noticed Ruby standing behind me.

"Ruby!" I hugged her tight, "How did you get here?"

"Well my uncle Qrow is pretty handy so he helped me build a device to warp between the dimensional barriers." What she explained sounded way to complicated, but I was still happy to see her.

"Oh before I forget." I pick up Yuuta and It's baby from her stroller, "Ruby Rose, I want you to meet Ruby Togashi."

"You named her after me?" Ruby smiled.

"You did help Rikka when she was unfamiliar with a new world so it's to say thanks." Ruby started to tear up.

"Thank you so much." Ruby cried.

From the experiences that I had to the people I met along the way. I think that there is more evil in the world, but for now I plan to protect the ones I love, but hopefully that day won't come any time soon.

The End.