

Roseline also know as rose is a 19 year's old girl who lost her parents in an accident what happens when she meet Leo ,a massive billionaire He hates people or anything call love ,but what happens when he meets Rose will this two help each other from their fears and nightmares

Miebai_christabelX · Ciudad
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5 Chs

chapter 5

Today was a really busy day,I finally got back to my house

letting out a soft breath,I used my free hands to message my head feeling a headache coming

" How can someone be that good looking and be evil?" I asked myself before standing up and walking to my bathroom

today my boss Mr leonard was an ass,God forgive me for using that word but he was just too rude

he told me to order coffee for him and I did ,then he told me he didn't like the one I did ,so I had to do it again

made me walk like 3 times

l'm gonna call him mr grumpy, cause he doesn't smile just glare

" shit I forgot to buy some milk" I said quietly while slapping my forehead

mumbling insults under my breath I walked back to my car not before picking my phone and purse.

" let's get this done then "

it took 4 minutes but I was finally here ,I got down and walked into the market before walking around looking for milks

my eyes cut some veggies making me think of dinner to eat

with that I walked towards the veggies, picking some for cooking just this night

" What else do I need in the house?" I asked myself softly before thinking

but didn't remember anything with that I walked around the store looking for milks so I can leave before it gets too dark

My eyes roam around before landing on the milk station

" got you!" I said happily before grabbing two milks

" All done"I mumble softly before walking towards the cash resister

she scan everything before telling me the bills

giving her the money,I grabbed my bag before heading towards the door