

Roseline also know as rose is a 19 year's old girl who lost her parents in an accident what happens when she meet Leo ,a massive billionaire He hates people or anything call love ,but what happens when he meets Rose will this two help each other from their fears and nightmares

Miebai_christabelX · Ciudad
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5 Chs

chapter 2

" I can't believe I'm late" I said rushing around the room

Today I was having a job interview and I'm running late

curse my alarm clock for not ringing out loud

With that I put on my outfit for today ,which was a black skirt and a white top my mom's name written under it

smiling at my reflection I walked out of my room , entering my car with that I turned on my car engine

" let's hope I don't make a fool out of myself" I whisper softly


The car ride didn't take much and I had soft music playing in my car

I was tensed ,no I was scared ,I'm not really good with people and everything related to people

and the worst part was my boss ,I have heard alot of things about him but I didn't want to believe them cause I wasn't a judge person

with a big breath and mumbling prayers under my breath,I walked out of my car closing the door softly behind me

i walked into the business company watching as people rushed around,which only made my breathing increase

"you can do this Rose" I said softly

" GOOD MORNING,MY NAME IS ROSELINE PARKER I CAME FOR MY JOB INTERVIEW " I said loudly alittle too loud cause the lady behind the table laugh quietly

" No need to be scared I bet your gonna get it ok honey " she said sweetly

" thank you I really needed that" I said softly giving her alittle smile

" just go right down the hall take a turn and you will see the interview room ,ok " she said while I gave her a nod after getting the information in

with that I walked away mumbling her words under my breath before stopping

" was it a left turn or right" I whisper frowning my eyebrows softly

not caring to ask again,I turned to the left door not caring to knock with that I turned the door softly

before stepping in my eyes immediately landed on a man sitting on a chair his head down typing something on his phone

" Get the fuc-" he said but cut off when his eyes landed on mine

" OMG HOW CAN SOME LOOK LIKE THIS " my mind screamed loudly while I held my breath

" UHm hey I'm Roseline,I....m he..re f...or the job interview " I whisper then cursed myself for been scared

He didn't say anything tho just stared at me , making me wonder if he was ok

" sir is everything ok?" I asked titling my head to the side

" right" he said

but my tummy did a little dance after hearing his voice

was this butterflies ? ,nah it's probably cause I didn't have a meal today

I nod my head before saying a little thank you with that my eyes moved around his before looking at his hair then lips

he was huge , even sitting from the chair he looked like a hawk

with that I walked out of the room , trying hard to forget the large man