

Roseline also know as rose is a 19 year's old girl who lost her parents in an accident what happens when she meet Leo ,a massive billionaire He hates people or anything call love ,but what happens when he meets Rose will this two help each other from their fears and nightmares

Miebai_christabelX · Ciudad
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5 Chs

chapter 1


Pain ,that's the only thing I felt I looked at the wet ground where my parents body layed

Tears dropped from my eyes softly while the soft rain dropped around me

I didn't know how it happened but I knew that I no longer have parents

" I'm gonna miss you both " I whisper dropping the roses on the ground

With that I walked away from their body , heading for work

It's been two weeks now and each of the weeks going by has been nothing but pain

I could still hear my parents screams that night

Praying it will all go away soon.