

"Who is she? " "DEATH herself. " --------------------------------------------------- Mara Turner, an Agent working for the Secret Allies is the most feared agent in the organisation. Nobody has ever escaped her target. She is known to be born without any emotions capable of being felt - no guilt, no remorse ,no trust. Just catch it, kill it, finish it. No one knows who she was, what her past was and she intended to keep it that way. But what happens when her next assignment brings back memories. Memories that threaten to unleash those emotions that she had long forgotten she was capable of. Is Mara actually the person who she potrays to be? Or will her past wreck havoc on her future? Dive into this journey with Mara to experience a roller coaster of emotions never felt before.....

mylovelymiracle · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Ch 5. A Better Insight

Mara was beginning to sense a surge of headaches coming in. She was irritated and angry at DK for assigning her a team. She came out of his room to see her team members nervously waiting for her. She just beckoned them to follow her.

She didn't know what to make out of her team members. Surely DK didn't assign them to her because he doubted her abilities. He definitely had a hidden agenda for doing so....but what? She glanced sideways at her teammates.

Alex seemed like a blithe, jocular person but Mara knew better than to go on first impressions. His study on The Reapers and the rage in his eyes when she called him a traitor made her think twice that he might be well up his job. And his gf...Miranda....... she was definitely an intellectual person.....Mara could bet that she had knowledge about psychology, all the more reason for her to stay away from Miranda......so all in all, this screamed hell for her.

Mara halted near the exit door of the floor and asked," Do you guys need to take anything from the Headquarters....Because all I can see are two small bags, nothing else. Will that be all?"

Alex and Mir nodded their head. Mir continued," Well DK said, all that we need would definitely be available at your place. Our wardrobes would be filled in by tomorrow. Anything else babe?"

Mir saw Mara flinching at the word 'babe'. She was pretty sure that Mara had a past....a very long, bad past. One that she was determined to find out. Mir could see enough to know that Mara was a hurt soul. But breaking down her walls would be much more difficult than catching the reapers.

"Well in that case... let's get going". Mara rushed out of the headquarters and headed to her car. "Aren't we taking the elevator?" Alex asked hesitantly but quickly shut up when he saw the sinister look that Mara cast at him. She smirked devilishly and said," Welcome to the team." Miranda just gulped looking at Mara, no wonder she was renowned as the devil.

Mara didn't give the couple a minute's time to catch their breath. She started rushing down the stairs. Alex and Miranda had no other choice but to follow their designated guide. By the time, they reached the parking lot, Miranda was out of breath and ready to collapse from the physical exertion and Alex was completely drenched in sweat but Mara didn't break a sweat. Mara didn't even spare the couple a glance and roared her engine to life. They immediately caught up in line with her.

"I hate her already. Bitch." Alex spat out with such hate and disgust. "No wonder she doesn't have any friends. "Miranda was too tired to tell Alex to stop judging. Though she had to agree on the way Mara was treating them was harsh.

Mara had tired herself out thinking of what could be the reason a team was assigned to her. She pulled into the driveway of her house. The shutters to the garage opened up after a click and a voice recognition, her team pulled up shortly after her. Mara knew she was being hard on them but she had no other option than this to make them opt out of this stupid teamwork.

She opened the door and waited till her team was inside her house. She saw Alex and Miranda's jaws drop on seeing the interiors. Mara knew that her house's lavishness could shame a king's royal chamber. The walls were a turquoise shade with brilliant white contrast, giving the room a dazzling glow. A beautiful vintage couch and fireplace gave the room a homely and warm ambiance. The delicate chandeliers added to the grandeur of the room.

"The kitchen is stocked with different foods and ingredients. Make something for yourself and settle down for an hour. First right up the stairs, the adjoining two guests' room would be yours. The second floor would be the training room and the library. The third floor is my private room in which you are not allowed to venture. Meet me in the training room in an hour."

Saying this Mara swiftly exited the room and headed to her floor. Alex and Miranda stood shocked staring at the devil's back. Finally, Mir snapped out of it and dragged Alex to the kitchen. She was dying to see the kitchen. But Alex had other plans. "Let's check out the training room. This should be exciting. " For the first time that day Alex actually looked excited about something.

"No first let us have something then we can check out the training arena." Miranda added the puppy eyes, she knew her man couldn't resist it. Alex just shook his head and pulled Mir closer for a kiss. He was inches away from her when he heard a loud cough.

"Mind keeping this shit out of my house. We are here for a mission not for some cringy show of yours. " Miranda could feel both her and Alex shocked at the interruption. She didn't expect Mara to show up so suddenly. She definitely had the stealth of a cat.

" So sorry M....we will keep that in mind. We were jus-" Mir was stuttering in her words. "Save that excuse. Go to your rooms and freshen up. We will start the planning and training in some time. I don't want any late appearances there. ". Mir just nodded her head in response. She was too afraid to speak something stupid in fright.

"Get the Goldie boy going, he seems to occasionally go into panic mode and shut up. This would not save his pathetic ass out in the world we would step in." Saying this Mara exited the kitchen for good.

Mara headed to her room and entered the shower. Stripping out of her clothes she leaned in and relished the feel of warm water running across her body. she quickly jumped out of the shower and dressed in track pants and a tank top to go with it. Pulling the hair in her infamous Juda style she was ready to get on with the mission.

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