

"I agree Reagan is a real monster. But Minnie,that's not even what I need you to focus on now. You're back now, the magic school has been dying to see you. Go back for your training. You need to get back on your feet, and use your understanding to bring your husband closer." Queen Leah said. I fell and hit my head on the ground.

"Oops! Sorry, good morning." I made an awkward greeting.

"Ethan's wife, what are you doing at the door?" Princess Minnie folded her arms.

"I...I....I woke up a few minutes ago and was walking by to say hello to everyone in the palace! As I was approaching the Queen's room, I tripped." I cooked up a story.

"Nice way to start your morning. You know, my curse just got broken, and I feel new here all over again. So I'll be glad if you show me around the palace, and tell me a few ways on how you spend your day. When Ethan was unmarried, I used to spend a lot of time with him. But now that he has a gorgeous wife, I'm thinking of building a friendship." She smiled.

"Alright." I took her hand and we walked out of the room. I needed to know what magic school Queen Leah was talking about. I also wanted to attend the school. There, I would know what the bolt was actually about.

The 'tour' was more like she was showing me around. We saw many artworks, which she said so many things about. She was someone I could be friends with, since it wasn't like she was having an affair with Ethan or something. But since she was Reagan's wife, I had to talk some sense into Reagan.

"Princess Minnie..."

"You don't have to add the title when we're alone." She whispered.



"Do you attend a magic school? I overheard Queen Leah talking about it." I thought so hard before asking her.

"Yeah. I attended one before I was cursed."

"Who cursed you?"

"I don't wanna talk....ETHAN!" We saw Ethan in the main room playing chess with the other princes.

"Good morning, Prince Henry, morning Prince Roland." She waved at them.

"Hi Minnie. Hi..."

"Its Rose."

"Rose is an introvert. That's why most people in the palace don't know her." Ethan laughed. Minnie and I sat near them.

"So, who's winning the game?" Minnie winked.

"Me of course." Ethan said.

"We all know you're the king of chess." Minnie chuckled and the princes burst into a fit of laughter. They continued playing and laughing together. I was scanning the whole bedroom. Suddenly, my eyes fell on three women wearing long flowing gowns designed with flowers all over. They were drunk and fell on the bed.

"Ugh! Who are they!" Princess Minnie yelled in disgust.

"This is Jane, Clara and Sara." Ethan pointed and introduced them to us.

"Why are they drunk?" He introduced Jane as Henry's mistress, Sara as Roland's mistress and Clara as Ethan's mistress.

Wow, so Ethan has a mistress now?

"Alright,but why are they drunk?" Ethan grabbed his mistress by the waist and splashed a jug of water on her.

"Look, this is my wife Rose, and Reagan's wife, Minnie. So you guys need to leave here!" Ethan yelled. Minnie and I scoffed at the same time. The drunk ladies left the room.

"Good morning, Sire, The Queen needs Prince Roland, Prince Henry and Princess Minnie in her court right away!" A maid told. Minnie and the princes followed the maid. Ethan was arranging the chess board and I stared at him.

"E...Ethan." I touched his hand and he yanked my hand off. I stared at him angrily.

"Sorry, it sent electric bolts all over me." I couldn't laugh or cry. He put the board away and wanted to leave the room.

"Ethan, wait! I heard from Queen Leah that on the second day of marriage, a true bride asks her husband what she wants." I bit my lip and he stared at me.

"What's the wish all about?" He sounded interested.

"Can you...eh...get me a gift." I was so lame. He hopped on the bed abruptly. I jolted in fear.

"Alright. When do you want it?" He asked me.

"Anytime." I shrugged. We heard the breakfast bell and walked out together.

"Wow! Our latest couple at the dining together!" Queen Leah clapped. Reagan and Minnie were also holding hands. I was very satisfied on seeing that. We settled on the dining table.

I could see Minnie staring at her husband in awe as he reached out for his forks.

"HELP HIM!" Queen Leah thundered at the maids, who stood there just staring. I sat near Minnie and Ethan sat near us.

"Em...Rose, can you please go sit over there? I always sit near Reagan and Ethan." She pointed at an empty seat near Queen Leah. I was taken aback at her words.

I had a feeling this friendship wouldn't last long.

But it had to. She was the only one who could lead me to the magic school.

So I swallowed all the yelling I had for her, and went to sit near Queen Leah, who seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Mom, is anything wrong?" Reagan asked her.

"Nothing." I knew she was lying. After the maids served us, we all ate in silence. I could see Reagan giving me side eye. Soon, we heard noise outside. The princes (except Ethan) got up at the same time and walked towards the door.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?"They all yelled in unison. The next thing were tiny familiar voices screaming.

"ROSE! ROSE!! ROSE!!!" I turned around to see two beautiful blonde girls in so much delight.

"HAZEL! ASHLEY!!" They were in coats. I ran towards them like a little kid, screaming in excitement. I threw my arms around them and kissed their faces.

"I missed you, best friend!" Hazel's hazel eyes poured out so much tears of joy.

"Why did you stop coming to our palace?"

"Queen Ahyeon won't let us in!" I slapped their mouths because of the people around us.

"Who brought these people?" Queen Leah was annoyed.

"Sorry Queen Leah, they are my childhood friends."

"Oh! Hello, come have breakfast with us!"

"We would love to ma'am, but we're okay." Hazel told her.

Awww, I wanted to crush her bones with that politeness.

I took them to my room swiftly.

"We heard you were married off. But why? You're just 22 years old."

"Its a long story." I sighed. They smiled and cuddled me again. The door opened slowly and Prince Ethan stepped in.

"Sorry, I'm disturbing you girls. I need to take my morning bath." He smiled. I ran towards him and without thinking twice, pulled him into a hug. He placed his jaw gently on my shoulder and slowly touched my waist.

My urban novel released!!

"Love And Betrayal: Can She Melt His Cold Heart?"

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