
Changes after the Curse

The world that Root inhabits has changed drastically due to a curse casted by a powerful cultivator. This curse has caused many deaths, but it also changed the world itself.

Drought of Death - A period of 1 year that happens every 5 years in one side of the world, this is the period in which the soil is filled with Death Qi. It is known that this happens because of the accumulation of Dark Qi from the moonlight every single day throughout the five years period. The Drought happens because of the increase in Yin Qi from the sun in that year period, which enters the soil and fuses with the Dark Qi, creating and spreading Death Qi.

Boundless Bountiful - Right after the Drought, the Death Qi disperses for the Yin Qi from the sun dissipates, making the Death Qi turn back into a delepted Dark Qi. At this point, Earth Qi in enriched by the Light Qi from the sun and at night with the Yang Qi, it produces Life Qi, which in turn dimmers down and makes Nature Qi in an extremely large amount. This amount is so large that it makes forests for hundreds of miles in a single year! This period is only one year long too! 

Fire Clouds - After the curse, Fire Qi changed. It was no longer possible to absorb Fire Qi from the sun for it had Yin Qi mixed in it, which would disturb and unbalance the cultivation. Instead Fire Cultivators rely on natural forming Fire Clouds! These are large, generally 5 to 10 kilometers long, and red in to orange in color. They are born when a Nature Qi cloud is born (When a lot of Nature Qi enters a cloud, turning it a little brighter and larger) and is baptized by the period in which the sun is the hottests. It happens every 100 years for a whole day, the sun is hot enough to melt flesh and bone from mortals, but only for 1 minute, which isn't enough to actually melt anyone.

Cursed Kin - Because of the lack of Qi, various cultivators had to rely on Demonic Beast's cores, and that changed them. The Cursed Kin are those who accept this change, and harness the strength that comes with it.

Great Core Fall - An event that happened many years ago. Caused by the greed of many Cultivators trying to get a monopoly over Demonic Beast Cores. This caused the demise of many people and nations.