

Jason Bourne gains a chance to go to a school of supernatural and he takes it along the the way he makes enemies and friend's plus finds love. How will he cope with the myth of the legendary Ronin and being the only known Chimera and being hunted down by a dark cult who wants to use him for their own deeds? Find out by reading the story. There's going to be elements from both The vampire diaries and Teen wolf (Werewolves. Witches and Vampires)

Demonwolf217 · Acción
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4 Chs

Date & Reunion

||| Jason |||

I walked out of my last class of the day which was lycanthropy 101. Who knew being a Chimera could be so tiring, they put me in every class which is amazing how I haven't skipped one class this whole entire week, but thank God it's Friday

I walked into the common room and slumped onto the comfortable couch and almost slept if it wasn't for Piper and her friend walking over to annoy me

Piper: Isn't it too early to go to sleep?

Jason: I'm fine, Piper. How're you?

She giggled and so did her friend

Piper: This is Charlotte. Charlotte. Jason.

Charlotte: Nice to meet you, Jason.

Jason: You too. So, don't think I'm rude but I was gonna take a nap but I'll gladly take a rain-check on the napping and talk to a beautiful lady~

Piper: Aww, thanks!

Jason: Not you *Look at Charlotte* I was talking to your friend

She blushed and Piper looked between us

Piper: No!

We looked at her confused

Piper: Nope, not gonna happening. I'm not gonna have two of my friends date each other, OK?

Jason: What're you talking, Pip?

I smiled at her innocently and I saw her clasp her hand shut and I suddenly got a headache and clutched my head

Piper: You're not going to date my best friend, right Jay?

I nodded holding in my head grunting from the pain and suddenly the migraine went away

Piper: Good, now we're going out to town. You wanna come?

Jason: No, thanks. I need a nap to refuel my energy, see ya when I wake up.

I got up and walked to up the stairs and towards my room where I found Jasper tying his shoe laces in his workout clothes and he looked up to me, getting up and threw the basketball to me and I caught it and twirled it on my finger walking to my bed

Jasper: Get dressed, we're gonna throw some hoops

I threw him the basketball back and he caught it

Jason: No thank you. I need some sleep, classes are killing me.

Jasper: So? Let's go.

Jason: Don't you hear me?! I need some sleep! Man!

Jasper: Dude we both know you're not going to win this conversation.

Jason: Really?

Jasper: Really.

Jason: You sure?

Jasper: Get up


We were on the basketball court outside, shooting hoops and I sigh how is it that he always wins our arguments, he passed me the ball and I shot it it went through the net and he clapped

Jasper: My turn

I nodded walked over to the net and picked up the ball and passed it to him before I looked over to the bleachers and saw this brunette that's been sitting there for a while reading a book

Jasper: Yo!

He looked to where I was looking and shook his head walking over to me and I just kept staring at the brunette

Jason: Who is that?

Jasper: That's Jenna Rivers. The Academy's undefeated swordswoman. Don't try your luck

I looked over to him

Jason: Why not?

Jasper: She's a nice girl. And you... not so much. Plus she's a witch and witches turn to be vengeful when heartbroken even the nice ones

I touched my chest playing offended by his words and gasped dramatically while he chuckled at my antics

Jasper: Alright, shoot your shot. But don't tell me I didn't warn you about this.

I chuckled picking up the ball and bounced it three times before passing it to him and he shot it and I passed it to him again

Jason: I'll be right back

I rushed off the court and out the gate going up the bleachers and stood next to the girl who looked up to me

Jason: Hi

Jenna: Hi

She smiled and oh God I'm in love and I sat down next to her held my hand out

Jason: I'm Jas--

Jenna: Jason Bourne. I know who you are. The boy who knocked the prince onto his ass

I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head

Jason: You heard about that, huh?

She giggled and again I THINK I'M FALLING IN LOVE

Jason: So, I hope that doesn't put me in a bad light with the oh so beautiful Jenna Rivers.

She blushed looking down and I chuckled

Jenna: So you know my name?

Jason: Hey, you know mine. And I'm not that dumb not to know the undefeated swordswoman, besides I don't care if you're popular.

She looked at me shocked a little and I chuckled

Jenna: You're actually the first person who doesn't want to just talk to me because of my popularity

Jason: You look like a fun person to talk to.

She smiled and I looked at the book she was reading

Jason: "The Lightning Thief," huh?

Jenna: You've read it before?

I looked down sad for a moment remembering the book from when mom used to read it to me as a kid and how I used to read it to Lily. I looked back up to Jenna and forced a smile

Jason: Yeah, used to read it to my sister at night.

Jenna: Is your sister...

Jason: Yeah

Jenna: Oh, I'm sorry for your lo-

Jason: No, it wasn't your fault. So, don't worry about it. Anyways so how about I take you--

Jasper: Jace!

I looked over to the court and saw Jasper smirking at me mouthing no but I shook my head and smirking before looking back to Jenna

Jason: Sorry for that.

Jenna: It's okay.

Jason: Anyways, as I was saying, I don't usually do this when I meet girls for first time

She giggled

Jenna: Oh? Then what do you do first?

Jason: I just make sure they're not psycho killers who want to kill me

She started laughing and I smiled but damn! Everything she does is cute. Her smile, her giggle and now her laugh. I think I might turn into a simp

Jason: Ok, look what I wanted to say is can I take you out tonight?

Jenna: What did you have in mind?

Jason: I don't know. Maybe a candle lit dinner followed by a romantic movie or any type of movie and then we come back here and I walk you to your room and you gimme a good night kiss? Or we could go to a party that's happening at the mill.

She tapped her finger on her chin with a cute smile on her face like she was thinking

Jenna: I like the first one better than going to a party since it'll be just us two but we can still make the party if we skip the dinner and just watch the movie

Jason: I like the way you think. So, what movie would the fair lady want to watch tonight?

Jenna: Surprise me

I nodded and she started packing up her things and I got up and she did as well

Jenna: I'm late for my sword training, but I'll see you tonight

She got on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek and I sighed happily and she giggled and Jasper walked up next to me

Jasper: So, I assume you got your chance.

Jason: Jasp.

Jasper: What, Jason?

Jason: I think I'm in love already

He chuckled and playfully punched me in the shoulder and we walked back to our and I started setting up everything for tonight.


I walked through the hallway and sighed annoyed when I saw Jonah walking over to me with two of his goons following me and I was about to turn around and walk away before what he said next made my blood boil

Jonah: Hey! Orphan!

Him and his goons chuckled and I felt my claws replace my nails and turned around to stared at him and chuckled walking towards him

Jason: What did you say?

Jonah: I said Orpha--

right before he tried finishing his sentence I punch him in his face sending him to the ground and his goons charged at me and goon #1 tackled me into the wall and I started kneeing him in the side and he let me go holding his left side in pain before I kicked him full force and the other goon tried attacking me from behind before I turned and caught his arm and threw him into the wall and he tumbled to the and I picked him up threw into the opposite wall right before I picked him up and threw him down the stairs tumbling to the floor knocked out

I turned to Jonah who looked scared and he started crawling back as I took step after step towards before finally I stood in front of him growling lightly and I got down to his level and grabbed him by his hair and pulled him close so we were face-to-face

Jason: Next time, you better watch what comes out of your mouth, understand?

He nodded whimpering and I nodded as well before I dropped him and got up and started walking away before I stopped an Idea coming to me and I remembered a lesson from class about how to knock a vampire out and I turned back Jonah who was standing up and walked back to him and he turned around

And I grabbed him by the head and snapped his neck harshly and watched as he tumbled to the ground with a thud and I smiled happy with my handy-work and walked away


I knocked on Jenna's door and she came out in a dress and a cute brown leather jacket and twirled for me

Jenna: So, how do I look?

Jason: Perfect.

She blushed and I held my arm and she linked hers with mine

Jason: May we, Ma'am?

Jenna: Yes, we may.

We both laughed and walked towards my room.


We walked in and she plopped down on my bed looked around the room before I walked over to sit next to her and picked up the remote and turned the TV on before we moved up the bed and cuddled as the movie started and she looked at me smirking

Jenna: Toy story?

Jason: What? It's a great movie everyone loves it. Plus who wants to sit through a romantic movie?

I shuddered thinking about watching a romantic movie and she giggled before cuddling back into me and we enjoyed the movie


The movie was over and I looked at her she was smiling at the Tv as the credit's played and I smiled enjoying this

Jason: Yeah, I can get used to this.

Jenna: We're going to the party, right?

I groaned getting up and slipped on my sneakers and she giggled and I looked at her playfully glared at her

Jenna: The date's not over yet *Leans to my ear* Maybe I'll let you stay the night in my room~

I shuddered liking that Idea and got up new determination filling me

Jason: Let's go!

She giggled and slipped on her shoes and we walked out the door and out the school and towards the woods


We got to the party and everybody was doing their thing with the wolf pack still getting high and I walked over to them while Jenna went to go get a drink and dapped Thierry and James, out of the whole pack I've gotten closer with this two

James: Was that Jenna Rivers?

I nodded looking at his shocked face and chuckled

James: Boy, you really are changing this school, Jace.

I looked confused

Thierry: What he means is that none of the guys have succeeded at asking Jenna out not even Jasper, we thought she would go for Jasper but she didn't

I chuckled knowing that a girl chose me over Jasper Smith and looked at him and he playfully glared at me before shaking his head with a smile

James: But I better warn ya, Witches can be vengeful when their hearts are broken so don't break her heart.

Thierry: *Nods* Yeah, you brought this on your self

I nodded and walked over to Jenna who was talking to a two girls and I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her head

Jason: Where's my drink?

Jenna: Here

She handed me the plastic cup and I took it

Jason: Thank you

Jenna: These are my friends. Emma

She pointed at a brunette who was smiling brightly

Jenna: That's Sophie

The blonde looked at me

Jason: Nice to meet you guys

Emma: You too.

Sophie: You too

Jason: All right--

I cut myself off when something caught my eyes and looked into the woods and saw a silhouette rushing away and looked back to the girls

Jason: I'll be right back, Ok?

Jenna nodded and I finished my beer before dropping the cup and walked through the woods looking around before I stopped when I heard a growl and looked behind me and saw seven-foot brown wolf with glowing amber eyes looking at me seated down and it's head tilted to the side like as if it was observing me and I felt like I knew this wolf

The wolf turned and walked behind a tree and I bones cracking and flesh tear before Damien walked out from behind the tree zipping his pants up and I chuckled looking at him shocked to see him here.

Jason: Dame?

Damien: Miss me?

I chuckled hugging him

Jason: I missed you, man!

Damien: Me too

I released the hug and stepped back before I knocked him across the jaw and he fell to the ground rubbing his jaw

Damien: I deserved that.

Jason: Next time don't just fucking leave without saying goodbye to your best friends! Fuckin' idiot!

I helped him back before punching him again sending him back to the floor

Jason: Now I'm done

I helped him back up and we started back to the party

Jason: How is it that I haven't seen you in school?

Damien: Because I skip the classes and only go when I feel like it.

I slung my arm over his shoulders and pulled him into a nuggie

Jason: Does Jasp know?

He nodded and I sighed before rushing into the party and over to the wolves and Jasper turned around lost his smile when he saw my face and I stopped in front of him

Jasper: You saw Damie?

Jason: Yes

Jasper: You're pissed?

Jason: Yes

Jasper: You gonna punch me now?

Jason: Yes, Jasper. I'm gonna punch

Jasper: Just make it quick

I nodded and punched him across the face hard sending him tumbling down to a beanbag and he held his nose while James stood up growling at me eyes glowing yellow

James: What the hell?!

Jasper: James it's OK. It's our rule when we keep a secret from each other. Get punched in the face or get fucked up.

James nodded stepping back eyes going back to his human form

Jasper: Look, I'm sorry I kept the fact that Damie was here as well but he's not the same he shut himself off, keeps to himself

Jason: So, that means he has secrets?

Jasper face lit up and he got up a smirk growing on his face

Jasper: Yeah, he does

We both looked to Damien who was drinking from a cup and walked towards him grabbing him before dragging him away while everybody looked on before going back to what they were doing, while Damien struggled in our trying to break free gave up when we got to a clearing

We dropped him onto the ground and he quickly got back up and glared at us dusted himself off

Damien: What the hell's this about now?

Jasper: Jace, what was our promise to each other when we were just little six year old's?

Jason: Why it was to never turn our backs on each other and also to never keep secrets from each other. *Smirk* Dame what was our punishment for this?

Damien: C'mon guys w-w-we d-d-don't h-have to d-do this, right?

Jasper: What was the rule?

Jason: Punch to the face for keeping a secret and the other two get get to beat the shit out of the one who abandoned the others

He looked down while he said this and I kind of felt but he did this to himself. I understand the keeping secret parts but the abandoning me and Jasp is harsh we made an oath to never do that to each other and me and Jasp we kept that oath even though we went to different schools

Jason: Sorry, man. We got to...

All three of us: Keep the oath.

I shrugged my jacket off and so did Jasper and also Damien

||| 3rd POV |||

Damien closed his eyes waiting on the beating and Jasper and Jason looked at each other and nodded before walking up to Damien and hugged him. Damien not expecting that was confused but hugged them both back and they pulled

Damien: What happened to the beat down?

Jasper: Are you kidding me?

Jason: We're the three musketeers! The dynamic trio!

Damien and Jasper chuckled but nodded along before Jason punched Jasper across the face and then did the same to Damien both boys falling to the ground and Jason laughed before he sat down as well

Jason: I missed this man.

Damien: Yeah, me too.

Jasper: Me three.

Jason looked down a little sad and Damien saw this and looked at Jasper confused

Jason: You guys are the only family, I have left you know that, right?

Damien: What happened to--

He cut himself off realization hitting him

Damien: So that means all three of us?

They all nodded and Damien chuckled and the two looked at him

Damien: We have the worst luck.

The other two nodded and they all started laughing

Jasper: How did we not realize it before?!

Jason: I... don't... know!

They all stopped laughing and smiled staring at the night sky and Damien got up and the others followed and all three picked up their jackets

Damien: I'll see you guys tomorrow

The two nodded and they separated with Jason and Jasper walking back to the party and Damien walking towards the school


Jason and Jenna walked down the hallway and they got to her room

Jenna: Well, this is me.

Jason: Yeah.

Jenna: I'll see you tomorrow

Jason: I'll see you tomorrow

They both nodded and Jenna unlocked her door but turned around pulled Jason into a kiss and Jason picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and he walked into the room kicking the door shut behind him

||| To Be Continued |||