
Romance calls for extreme measures

Loving you is killing me, and when the flowers wilt and the sky drains of color I will be there

Gaming_With_Karly · LGBT+
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2 Chs


Yes although we're both female and we both have husbands we have been able to fall deeply…

Yes my feelings are true and I don't know about Charlotte's but I truly do know if it kills me we'll escape.

Now about Charlotte husband Logan. He's exactly like Jason. Overprotective and sassy. I hope you're able to escape I have $20,000 so far but that's enough we need enough to escape the country. I live in Europe and of course the reason why it cost so much is to leave no trace of me or Charlotte behind so that we're not found it makes sense. I can hire someone to leave no trace of us behind to take a secretly no airlines will know about it I know it's illegal, but I don't care. People won't know that I'm gone anyways neither will people notice about Charlotte we are the very few people to get ignored a lot so people won't notice except for the people who pay attention to us. Logan and Jason Will always be after us after this they will be scouring the whole world they will go to the deepest corners of earth just to find us, like I said before it's risky but nobody cares as long as I get away from this and save Charlotte. If I move to America it will be less risky. And maybe just maybe life will be easier.