

Apryl had given up fairly quickly on trying to figure out what she could on her own only using her phone. As it turned out, there was still some stuff she needed Keith's help with to setup in order for her to be able to log into her class and access what she needed.

Also because she had just been accepted, apparently there were certain things that she needed to wait 24-48 hours for before they would be available to her. Humans had technology and yet there were still such lengthy delays for certain things to be put into the school system? This didn't make sense to her.

While waiting for Keith to either come back or for it to have been what she assumed was enough time for his class to end before texting him to say she needed help, she decide to just sit and the table and rest.

"I had come here to speak with Keith and instead I come across you." Apryl had been resting with her arms folding on the table and her face buried against so that she didn't hear the person approach behind her before they had spoke. However, the voice made her the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Apryl was it? The new one that just moved here recently."

"And you're Chester, Student body president." She replied as she lifted her head to turn and look at him. She wasn't sure if it was intentional or not for him to sound condescending when he spoke, but he certainly succeeded if it was.

"I'm only holding that position for a few more months before moving onto something else." He replied, not bothering to look at he spoke but rather scanned the area to see where Keith might be.

"He's in class if you're looking for him. I'm not sure how long classes here are, but he's been gone around forty minutes or so." Apryl told him as she shifted into a more comfortable position that made her feel less vulnerable even though Chester didn't seem like he was much of a threat aside from a lack of manners. He made an undiscernible noise as he looked down at the watch that was on his wrist.

"I suppose I can wait here for the next half hour or so until he gets. I don't have anything going on right now." She was not at all thrilled to hear this, even less so when he decided to take the seat across from her at the table.

"Why don't you just leave a message with me and I can give it to him when he gets back. I'm waiting here for him to get back anyways." She offered hoping it would get him to leave. Instead he shook his head as he crossed his ankles over each other and got more comfortable in his seat.

"No, I want to talk to him myself, plus I don't trust a stranger I just met to relay a message." He replied, his straight forward honestly came across as rather rude to Apryl.

"Instead while we're both waiting for the same person, tell me about yourself."

"Doesn't someone usually introduce themselves first before they ask another person to do so?" Apryl retorted, she didn't really want to him anything nor did she feel like there was a need to.

"In some cases they do, but in this situation, you're the new person here who has unlike me not yet established any type of credibility with anyone that I could refer to. So in this case, you would introduce yourself to me regardless of if I introduce myself or not." She couldn't deny that his argument was reasonable, but it didn't increase her desire any to tell him about herself.

"Plus, as you mentioned, I am student body president. Being in such a position gives me a right to ask about students, new or not because it gives me a better idea of the body that I am representing."

"Is there really much power you have to do anything for those of us who are different? A majority of the body you represent is what we are supposed to assimilate into, with so few of us, I don't think that fits with a good reason as I doubt there's much you can do." Apryl as she rested her head back on her arms again, she hoped that Keith was going to be coming back sooner rather than later as she didn't want to talk to this rude person much longer than necessary.

"I can only assume that your assumption that there is such a small amount of us here comes from a lack of knowledge and facts rather than anything concrete." He replied, his tone holding a hint of annoyance because of how uncooperative Apryl was being in response to what he had felt was a simple question to answer.

"The numbers are actually getting bigger slowly but steadily. The count isn't yet over five percent, but with a little over ten thousand students coming to this campus, it means that out of every hundred students, at least five or six is similar to you. Of course this number isn't fully accurate as much of the work has to be done manually as it's important to not make it obvious with the other data being collected on students thus it is possible the numbers are slightly larger than that, but it's the general number." When Apryl lifted her head to look at him to see if he was being honest, Chester was focused on his phone and didn't look at her as he continued speaking.

"There's a lot I can't do out right, but if one knows how the system works, it's easy to circumvent it or use it to get certain things approved that seem inconspicuous but are beneficial to those that are different either way." When he had finished speaking this time, he did turn to look at her.

"Will you answer my question now? I don't really like having to put myself out and explain so much to people who are being obstinate for the sake of obstinance. However, since Keith has been working with you and it seems like you two are becoming friends, I made an exception this once." Apryl frowned when he said this. Just as she was thinking that he might not be so bad, he went and said something like that.

"Your lack of manners is rather off-putting to me wanting to tell you about myself. I generally prefer to talk with people who are of a more well-mannered nature rather than people who are pushy and demanding." she snipped back. He didn't seem fazed by her sharp response as he shrugged his shoulders.

"If you don't like how I am, that's not my problem. I interact with people how I feel comfortable and I don't owe it to anyone to change that behavior just because some people find it uncomfortable or rude."

"Then don't expect me to answer your question if that's how you're going to be." Apryl replied. She was getting ready to go back to ignoring Chester when another person cut.

"Well, it seems that I have come back at an interesting time." Keith commented as he saw the two sitting at the table. He hadn't heard much of what was said, but he could tell that they weren't getting along very well.