
Don't Do This

By the time that the weekend had ended and Monday had rolled around, Apryl somehow found herself having managed to get ahead on her homework despite all the distractions that had taken place. Keith and Callum had been a huge help in getting her to make her assignments for the week look good which meant she could start working towards her midterms which were both papers much to her dismay.

Even though she wasn't a huge fan of quizzes, she would've preferred such an exam to papers which would take her several hours more to work on than if she just had to memorize terms and study that way. She didn't know if she had the bandwidth to deal with that on top of trying to help get her family moved.

Oreo was also going with Jeff today to get things in order so that he could start his new job. The werewolf was understandably nervous about everything and his friend wasn't happy to be left alone, but it was all for a good reason that would help them out in the long run. Money would mean that they wouldn't have to rely on others to keep providing food for them. Oreo also had other reasons for wanting to save up as well but he would wait to discuss that with everyone at a different point in time if he could make it closer to it becoming a reality rather than a dream.

Apryl would've gone with Oreo if it wasn't for the fact that there were other matters that she needed to take care of. She still needed to keep up with her studies and her mother was starting to get more comfortable with the idea of moving since the weekend had passed by with few incidents. The sooner they could move the better it would be anyways with the shift in Brian's behavior.

He had practically been ignoring Apryl since what happened between them Saturday morning, but it wasn't the kind that came out of respectful feelings for the other person. It was kind of ignoring that made one feel as though something was being plotted behind their back and at any moment a bomb would be dropped.

Apryl tried not to think about it this way though since it felt like everything was starting to take a more positive turn for once. She didn't even bother bringing it up to Keith or Chester for that exact reason either. She didn't want them to be concerned about something that wouldn't matter for much longer once her mother agreed that it was safe to move the rest of the family.

That was until another incident occurred Monday evening when Lydia was out with the rest of the family and Brian had come home early and was working in the living room. Apryl had hardly come back from school and was getting to help get the food together when he stopped her by grabbing her arm not in a gentle manner.

"Are you actually planning on moving everyone out of here?" The unexpected question caused Apryl to give him a confused look as she tried to pull her arm away only to realize that his grip on it was too tight.

"I asked you a question." He replied in a low growl, what was he getting so aggressive about?

"Why are you asking that?" Apryl replied instead as jerked her arm out of his grip and turned to face him so that they were only standing a few inches apart. She had no intention of letting him think that he could get away with intimidating her.

"Just answer the question." Brian repeated as he took one step closer to her.

"Why don't you tell me first why you want to know and who brought that up to you and then maybe I'll consider replying." The female werewolf responded as she crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive manner. The hair on the back of her neck was standing on end, but she wasn't about to back down.

"Someone you don't know and I want to know because it is something that I have a right to know since they're staying at my house." Brian replied annoyance etched on his face as he gave her the vague answer in response to her question.

"I thought I told you before whatever I do with my family is none of your business. Yes we are guests here and I am mostly thankful for that, but beyond that, it isn't any of your business what my family does or doesn't do." Apryl turned to leave after saying this when what Brian said next caused her to stop again.

"You know that I can't let that happen if that's the case. Certainly fewer mouths to feed would be easier at this point in time, but I need your family for something much more important. For that reason, I cannot allow for them to leave here with you." Brian informed her an odd look on his face that didn't match his smile.

"Excuse me?" Apryl replied feeling her anger begin to rise.

"I don't think that you have any right to dictate whether or not my family can leave here and I don't know what you plan on using them for, but it's certainly not something that you have the right or control to." She growled back and she stepped back towards him, her anger rising.

"You really think that you can stop me? You aren't even here half the day to know what's going on." Brian let out a bark of laughter.

"Perhaps it was fortune that let things play out this way and caused all of this to drop things right into my hands when I needed it but either way- things are working out in my favor and I cannot have you ruining that." He told her as he fixed her with a leveled look.

"Don't you dare even think that you can get away with whatever you're planning." Apryl growled back in warning.

"Or what? You think that you really can stop me? I highly doubt that you have half the experience that I do to put up even a partial fight. Why don't you just step back and let things work out and nothing will happen to you or your mom anyways." he said as he pushed her back with his hand.

At that moment in time it became very hard for Apryl to stop herself from shifting and coming after the other werewolf who was threatening her family.