
Chapter Five

       I was thankful to have Anya's help in resurrecting the Silver Fang Pack. It would not be easy. Gathering them again only twenty remained of the 100 I had once governed. The 20 were the weak, the loyal and the fearful. The others took their chances elsewhere and given the pack's current condition it was an understandable decision. My first priority was to remove Natalia from her seat of power. They couldn't divorce but she could be stripped of her title and access. To do that I had to get Victor in sound mind again. I didn't have much time though. News of the coastal invasion was becoming more urgent, I had to send a squad to Hawk just in case.

                            It took me several days to get Victor to an alpha mentality. The remaining pack members all did their parts. They fixed the house and encouraged Victor through the rigorous training, even joining in to show their solidarity. It was heartwarming to watch and be a part of. Victor stripped Natalia of her power, giving her a modest budget to maintain herself while he kept the child as his heir. "He isn't mine but we've grown fond of each other." He looked at me with a bright smile, "Thank you Sera, for everything. The Silver Moon will follow you anywhere." Everyone cheered out my name.

                 This was the validation I had once craved so much, I could see a phantom image of my past fade away with a smile, as if to say everything is better. Though I did still have questions, as everyone mingled and celebrated the revival of the pack I pulled Victor to the side.

                              "You knew we weren't fated mates. Why did you seek me out?" It bugged me so much. I felt as if the answer would be that final puzzle to make me feel complete somehow.

                   Victor sighed softly. "You know Davion, correct?" I nodded and he held my hand tightly, "I didn't. He came to me when I was eighteen, I met my mate. She was a beautiful nomad. I felt the pull instantly but…he needed to hide you somewhere. He didn't explain who you were or why I had to take you but…when I refused he…" A single tear fell down his face. "He hurt her. Bad. So bad she took her life. I had no choice but to take you and I guess I resented you for it. I know I shouldn't have. You loved me without fail. I failed you by not telling you the truth. I don't know what's wrong with that guy but he is unstable, more than I was."

                            I clenched my jaw tightly. I wouldn't put it past Davion to go to extremes to accomplish his goal. He'd proven capable. I felt a pain in my chest as the sweet memories of our night played through my mind, the memories of tenderness he had shown were real. His feelings were real. I couldn't deny that but I also couldn't ignore he had issues. Dark, dark issues. Could I fix him? Was it worth trying? I didn't need a husband. I had a pack to love me, my father. I had grown use to life without a man. However I could feel it in our bond, maybe it wasn't I who needed him but he who needed me. If I could change him, control his darkness. I had to be a stronger me if I would take on such a task.

          I looked at victor with a weak smile, "thank you, I am truly sorry he did that. I wish I had known." Even if I had known there was nothing for me to do. I was young, my powers were dormant and I would have just gotten him killed. I wish I could have fixed it. My only penance was reviving his pack and though it was a short confidence booster I knew they took what they learned to heart and would turn it around completely in time.

        We set off back on target journeying through the same forest I had met Davion. It was nostalgic for me, cumbersome for the others as they forest had grown more wild and unruly. We camped out by the waterfall, it was calm and peaceful. A perfect place to ease my stirring thoughts. As I drifted off into the abyss of sleep I found myself walking through old memories again. Faded memories now more clear as I learned more about the past. The faces more familiar. It was nice to relive some memories, others not so much. All the ones full of hate and bitterness toward Victor had faded as I learned the truth. New memories and thoughts about who Davion was though came to focus. I could see his silhouette. Tall. Beautiful. But as I approached him it felt colder and colder until I couldn't move a single muscle. I tried to call out to him but the air was suffocating and heavy. It was crushing me. Still I tried to fight to reach out to him but I couldn't. When I gave in I could hear his bone chilling voice whisper "disappointing" before watching me with a sickening grin be consumed by the inky abyss.

        I woke up in a cold sweat. Trembling. He'd never shown me his darkness, I prayed it was a hyped up hallucination but I couldn't stop my pulsating chest. I took a swim in the water to clear my head. I let it wash away the heavy sweat and fearful thoughts. Tomorrow I would face him again, I couldn't jump to conclusions and I couldn't show my fear. I let out a heavy breath as I looked at my sleeping friends. "We got this, I promise." I laid back down, determined to remain calm.