
Rogue Demigod

Teenager Jackson Pierce lived a normal life, until he struggles with his new found powers, learning of who he is and what his parents are, and changing his life when he finds his answers, being guided by a voice in his head to follow his desires. Slowly he will control all his powers and focus them onto his final goal, making the most beautiful woman in the world become nothing more than a thing for his pleasure. Being able to make any woman lust after him, he holds abilities every man secretly wants, to have any woman whenever he wants.

Joyed4795 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Work. Chapter 3

I got on my bike and rode all the way to work, almost 5 miles away, as soon as I walked in I was berated by my manager. " Who the hell do you think you are, 2hrs late and you're not even in uniform, you're working in the back today, I can't have you scaring customers with your stench, tell Lisa that you're working with her today."

I walked to the back door and entered the stock room, I walked over to Lisa, a sixteen, almost seventeen-year old Junior, we go to the same school and we're really good friends, I told her we should both interview at the same job, we both got hired and have been working here ever since. Both happy workers at San Diego's 'finest' bike shop. As I walked up to her she turned and immediately started making fun,

" Looks like your day has been hell, and its not even noon yet, how the hell did you get into trouble so early."

"Haha very funny, Dillon wants me to work back here with you today" As the words came out my mouth I nearly passed out from exhaustion. " Are you ok, you look awful, you should sit down." I nearly puked out my breakfast, I sat down on the work stool as my vision became hazy. "You jackass, you just got here and you look like were gonna have to cart you out in a body bag."

Even though I usually had my mom drop me off, I rode my bike sometimes, I was never this tired. "Wh..aa...t th...e heeeell-" Is the last thing I muttered before I passed out.


I woke up half an hour later, Lisa was standing over me, I could see her eyes were red from worry crying. "oh.. stop whining I'm not dead yet..", her face turned from joy to irritation in a matter of seconds, " What the hall was that about, you can't just pass out on me like that, you know I crack under pressure, whats going on with you?"

I tried get up and felt an immediate hit of pain, " What's wrong with me?", I turned over and puked under the work bench. " Slow down, you hit your head on the table when you fell." I felt my head, there was a small cut on the left side of my head, not much bigger than an inch.

I stood up, with less pain, Lisa helped me onto the table, she was quite strong despite her looks, her long blonde hair in pony tails hanging past her elbows, her tanned skin soft and smooth, her blue eyes hiding behind her glasses. Why hadn't I really looked at her before, either I was delirious or a familiar scent started to eminate from me, I tried to hold back, it kinda worked, the smell grew faint but lingered in the air.

I watched as she slowly started to be effected by the scent, her legs began to shake, beads of sweat forming on her face. As I started to feel better she began to feel worse. I had seen these side effects twice now, I leaned in and held her shoulders, she was shaking awfully. I turned us around until she had her back to the table, I pushed her back onto the table. Every motion felt like I wasn't in control, my movements were so swift, I moved by impulse. I ran over and locked the back and front door. I quickly returned to the table and finneshed laying her down, her legs dangled from the edge, I grabbed one with each hand and raised it infront of me, I looked in-between her thighs and saw the wet stain across her intimate area. Her face was a mixture of resistance and longing, I undid her belt and slid her pants up revealing her sky blue lace panties.

She tried to cover them up with her hands, it was oddly enticing how she tried to resist. I easily moved them aside, she made no move to stop me. Even within such a short amount of time, her panties were drenched. It was scary how strong and quickly it worked its way through them.

I removed her shirt and exposed her firm B-cups pushed up by her navy blue bra, I undid the clasps and let it fall to her sides, her brown areola blended well with her tan skin.

"Do you sunbathe naked?" she had no tan lines around her breasts, "What do you think I do all weekend?", she panted heavily through her words. I set my hands ontop and started massaging them, they were plump and soft, she moaned as I touched her. I leaned in and stuck my mouth on her left nipple. " Ahuhhh", she howled as I lightly nibbled her breast like a hungry child on there mother. I rubbed her tits tenderly, pinching and caressing her right nipple with my thumb while suckling hard on her left.

I removed my left hand from her boob and slid it along her abdomen, down until I cupped her pussy over her panties and kneaded her with my index and middle finger. My sudden switch surprised her, "where... did..you learn thaaahht.??", I didn't know whether it was instincts, my lack of total control over myself, or uncontrollable lust, but I knew it was guiding me in the right direction.

I was so aroused, my cock was aching to get out, I could feel Lisa's orgasm coming, I let go of her boobs and pussy. I pulled down her panties and feast my eyes on her vagina, she had a wild bush, it went around the sides of her pussy lips, and down to her ass. Her love juices painted her sex, I lightly fingered her clit, I stuck my head between her legs and smelled her aroused intimate area.

Then I dove in, I had never had sex before, but I acted like a pro as I sucked and licked her cunt of all it was giving me, I stuck my tongue in as far as it could go and hungrily swallowed her fluids, I pulled back then stuck in my middle and ring finger at the same time. I pushed the tips upward as I licked her clit and used my right hand to push down ontop of her bush. "Hollyy shiiit!!!", at that same moment she climaxed, her love juices spraying into my face.

"Oh, we are not done yet!"