
Rogue - HOAS

COMPLETED [3/11/21] Leo Perish had always been apart of the repetitive military life style. Both of his parents legends in the US Army. They had planned the same life for him. But was this something he wanted? Or did he want something fun? Riley Earningst had grown up in what may see as a wealthy home. Her parents were both millionaires but lacked in the parent field. She wanted to get away, experience adventure. The Army was that out. Rogue: Book 2. Coordinating book: Hell of a Solider Stand Alone book.

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23 Chs

Ch. 20 | Goodbyes


"I can do this." I took a deep breath and looked up at the Red Cross infront of me.

I had thought about everything my dad said. He was right. I was working my men to the ground.

I was angry. Sad. Hurt. I shouldn't be taking it out on my men though.

I had thought seeing Riley would make me feel better but I couldn't even walk through the front doors.

I haven't seen her in almost 2 months. I missed her beautiful brown eyes. The natural blush on her cheeks and how perfect her smile was.

But it was just too hard seeing her like this. So fragile and so vulnerable. I clenched my fist at the thought.

I just wanted my girl to be awake and healthy again.

The attack in Hawaii would make sure that never happened though. After the bombs start dropping, the airport was one of the first buildings to go down.

The pillars could sustain the vibrations from the bombs and gave in quickly. The ceiling fell and the whole place caught on fire pretty quickly.

Riley was against one the pillars. It ended up toppling over and crushing her. She ended up having to have one of the biggest transplant surgeries in the country.

She has been in a coma since, and god we all prayed she would wake up. The doctors told us to say our goodbyes weeks ago.

That it was highly unlikely she'd wake up. But everyone on base had disagreed. Of course, it wasn't up to us.

Thankfully though, her shitty parents didn't answer a single phone call. So we had no option but to keep her alive.

Amanda and I cried together that day. Mainly sadness but happy she wouldn't be leaving us that soon.

"Excuse me sir, are you going in?" An older gentleman asked from my left and I looked down at him.

He was holding a bouquet of flowers and dressed in a suit.

"I'm not sure yet." I chuckled and looked back at the hospital doors.

"Me either." He shrugged and looked at the doors with me.

We stood there silently for a while. It would've been peaceful if my anxiety was shredding my stomach.

"I have to go in. My hus- wife is waiting for me." The older man patted me on the bag and headed towards the hospital.

"Take care," I called with a smile.

I guess it was about time I headed in as well. It was getting late and visitor hours ended soon.

I sighed and headed towards the hospital.

The sign in progress didn't take long and in a few short minutes I was at the end up Riley's bed.

"Fuck," I whispered as I looked her over.

She looked so pale. I hated it. She belonged in the sun.

"I'm so sorry Riley," I said as I sat next to her, taking her cold hand in mine.

"I shouldn't have left you. I should've stayed or made you let me give you that piggy back ride." I heard my voice crack, was I really about to cry?

That wasn't manly.

"Fuck I'm so sorry." I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it. It was freezing.

"I wanted everything with you. A big ole family. Couple of kids. I definitely want a boy. Raise him the way I was. We could get a dog and a fish." I laughed. She hated slimy things.

"Okay so maybe the fish is off the table. But we'll have to see about it." I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

"You don't have to keep fighting, Ry. It's okay to let go. We'll be okay." I spoke softly, brushing loose hair out of her face.

I prayed she never gave up. But it was unfair to ask her to suffer more.

"If you get a fish," Riley croaked,"I swear to god I'll break up with you." She coughed and I looked up to see her beautiful brown eyes once more.

"Riley," I cupped her face, not believing what I was seeing.

"Hey," She smiled and put her hand on mine.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked and scooted closer.

"Woke up before you came in," She coughed a second time and I grabbed her a cup of water, putting the straw to her lips.

She took a few sips before pushing it away.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered and kissed her forehead. This girl was a miracle.

Medically and for me personally.

"Me too," she chuckled. I had forgotten how much I loved that sound.

"Riley?" I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Yes?" She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Please never leave me." I felt tears fall.

"Never again." She kissed my head and everything finally felt okay.