
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
102 Chs

Recovery part 2

Tiny restless eye movements and little whimpering sounds came out of Rogue's mouth as she kept having a nightmare trapped in her mind, she was terrified. Ji took a seat in the edge of the bed and again lightly clasped her small hand in his and she slowly calmed down and drifted into a quiet sleep. Dr.Holiday had woken up from her light slumber and opened her eyes to see how gently Ji was trying to comfort Rogue, he is such a good boy, she thought as she smiles. All of a sudden Rogue starts to get upset again and Ji slightly frowns. He remembers that whenever he and his sister were sick their mother would sing a lullaby to them and it would calm them down. He hesitates for a minute then to Kyung's surprise he starts singing a gentle and sweet lullaby, his voice deep and soothing makes Rogue tense for a few seconds then she immediately starts to calm down again. Kyung is astonished she never knew that Ji could sing and do it good enough that he could be a professional, she just sits motionless in her seat and enjoys the show. When Ji is almost done singing Ron walks into the room and just stands there stupidly staring at Ji who is just sitting with his eyes closed holding Rogue's hand as he sweetly sings. Ron is about to say something when he notices Dr.Holiday hushing motion and he just nods and listens to the impromptu concert as Ji sings several songs for Rogue.

Ji finally finishes singing and sees Ron and Dr.Holiday looking at them, he blushes and stutters, "She was distressed and I remember my mother singing to us when we were sick to calm us down, I thought it would work and it did. Sorry to make you listen to my bad singing." "Ji, your voice is amazing!" Ron blurts out, he can't believe Ji never told him he could sing like an idol. How come he sang for Rogue and not him? Hmm...and he says I'm his Princess, wait a minute why am I calling myself Ji's Princess!!! Ron face is screwed up into a funny scowling puffy cheeked face as he glares at Ji. "You have a beautiful voice Ji, thank you for singing for her." Dr.Holiday happily thanks Ji, which makes him more flustered, "it was nothing Dr.Holiday, if you want I can record a few songs and you can play them for her whenever she is fretting." Ron gapes open mouthed, he is going to record songs for Rogue and not me? I thought I was his best friend, he should have dibs in anything related to Ji and he just got kicked to the curb over an unconscious teenage girl? So sad...but I can always make a copy of the recording for myself, hehehehe. Wait a minute why am I jealous of this poor little thing, Ji is mine. Ron mumbles to himself, thank goodness no one heard him or they would think he was nuts.

Dr.Holiday agrees with Ji and before she can say anything else Perry walks into the room pushing a trolley full of covered dishes. Ron squeals like a little girl and walks over to him, "Mr.Perry which one is mine, I'm starving here!" Kyung laughs, this man will never change, when it comes to tasty food he will literally fight someone for it. She remembers when she was teaching them at university and she was always surprised that such a skinny delicate looking young man could eat as much as he does, I mean were does it all fit? "Perry, please feed Ron before he starts passing out from hunger. Ji you better hurry and grab your food or Ron will "accidentally" eat it too."