
Chapter 22 Fair

"I enjoyed having you all in my class this year," Miss Blackman said to her class. "You're all more than willing to come to my wedding at the end of the summer. I'll just need an RSVP by the end of the day. Which is two minutes."

Damian and Lindsey were sitting in the back of their art classroom getting ready to leave the school for summer vacation. To celebrate the last year of school Lindsey, Damian, and their - mostly Lindsey's - friends had plans to all go do something tonight. They just didn't know what to do yet.

"What's that new movie that came out recently? We could go see that," Damian suggested.

"Noah, Kelsey, and Abigail already saw it," Lindsey said. "They said it was terrible."

Damian ran a hand through his hair. While he didn't care about the group wanted to do, he wanted to spend more time with Lindsey. Especially since in the next few months, they won't have school to be able to spend time together.

"Okay, no movie. What about the mall, there's shopping and an arcade and food," Damian suggested.

"Juliet and Ryeanne don't need to do any more shopping," Lindsey said. "Besides you hate the mall."

The bell rang and the other students ran out. Damian stood up taking Lindsey's hand as they walked to the front of the school to meet up with the others.

"So what are we going to do? Spend the entire afternoon and evening at the diner? That's no fun," Damian said.

"The other might have come up with something," Lindsey said as the couple walked through the front doors of the school.

"There you guys are!" Giovanni shouted, waving at them. "We got the perfect thing to do tonight!"

"The fair's opening night is tonight," Abigail said as they caught up with the group. "Opens at five."

"Yeah and until then we can go to the mall," Ryeanne said. Damian's face twitched into a sneer. "Or we could go get some food."

"And get some money from the bank," Logan said. "I didn't have enough cash for a fair."

"I can lend you some," Damian said.

"Naw, it's fine," Logan said. "I can pay for myself. That's why I got that part-time job."

"You don't need to use your money for us," Ryeanne said. "Most of us have our own trust funds. Maybe not as big as yours, but we still got one."

"I'm just saying that I don't mind helping you guys if you're having trouble," Damian shrugged.

"We don't need your money Damian," Juliet said sweetly.

"How much money do you carry with you at one time?" Abigail asked. "If you're willing to help, how much cash to you have on you?"

"Is two thousand too much?" Damian asked completely stone-faced.

We all looked at him in shock. All of them were thinking the same thing, Why would Damian carry that much money? Why would anyone need that much cash on them at one point in time?

"Damian-?" Lindsey started.

"That's a joke," Damian said quickly. "I have a feeling that you guys can't tell when I'm joking."

"Have you tried joking before?" Noah asked with wide eyes.

Damian gave him a killer glare causing him to shrink behind Ryeanne. The others looked away from him not wanting to catch his eye.

"Babe, you have been trying to joke haven't you?" Lindsey asked. Damian didn't say anything. But what he didn't say could be understood. He had tried joking before, but they haven't noticed.

"Sorry, man," Noah said. "I didn't realize."

"Who's driving?" Damian asked, changing the subject.

"We should split up between who needs to go to the bank and who just wants food," Juliet said. "I'm going to the bank."

"I'm getting food," Giovanni said. "Who else is coming?"

Juliet ended up taking Logan, Noah, and Abigail to the bank. Giovanni drove Ryeanne, Kelsey, and Blaine to the diner they always went to, while Lindsey rode on the back of Damian's bike as they followed Giovanni's car.

"Riding the motorcycle looks like fun," Blaine said once they arrived.

"It is fun," Lindsey said as she took off her helmet that Damian got for her after she found out that he was Robin. "When I first rode it, I was unsure. But now it's my favorite thing to do with him."

"And it helps that there's some eye candy every time you get off," Kelsey said staring at Damian as he got off and took his helmet off. He looked more like a model than a socialite.

"You have no idea what I would do to look like that," Giovanni said sadly.

"I would hope diet and exercise," Ryeanne said. "That's what he does."

"I'm a vegetarian, Giovanni," Damian said. "I also work out in the gym for at least an hour a day. Think you can do that?"

"Not at all," Giovanni said. "Forget it, I don't need to be in shape."

They entered into the diner automatically going to the corner booth, which could fit everyone in their group if they squished together.

"Should we wait for the others before we order?" Ryeanne asked.

"It's only polite," Blaine said.

"We don't have long, they just pulled up," Damian said as he looked out the window.

The others ran inside I squeezed into the booth and looked over the menu.


The group spent the next few hours at their usual diner. They all changed out of their school uniforms in coordinated trips to the bathroom. Once five o'clock rolled around, they all started traveling to the fair.

Once at the fair grounds, they saw how packed it was.

"Wow there's a lot of people here," Abigail spoke up as they were in line to enter.

"Yeah, that usually happens on opening night of something," Logan said.

"I want to win a prize," Blaine said. "I've never been able to win one before."

"I want to go on all the rides," Logan said.

"I want to go to the circus," Kelsey said.

"Circus?" Damian asked.

"Yeah, Haley's Circus always comes to town with the fair. It's my favorite part of the fair," Kelsey said.

Damian looked a uncomfortable at the mention of the circus.

"What's wrong with the circus, Damian?" Ryeanne asked.

"It's nothing," Damian said as they made their way into the grounds. "Can't wait to see the show."

Damian had a far away look in his eye and Blaine and Ryeanne ran towards a game booth. Damian and Lindsey walked further behind the group as they made their way to the booth.

"What's the reason you don't like the circus. Don't try to deny it. Tell me, Damian," Lindsey whispered.

"Everything bad that happens starts at a circus, especially Haley's Circus," Damian said. "He's a nice man, but his circus just has some bad luck here in Gotham."

"Wait you've met Mr. Haley?" Lindsey asked.

"Dick was part of his circus before his parents died. I've been to his circus so many times when things have gone wrong," Damian said. "So whenever I think of circuses, I don't feel happy like Kelsey or the others. I just feel like Robin and Batman are going to have to save the day."

"Nothing is going to happen tonight. Let's just enjoy no more school with my friends," Lindsey said.


"Is there anything that you guys absolutely have to do tonight?" Logan asked.

"I want a churro," Lindsey said. "Anything else you guys want to do, I'll do as well."

"That's all you want?" Abigail asked. "I thought you would like to go on the Ferris Wheel."

"Why?" Lindsey asked.

"Couples make out on the top," Noah said. "We would have thought that you two would want to have a little fun together."

"Our relationship has little to do with the physical," Damian said. "I would have thought you would know that by now."

"You guys haven't had sex yet?" Ryeanne asked as she clutched a panda bear stuffed animal.


"That's private!"

"No we haven't. Now let's go on a ride," Lindsey said quickly.

"Tilt-A-Whirl!" Juliet shouted as she ran to the ride after grabbing Logan and Abigail's hands. The rest followed with a laugh.


It was dark and the group of friends had gotten an armful of prizes - that Giovanni was carrying, greasy and unhealthy fair food - that Damian looked at disgusted, and went on every ride - including the Ferris Wheel.

Lindsey was looking around the booths to see what else they could do. She was on her fifth churro of the night when she saw a prize in on of the game booths. She stopped in her tracks and stared.

"Lindsey, come on. We should get in line for the circus," Kelsey said.

"You wanna play the game, Lindsey?" Logan asked seeing the booth.

"Why do you want a Batman plushie?" Abigail asked.

"I want the Robin one, come on," Lindsey said rushing over.

The game looked simple enough. There was a fake gun with BB pellets and tiny balloons blown up hanging on the wall six feet away.

"Hello, little lady. Want to play?" the man in the booth asked as she got close enough.

"How many to win the Robin plush?" Lindsey asked.

"Pop five balloons and it's all yours beautiful," the booth man said. "Ten dollars for ten bullets."

"Let's do it," Lindsey said handing him the money.

"Go Lindsey!" Noah shouted.

"You got this girl!" Ryeanne shouted.

"Go, Lindsey. Go, Lindsey. Go-go-go Lindsey!" Abigail and Blaine sung in unison.

"Can I concentrate please?" Lindsey asked.

"She's so concentrated," Giovanni whispered to Damian. "You must think she's so cute."


"I know you don't talk about your feelings with anyone but Lindsey," Giovanni continued. "But we're friends now. You can talk to me, too now."

"You actually want to be friends?" Damian asked. "I just thought you all tolerated me."

Giovanni shrugged. "At first that was true. But now, I know you're just misunderstood. And I can see that you just want to be good. For her."

Lindsey looked at the balloons sadly. She had only popped three.

"Try again little lady?" the man asked.

"No. It's okay, I don't need it," Lindsey sighed.

"Come on, Lindsey, just try one more time," Logan said.

"It's fine. It's obvious I'm not going to win," Lindsey shrugged.

"I'll try," Damian stepped forward.

"It's okay, Damian," Lindsey said. "You don't have to."

"I want to. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn't get the prize my girlfriend wants," Damian said, slapping the money on the counter. He leaned over to Lindsey and whispered in her ear, "Besides it's a plush of me, why wouldn't I want you to have one."

"That's the spirit," the man said cheerfully. "Ten dollars, ten bullets. Good luck, man."

Damian picked up the gun and tossed it a bit. "It's nothing like the other guns I've held."

"You've held guns before Damian?" Kelsey asked.

"You don't know my life before I started at school," Damian said before taking aim.

Everyone's mouth dropped as he shot ten balloons in order. Lindsey smiled as Damian set down the gun. The man smiled in disbelief. He reached for the bigger Robin plushie and handed it to Damian who automatically handed it to Lindsey.

Lindsey grinned up at Damian. The group walked away from the booth in disbelief.

"Damian, how could you possibly be that good at shooting?" Logan asked.

"My grandfather taught me," Damian said shortly.

"And you're that amazing? That's incredible, Damian," Blaine said in awe.

"Let's go to the circus now!" Kelsey said. "The next show is starting in ten minutes."

Once inside the circus tent, they went to find some seats. They ended up in three rows, based on how excited they were. Damian and Lindsey sat in the very back of the group.

"Can you at least look a bit excited?" Lindsey asked Damian.

"I'm worried something will happen," Damian said. "I'm keeping my eyes open for anything that might be a sign of trouble. I want to be ready in case I need to jump into action."

"Nothing is going to happen, Damian," Lindsey said. "Just enjoy the show."

The lights dimmed and a spotlight appeared in the ring. The show began with Haley, a plump old man, welcoming the audience.


The show ended and Lindsey and her friends exited the tent.

"That was so much fun!" Noah shouted.

"Those acrobats are amazing!" Blaine said her eyes glazed over.

"I liked the dancing animals," Abigail said.

"The clowns were funny," Ryeanne said.

"Hey, guys. Where's Damian?" Logan asked suddenly.

They all looked around, not seeing the handsome boy. Confusion ran through Lindsey. Was he still looking for clues in case something was about to happen? He wouldn't leave Lindsey if he thought she was in danger, but she still worries about him.

"Maybe he's still inside," Lindsey said turning back to the tent. "I'll go look."

"I'll go with you," Ryeanne said, following Lindsey.

They went inside only to see Damian standing in the center of the ring, with Haley.

"Damian," Lindsey called out, running to the ring.

"Who's this, Damian?" Haley asked. "Friend of yours?"

"This is Lindsey Vindai, my girlfriend," Damian said. "And that's her friend, Ryeanne."

"It's nice to meet some of Damian's friends," Haley said. "I'm Haley, the owner and ringleader of this circus."

"It was a wonderful show, Mr. Haley," Ryeanne said.

"Thank you," Haley said. "I was just talking to Damian about the show. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"We should go. The others are probably wondering where we are," Ryeanne said.

"Yeah, come on, Damian," Lindsey said.

"It was nice talking to you, Haley," Damian said. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Of course, Damian. I'll see you around. It was nice to meet you ladies," Haley said.

"You too," Lindsey said as they left. Once outside the group let out a collective sigh of relief.

Once they were close enough, Kelsey asked, "What were doing in there, Damian?"

"Talking to Haley. He's a friend of Dick. I thought I would tell him that you all enjoyed the show," Damian said.

"That's so cool!" Blaine said.

"Yeah," Logan said. "Is there something else anyone wants to do? Another ride? More food?"

"I want to go on the Ferris Wheel again," Juliet said.

"It's getting pretty late," Giovanni said. "It should be the last thing we do before heading home."

"Yeah, it is," Lindsey said. "So the Ferris Wheel once more then heading home."

Everyone agreed and made their way to the Ferris Wheel. They got in the back of the line when an explosion went off. Screams sounded from all directions as people either stood frozen in fear or ran away from the explosion.

The PA system crackled to life and what Lindsey heard, chilled her to the bone.

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

Are you ready?

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