
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivados de obras
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44 Chs

Loneliness sharpens the blade


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Halloween the season of celebrating people long past. Or a reason to get sugar into your system without any shame. But for the Wizarding world this day hold another meaning. It was the day the Dark Lord Voldemort was stopped on his way to conquering Magical Britain. Small skirmishes still occured after his disappearance. However the Ministry rounded up all the death eaters they could. Some of them locked down in Azkaban. Others bribed their way out. Robert saw Harry sitting quietly during breakfast. He walked up to him and offered his help if the boy wanted somebody to talk to. The emerald eyes flowing with gratitude told him everything he needed to know.

The lessons quickly went by and finally it was time for the feast to start. The Great Hall was covered in Halloween decorations. The typical floating candles were changed into jack-o-lanterns. Webs and spiders could be seen hanging on the walls. Bats flying near the ceiling. The tables were almost buckling down from the amount of food and beverages.

Robert was checking his phone when suddenly professor Quirrell ran into the hall.

"Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know." And he passed out.

The hall was filled with frightened cries. The headmaster took control of the crowd by stating a few orders. During this Robert saw Harry and Ron slipping away. So he excused himself by saying he'll monitor the part of the castle where he knew Hermione is.

Running towards the girls bathroom he heard shouts. An obnoxious smell reached his nose. He knew the troll was already there. Reaching the lavatory he saw Harry trying to jump on the binded by rope troll. He reached for his wand and got ready to cast.

"Enough. Children get of there." Robert shouted. Harry stopped what he was doing and grabbed Hermione and started to flee. Ron who was nearby distracting the fiend also began his escape. The troll ripped his bindings and headed towards the new loud person, breaking some toilets on the way.

"Expelliarmus!" A red shot of light hit the troll but it only angered the troll more.

"If that doesn't work than how about this. Diffindo!" The spell hit the club cutting it in half. The troll stopped for a moment looking confused.

"Levioso, Accio, Depulso!" The cut off club after speeding towards Robert suddenly found itself going in the opposite direction, towards the troll hitting it in the head. But that still wasn't enough as the troll was only dazed by it.

'Did that dipshit give this one steroids? How the bloody hell were the kids supposed to deal with the troll if I didn't come here?' He thought while the children in question were already hiding behind him.

"Since there is no choice how about I end it with a bang." Robert started chanting his spell and the troll brushed off its confused state. It started roaring and began running towards Robert.

"Art of destruction numer one, Thrust!" The ball hit the troll on its chest. The trolls magical resistance failed to stop the spell and it tore through its body fizzling out on the wall behind it. The troll cried for one last time before falling. After the loud thud silence enveloped the bathroom. A couple of heighten breaths could be heard from the children. Who were still shocked by what they just witnessed.

"Cool." Ron said breaking the silence of the room. Robert went towards the body and used a nearby broom stick to check if the troll was still alive after taking a shot to the heart. 'Yeah. And the professors are too late.' He inwardly chuckled.

Seeing that the danger was over Robert walked towards the kids to check if they're alright. Seeing the boys mostly unscathed he turned to Hermione. She was visible shaken by the near death experience. So he kneeled next to her and gave her a hug. After this the gates opened and she began to cry.

"Now, now. It's going to be alright from here on out. Are you hurt?" She denied. Although there will be bruises the next day.

Footsteps were closing in on their position. The headmaster with professor Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick and lastly Quirrell arrived before them.

"Robert, what happened here?" Flitwick asked with concern.

"Nothing much. Saved a bunch of kids too brave for their own good and slayed a troll. An honest day of work if I could say so myself." Robert said jokingly while Quirrell almost fainted from seeing the dead troll.

"However before I make my report I think it would be a good idea to take the kids to the infirmary so Madam Pomfrey can check them for hidden injuries."

"That would be prudent, Mr. Crow." The headmaster said. Robert took Hermione into his arms, princess carrying her, while the boys followed behind him like little ducklings.

Madam Pomfrey casted diagnostic spells on the trio. Not finding any fractures or hidden bleeding. The healer still decided to make the children stay the night in the infirmary after giving them some calming draughts. She also prescribed some ointment for their bruising. They should disappear after a couple of hours. While the trio was being examined, Robert was reporting back to the professors what happened.

"And that's what occured in a nutshell." Robert finished his story. Grim expressions were on the professors faces. It was too close for comfort. First the incident with the twins and now this. Almost three people died today. Four if they counted Robert into the tally. However, the young man standing before them rose to the challenge and won in the end.

"You should have called us for help Robert. And not try to play the hero." Mrs. McGonagall said with a trembling voice. After the few months of working together she thought fondly of the boy. He might not be exceptionally gifted in her subject, but he was a hardworking man, lending his help when needed without any objections. 'He was able to curb the twins a little bit and that's an achievement worthy of a special service award.' She thought with a smile barely showing up on her face.

"It was dunderheaded of you Mr. Crow." Although Snape sneered Robert was able to see concerned behind it. After spending time with the professor helping him with miscellaneous things Robert started to pick up on his cues.

"Are you truly fine after exerting yourself with that spell? I can't imagine it having no effect on your wellbeing. After all it practically killed a spell resistant creature in one shot." Flitwick asked with underlying curiosity towards the new piece of magic. It seems Robert will have to find time in the future for this prone to over the top excitement professor.

"I'll be fine after a good night's sleep. I'm not suffering from magical exhaustion. There was no other choice professor. I had no time to waste." Robert said.

"We'll discuss more tomorrow about what happened and what the consequences will be." Dumbledore said after coming back from deep thought.

The headmaster left after speaking with the children and learning their side of the story. The teachers also headed back to their respected houses to calm down and inform the students that the danger has passed. Robert stayed in the infirmary keeping the young ones company until they finally fell asleep.

Saying his goodbyes to the matron he went to his room to get rid of the blood and stench of the troll. With only a couple of hours of sleep before him he went straight to bed. After a couple of minutes Robert curled into a ball and started trembling and hyperventilating. Zephyr awakened by his master's distress flew towards the bed and nudged him. Robert reached towards the owl and hugged it. Keeping it close to his chest. The closeness of his feathery friend and its soothing growls calmed him down and he finally succumbed to the darkness of night.