
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasía
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217 Chs

The Calm before the Storm

The following few days, I stayed in bed all day. Chopper stayed with me in our room and upon my inquiries, told me what had happened after I passed out.

"Nothing much. I carried you and that old fart home when things cooled down", even though he knew I was asking about Wolfe, he seemed to avoid his mention purposefully.

"Do you think you did the right thing?"

"I...I think I did. I mean, there wasn't anything else to be done, was there? Because you know...well, how should I put this?...its that he-"

"Seraph, did you notice that man had a single arrow on him?"


"You didn't see a quiver on him, did you? You know why that is?"


"Because that's all they need. One arrow. They were called the Beast faction of the Ildian mercs during the war. I don't blame you if you haven't heard of them though. It was over ten years ago after all. They were the King's royal guard. When things felt most dire for Ildia, they were the ones hired to protect the monarch. They possess hyper sensitive magical elements. And because of their heightened animal senses, they were the lords of the forest. The King needed someone unbeatable like them to protect himself. He took 12 of their leaders and granted them knighthood. But there was a mutiny, the king fell and they were evicted. Of course, they didn't leave the forest. The new monarch, the late King's brother, found 12 knights in similar fashion to his predecessor. He was killed and the Beasts were hunted. They've been fighting since then. They've never lost a fight nor a companion...well, except one", he mumbled the last words and I was only barely able to make them out. But he paused for the passing thought and then looked me straight in the eye.

"As for you, Seraph, you took on an enemy without any knowledge whatsoever. I call that utterly foolish. Perhaps you should learn to use a weapon."

I think talking about the Beasts made him somehow...exhausted. He soon left the room. I wanted to ask him about that strange looking blade he was holding and about Emir and his cart. But for now, it seemed that was enough.

Chopper didn't come back to sleep that night. I woke up at an oddly dark hour to notice his bed was still undisturbed. I had missed dinner because I fell asleep early but I didn't feel hungry so I went back to sleep.

Eso would bring my food and Chopper was nice enough to join me so as not to make me feel lonely (that's what I like to imagine anyway). Next morning, after breakfast, I tried to get up and get some exercise. I had been wishing the pain would fade away even if the wounds were still fragile. Soon enough, it really was gone. Chopper didn't like the idea of me walking around, partially because he didn't want to help me every time I stumbled and also because he'd rather, I don't open up my wounds so we can leave soon. He said I should leave all the work to him (what work?).

I was glad he managed to retrieve grandfather's short sword I had with me. I noticed it replaced where it was supposed to be. I worked on my recovery most of the day and then went to bed soon after dinner.

One thing I noticed was that Eso wasn't a clumsy childish girl around Chopper anymore. He didn't seemed particularly annoyed anymore either. I wanted to think that was a good thing but Chopper never slept in his own bed anymore. I didn't like the idea but I never mentioned it anyway.

It took a week for me to get in a state where I could walk and move without trouble. I think I could run a little if I wanted to. One night, Chopper came around.

"Seraph, we are heading down to the valley tomorrow", it was a declaration and so I shook my head in agreement.

From the valley he meant the barracks or perhaps even further down towards the border. I was thinking that things might heat up. I am realistic enough to know when I am incapable of doing anything. I wasn't good enough to fight worth anything really. I don't know what Chopper had been thinking but if he wanted me to come along, I couldn't say no anyway.

"Chopper-san", I stopped him before he could leave, "About you and Eso-"

"What about it?"

"Well...it's not right. Don't you think?", I'm not sure why I actually brought it up.

"What, Seraph? You got a little crush here? I can't help it if you can't woo a woman, can I? Besides she's a consenting adult, what's not right?"

"Chopper-san! You know it's not right, don't you?"

"Seraph", he was annoyed, "Does it matter?"

I realized that Chopper had some other motives where Eso was concerned. Actually now that I think about it, he seemed to have a motive behind everything. He never once did anything irrational or useless. I don't know how any one can be that steadfast but he managed it gracefully and perhaps even without breaking a sweat. I admire him a lot because of that. Perhaps because I get distracted so easily and don't always know what I should do.

The days of calm were over for me once more. Next day, we went down the valley. Chopper insisted we do so as quickly as possible. We woke up quite early and prepared to leave.

If for nothing else, I'm grateful I talked to grandfather over breakfast.