
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasía
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217 Chs

Onwards to the Past Again

"You shouldn't be sitting up, boy", I heard the distant voice of Sight as I began to regain my senses.

"Oh, no I'm fine. Please don't worry about me", Felix replied in the distance too.

"Is that right? But I'm not worried or anything. I know you are more than fine".


"That was a nice spell, huh? Sure did reinforce that weak barrier real good, huh?!", Sight sounded like he was in a really good mood, though I didn't have enough capacity to comprehend his words.

There was no exchange between the two after that. I wonder if I'd simply been unable to hear it but I gave up on trying to get up. I rested my head back on a hard pillow, perhaps a stone.

And I was already halfway to the land of dreams before Sight decided to grab me and set me straight. My eyes sprang open with terror, knowing no sleep nor dreams.

"Ah! You are up, boy!", I was in fact mid air like a cat holds its kitten in its mouth.

I tried to look his way but he had already decided my legs were strong enough to carry my weight now. He set me down and I stayed frozen in place, expecting perhaps some other sort of violence.

"Look at you, skinny boy! You've got ugly written all over your face", Sight was rather vocal all of a sudden.

I didn't find it in me to reply to him yet, so I just looked at him with a concerned, annoyed look.

"Seraph!", Felix exclaimed joyfully, "You are okay, huh?"

"F-Felix...your arm..."

He was missing an arm and he was covered in bandages all over. I could see he had suffered several burns on his face as well. I really started to feel regretful, knowing it was me he had been trying to protect.

"Don't worry!", Felix still managed to be cheerful somehow, "I'll be alright. More importantly, your horse..."

"Eh? Where's he?! Where's Nasty?!"

"Nasty...? Well, he ran off. He just...disappeared. We haven't seen him since".

"Ah, so he's alive, right?"

Felix nodded and I sighed with relief. That crazy horse will be back, I could just feel it.

"Sight, where's Deli?", I turned to him once again.

"Boy, what a day!", Sight ignored me, bringing out baguette, or should I call it never-ending baguette.


He had begun chomping it down.

"Sight, listen to-"

"Boy!!!", he silenced me, "Deli lost".


"You can't help her anymore. She lost the battle. She did everything she could, but she lost".

"Don't tell me..."

"You need to understand. You can't reach her anymore".

"What are you saying?", my legs gave out and I came to the ground, "What am I supposed to tell Lady? Sight...how could she be gone...?"

"Boy!!!", he sure was exploding a lot today, "She isn't dead, stop mourning her!"

I looked up at him immediately.

"She was taken captive. Of course they wouldn't kill someone as important as her just like that. But the place she's in...she's about as good as dead, so you should really give up. She never did get to see her kids".

"Don't be kidding me! I'm going after her at all costs. There's no way I'll give up after coming this far".

"Ain't that the truth, boy!", Sight grinned, "You've grown a bit. Maybe someday I'll call you man".

"Whatever", I smiled back at him and then looked at Felix.

"Seraph, let's go", he nodded positively.

I nodded back and we set out shortly after.

"Remember Seraph, no matter what you do, do not get drawn in. And keep your distance from all of them. She won't be able to help you out a lot so we're all counting on you. I won't come with you either, I'll keep things going over here. So when you're done, don't forget to come back. It's going to be dark there, don't wuss out. You got that, boy!", Sight bid us farewell and the two of us made our way towards the forest.

"Regardless of whatever happens there, I'll make sure you come back safe and sound Seraph, so please don't worry about me", Felix knew I was concerned about him.

"I'm sorry, Felix. But I'm going to need you to push yourself as far as you can in this final battle. Once we are there, please help me out as much as you can", I looked at his smiling face.

"Right! Let's do this, Seraph. Let's go".

I nodded, "To Wallach!"