
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasía
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217 Chs

A Seraph that Died

"Well, we'll leave the rest to you", Sight said, patting my shoulder, as my soul left for the seven skies.

Indeed, I could not have imagined this strange turn of events. Then again, its about time I got used to being surprised like this. Of all the people, Lady chose me to do her part of the 'talking'.

"You are the only one of us that has gone up against a god. If anyone has a chance, it's you", said she, without a bit of consideration for my feelings on the matter. Of course, she was lying through her teeth, but I didn't know that yet.

To top it off, the 'talking' was anything but talking. It turned out to be a lot more violent than it ought to have been. I simply couldn't understand, how I, an innocent, unknowing man, ended up getting roped into something like this. No one had a satisfactory answer to that problem. But without further discussion, I was readied for battle.

The Valkyries thought it'd be nice if they loaded me with advice so I could have a chance against Grim. I don't think they realized that I was being sent off to my death.

"Sight...I don't really get why I have to do this. I think...we should just talk", I would've admitted without hesitation that I was afraid of dying.

"It's too late, boy", he shook his head in disappointment.

"Too late for what, Sight?! Too late for what?"

"Listen carefully boy, ", for once in his life, Sight was serious, "There are three rules in Valhalla; first, you are dead; second, protect the treasure even at the cost of your life. And lastly, the duel."

"The duel...?"

"Yes, the duel. All of us are allowed to solve our disputes in a duel. But death is only acceptable in a duel where all other Valkyries are present. Of course, both Valkyries need to consent to engage in a duel. And if in a duel to the death, some other Valkyrie decides to jump in to save the other, they will be considered an active member of the duel. If the original dueler loses, they lose with him. If the dueler dies, that Valkyrie dies with him. And most importantly, Lady will not participate in any duel while any other Valkyrie, willing to do her bidding, is still standing. It isn't part of the rule but all Valkyries are always willing to do it in her place so it's something of a convention."

"Is that all?"

"For now, yes boy. But you know the most important unsaid rule? Never ask Lady her real name. You've already broken that, though. Don't do it twice, that's when you get killed", he looked like a real scholar all of a sudden.

"None of that was helpful, Sight."

"Well, we'll leave the rest to you", he said.

And thus I was carted off to some lone mountain nearby. It was near the forest and wasn't too high. It was easy to climb as it wasn't exactly that steep. It was big enough, I suppose, to hold a god against me.

Grim looked carefree as ever. He was, obviously, confident enough that I won't defeat him. I had to do my best though. I even decided to let Nasty II lose if it came to it. But then I noticed all the Valkyries were attending the duel. Which meant this was a duel to the death.

"Did you tell him everything?", asked Lady.

"Gave him my best tips and tricks", said Deli, who had educated me earlier.

"Everything", said all of them, one by one.

Lady nodded her head, and signaled Chopper.

"Both of you, don't play dirty. If you die, you die. No one will be branded a murderer here. But if you try to leave the bounds and break any rules, we'll all crush you. Your opponent is standing before you, don't stray away from them. Now then, begin!", Chopper announced.

The cold wind that blew over the mountain went sweeping by just past me but didn't touch me at all.

"Yes, yes, now then!", Grim recovered from a yawn, "Seraph, don't you feel cowardly standing there when you don't even know what this is about? Doing someone else's bidding like this and putting your life on the line must really feel dumb."

"Cowardly...more like I feel left out, like an idiot."

"Right? So, what say we put an end to this without any resistance?"

I didn't exactly know what he meant so I didn't say anything for a while.

"Well...even if it is like this, if there's a way to find an answer like this, I would still stand here. Even if there's no way to save the world, and...well I don't exactly know what's going on but...if I can delay you for even a second, I won't move from here."

Whether Grim was amazed or amused, I'm not sure. He didn't exactly show much of a reaction. He just stood silently.

"Ah, the kid grew up", I heard Deli's voice.

"That little scaredy-cat!", Lady chuckled with her. I wonder if she was forgetting who put me to this.

"But he sure grew stupider", Chopper joined in.

"Well, the boy's trying real hard. Imagine if he wins, haha", Sight decided to reveal his hopes to which everyone laughed.

"No way!", said Lubbock as he laughed.

They had no hope for me. I just hung my head in embarrassment, flushing. And when I looked up, Grim was suppressing a chuckle.

"I'm doing this for you, you know!", I blasted back at Lady and everyone.

At least they hid their laughs.

In any case, Grim decided since I wasn't backing down, he won't hold back either.

"Seraph, have you ever heard of the legends of a god of death?", he asked to which I said nothing since I didn't know any in particular, "Well, in most cases, those legends aren't on point, because the real thing is far more scarier. And those who see the real thing, don't live to tell the tale. So you see, we are the most efficient workers. Sometimes, you should take the time to appreciate the work we do."

He chuckled, "Although, in most cases, humans make enough mess that even as clean a job as we do, it always seems to look messy. To tell you the truth, I truly find that to be a huge pain."

He raised his hand in the sky and out of nowhere, a pitch black smoke materialized into a scythe in his hand. It was so sharp, it made my teeth grit. It seemed to me that a swirl of black smoke appeared all around us so that his scythe shined all the more. It was, indeed, a sight to behold. There was a strange glimmer in his eyes, quite the same as that blade of his.

And then as his flowing black figure held that glorious scythe in hand, he spoke in a commanding, yet gentle voice. I hadn't seen such a serene look on his face ever before.

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them, and that is eternity."

Then his eyes met mine and he looked to me like he'd gotten taller, overwhelming. I couldn't move an inch. I just stood there stupefied, as if he'd hypnotized me.

"Seraph, I pronounce you...dead."

And then I died.

*Edvard Munch

I use a lot of quotes and even lyrics which I don't cite. I wonder if I should do it from now on. But I think if I started doing that, there'd be so much explaining to do. I hope everyone gets the references. Thank you everyone for reading up until now! Please share your opinion about the story. It would really help me. And I really appreciate it.

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