
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasía
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217 Chs

A Chance Meeting with the Dead

"Say Prophet, would you like to escort Seraph on a little mission?", Lady chippered.

"Ah...eh...I...", Prophet wasn't one to voice his resistance.

"Right you two! Get ready and set off. You've a devil to find. Now get going!"

And thus, the two of us were sent on our way. When we were leaving, I saw Lady standing on the mound outside all alone. She didn't drop any advices like she always used to. She didn't even see us leave. I suppose that hectic morning had caught up to her.

Now that I think about it, I got to see so little of these people unless we were traveling together. Prophet was the kind of guy who would disappear in the background, yet he was always there. He was a fidgety little guy, a tad taller than Lady but bent. He was skinny, had droopy eyes, was always looking down and smiled nervously. He spoke little, it was a struggle for him to get his opinions through to people. He had a really pale complexion, shadowed by his extremely black hair. He was always clad in black too. That was one of the reasons, he had a wicked look to him. Still, it was easy to talk to him.

"Hey, Prophet", I began when we had begun on the road, "where are we headed?"

"Uh...", he was sweating, "Lady said we'll, uh, need to head East, uh, to Wenus."

"I've heard about the city. Its really prosperous, isn't it?"

"Heh? Uh, yeah...probably", I wish he wasn't so cautious all the time. It felt like he might cry.

It took us a day to get to Wenus. Some say, it is the oldest city in the whole world, I was ecstatic to finally be able to see it.

I must admit Wenus was a sight to behold. I suppose, the label of "oldest city" was in quite the literal sense in case of Wenus. The place was a picture of ancient. It looked like it had nothing to do with the progressing world. At first, I was rather convinced we had travelled back in time.

There was barely anything mentionable to look at. The city was surrounded by towering walls. It looked like a fort. There were farms outside the walls and an endless array of houses inside. It was just your everyday jampacked city with superstitious people, a cathedral that seemed like the central point of the place and people dealing in all sorts of useless things.

We soon found our way to an ordinary inn in a calm location. The inside of the place was hustling with all sorts of people. I could see that it was the refuge for most travelers, much like us.

"We are, uh...erm, supposed to meet someone here", Prophet informed me.

"Uh, alright", I answered, "Do you know the person?"

"Eh...I...um, well...I...", I supposed that meant no.

I decided to lead the way and sat on one of the empty tables.

"Do you want a drink?", I asked Prophet. That was a mistake I suppose, for it shook him to his core. He couldn't muster an answer, which I took for a no.

I went up to the bar which was mostly empty except for one seat.

"I'll take one", I ordered, waiting for him to get me my drink.

"You look like a traveler, lad", the barkeep said, to which I nodded.

"From the capital", the sole man sitting there said, "...as it would appear."

"Uh, yes. How could you tell?", I asked.

"Rarely anyone here from the capital. You stick out like a sore thumb. Look, your shaky fellow is probably in some trouble."

I looked back toward Prophet who was surrounded by a bunch of big guys, probably thugs. Prophet might just pass out, I thought. Good thing we weren't carrying anything worthy of being stolen.

"Are you a local?", I asked, though I knew from his Western accent that he wasn't.

"Hardly. Do I look it? I come from far nobler roots. Just here for some work. These thugs only take aristocracy for rich people, they can't understand our workings. They never know when someone wiser than them is fooling them with ragged clothes."

I nodded. I wasn't a fan of the upper class myself, much less of some arrogant hick like this guy. I grabbed my drink and decided to go rescue Prophet.

"Well then, I think I'll go help him", I got ready to leave.

"Ah, what's the hurry? I barely introduced myself. Come now, I don't expect these thugs to understand much. Give me a little company, would you?"

I didn't intend to be rude, so I decided to sit down until I finished my drink.

"I'm waiting for some people you see. These parts aren't exactly my favorite but us noblemen don't forget favors. Sure, I could have just sent my chauffer but that wouldn't have repaid the sentiments. Nobility means caring about those little things that go ignored so easily. Are you listening?"

"Yeah", I replied briefly.

"So you see, my family is the very spine of this country. The politics, the stratocracy, the flow of this nation is deeper than that, you know. I'm not supposed to speak of those things, you see. But the truth is, regardless of how much I try to hide it under these peasant garments, the real worth can never fade away. You must think I'm unbelievably haughty, huh?"

"Mm-hmm", I wanted to agree promptly.

"I know because I've seen the efforts of my family, that they deserve the respect of those from within and without. No one would ever know of our services but regardless, we've been tirelessly putting this country to the right path. Do you understand how hard that is?"

"Uh, yeah. But, I think I should go help my friend now. It was nice meeting you and all."

"Oh, well. Too bad you are in a hurry. Ah! But I forgot to introduce myself. And what are you called?", I suppose he wanted to let me know his noble name and make me feel bad about my un-noble one.

"I'm Seraph", I replied shortly.

"Ah! Are you?! What a coincidence then! I suppose something in me sensed you were my man, huh?", I wondered what he was going on about, "Pardon my delayed introduction. I'm Valentine, Benoit Valentine."