
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

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34 Chs

Chapter 030 Sponsoring

-Mist village-

The mist village was raided by someone mysterious. There were traces of a visit to the ruins of a bloodline family that had been wiped out.

The fourth Mizukage, along with elder and elite mist ninjas, were talking among themselves.

One of them said, "We discovered some activities at the old Yuki clan grounds. We found the footprints of an unknown individual. He didn't even try to hide his presence; he stayed there for quite some time before leaving recently."

His words caused some sort of repercussion in the meeting room. Even Yagura paid attention this time. No one in the room dared to discuss Yagura's blood policy, which was deemed unfair.

Another one asked, "Do you think that some of the Yuki clan members survived, and came back to investigate their deceased clan?"

The members began to murmur among themselves. The first person to object said, "No, I don't think so. He stayed there for some time. His search left many pieces of evidence that he is not from the Yuki clan. And he did not clean up his presence at that location. As if he wanted us to know that he had come and stayed there. However, I don't think the Yuki clan would have left anything worthwhile behind at that location. So why would anyone visit that place?"

Everyone nodded his or her head.

Yagura said at that time, "No need to search those ruins. Tighten the border, so whoever it was won't be able to leave our borders. If they are somewhere in the nearby water country, we will find them."

The words are not his own; Tobi has been controlling him from the shadows. Many people want to know about the mysterious visitor to the ruins of the Yuki clan compound.

But the same person had already reached Konoha by this time.

-Three days later-


Ino's mother with no name in the series and Sakura's mother, Mebuki Haruno are talking with Menma in a secluded area of a restaurant.

Ino's mother said, "Menma kun, what happened last time in that bathhouse was a mistake. Even if it felt good. I am a married woman, and we made a mistake at that time. So please don't tell anyone about it."

Mrs. Yamanka looked guilty, but she didn't want to repeat what had happened last time. She lost control once, but she was a dutiful wife. Mebuki had the same expression as her.

Mebuki said, "Menma kun, you're young, so you can find a good wife in the future. It was our mistake to sleep with you."

Menma said, "Okay, I don't want to ruin your marriage."

He sighed as if he had done it by mistake, but everything was calculated by him. He knew that he would not continue with both of them. So he wanted to end it on a good note.

Both of them nodded their heads and were about to leave. Suddenly, Tsumi joined them. She approached Menma and whispered in a very low voice, "Menma kun, I am pregnant with your child. Not one, two, or three, but four children."

The other two females also heard her. Tsume also looked at the other two women and saw their eyes pop out.

Menma said, "Okay, just sit down Tsume-san." The others looked at each other. "And Mrs Yamanka and Mrs Haruno, weren't you leaving earlier?"

He saw that both were looking at him as if asking for an explanation.

Tsume joined them, while the other two were looking at the new woman.

Tsume said to them, "Don't give me that look. I can smell him on both of you." She was being very aggressive now. Her meaning was very clear; she didn't want her to leak her secret, so she wouldn't leak hers. It was like a ladies' agreement. Both of them nodded their heads in understanding.

Tsume looked at him. Menma said, "I can understand that you are worried about not going on this mission. It might affect your financial situation, even with the Hokage relief fund. Don't worry, I will send a million ryo to your account. If you need more money, send me a quick message. You may also need a good doctor during childbirth; it means I will have to come back and help you on that day."

Tsume looked relieved that Menma was helping her through this difficult time.

Mrs. Yamanaka said, "What if we both get pregnant? With all the seed you've poured into us. And it wasn't even a safe day for either of us."

They are talking silently among themselves so no one notices their abnormal behavior.

Menma said, "Don't worry about it. In my clan, people are born with more of their mother's features. You can see that I got my mother's looks. If you have a child, it will look like both of you, not just me."

Menma didn't tell them that he approached them on that day with that kind of intention. He made a seal near that place so his offspring could take more bloodline from their mothers and chakra from him. Mrs Yamanaka is a pure Yamanaka clan member.

His words reassured both of them. It was known that the Satoshi clan could adapt to other clans if they were married to them. Even Menma's father looked more like his grandmother, with her face cut and hair, except he did not have the Byakugan.

Menma said to Mebuki, "I have been sponsoring many civilians, orphans, and poor shinobi families' children at the Academy. I have also donated a large amount of money to the Konoha Academy. The Hokage was very pleased with my actions. As such, your daughter Sakura will receive a top-notch education, along with many other children whom I have sponsored alongside her."

Mebuki said, "Thank you, Menma-kun. I'm also concerned about the fee payment. The cost may be average, but it still takes a toll on our budget because of equipment purchases."

Menma said, "I have paid for six years worth of schooling for many children. The two elders of Konoha are happy with my decision. However, I don't want to spoil them. So, I will test their talents as an act, and I will meet each child at the Academy for an interview. If I discover a new seedling, I will sponsor them. The rest should be paid out of the Hokage's funds or be sponsored by the Council."

The fees are less or sometimes free for children from the Shinobi Villages. However, if they have a sponsor, they will receive better treatment and education. Naruto is also sponsored by Hiruzen, so he is with other clan children in his class.

Menma secretly talked with three ladies for some more time. Tsume invited him to a dinner at her house. Mrs Yamanka and Mebuki understood that since Tsume is alone now, she is not restricted like they are.

Later that night, Tsume made sure that Menma had a nice meal. Since she was pregnant, she did not have sex with him this time. Menma saw Kiba and Hana during dinner. So he decided to sponsor both of them to the relief of Tsume. He talked with both of them about their academies and other things.

Menma had a reputation during the Third Ninja War. Many people within Konoha know him, and they also know that he is very wealthy from his travels throughout the cities and villages of the Fire Country.