
Road to Demon Lord.

Eric, an orphan from birth, leads an ordinary and unassuming life. Until he is killed in a traffic accident that is. But death is of course not the end for someone like a novel protagonist. Eric wakes up from his death slumber in the body of a demon that looks very similar to his original appearance. Also, it seems that the demon he possessed was the master of a dungeon. Although, the dungeon is completely annihilated and has nothing in it. Will Eric be able to repair the dungeon? Will he be able to get stronger? Will he become the Demon Lord? A few points to note before reading: 1) MC is a villain. Although he won't go out of his way to harm others, he will not hesitate to kill if it means his own survival. 2) The crow in the cover image is named 'Corvis' and he is the most important side character in the novel. 3) I don't plan on having romance in this novel.

Xeanos · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The Infected Dungeon.

After seeing what the enemy looked like and how it attacked, I had a better idea of attacking come to my mind.

'It has ranged attacks... And they don't seem that powerful... Although, if not for the Minotaurs, they probably would have been a very big pain in the rear...'

"The enemy is stationary. Let's keep advancing.", I commanded.


"Conjure Ice...", the cycle repeated for a few dozen seconds until we were close enough to see the disgusting thing that was doing this.

"Shadow Bind.", I chanted.

A dark purple magic sigil appeared beneath the creature and 5 black chains emerged from it, binding the creature in its painful grasp.

The creature didn't have any mouth or any way to make any sound, so it remained silent. But I could tell the attack was effective after seeing the giant eyeball tearing up and creating blobs of jelly-like substances. I figured they were its tears.

But then, something very unexpected happened.

The creature violently closed its ginormous eyelid which resulted in the tears being flung into the air - towards us.

"CRAW!!! CRAW!!", Corvis yelled out.

I instantly knew that I was in danger after hearing Corvis's yells.

"RETREAT!", I shouted to the two minotaurs, to which they immediately followed.

What followed next was beyond my imagination.


The tear droplets, one by one, exploded. It started with a small spark but then quickly became a small grenade-sized explosion.

'What the hell?!'

"Desmond! As soon as you see those droplets, freeze them!", I commanded.

"My... Apologies... My lord... But I am... Completely... out of... mana...", Desmond lowered his head in shame.

"Tsk! Okay... I'll have to do this one without you, then!", I replied.

'Doing something like this is reckless... I don't know what more kinds of attacks that thing has... I don't want to make any assumptions anymore... Expect the unexpected, as they say...', I concluded.

I jolted up from my position and got prepared to fight the creature head-on.

The minotaurs jumped in front of me, guarding me from the creature's attacks.

As we ran towards the creature, it started breaking the chains of my shadow bind spell.

"Miasma spike.", I chanted.


One giant, black spike shot out from the ground, instantly penetrating the disgusting creature's eyeball, and damaging it severely.

The tentacles of the monsters spasmed and convulsed for a few seconds, resulting in an unholy, eldrich sight.

I would have puked if I had eaten something...

After finally subjugating the horror, I managed to focus on the corpse of the monster.

[Eyeball Spore]

[Race: Infected Spore]

[Status: Inactive (Dead)]

[HP: 0/100]

'Eyeball? Spore? Everything in this dungeon sounds disgusting...', I concluded.

"Craw!", Corvis yelled.


"Craw! Craw!"

"What?! You found the boss?!", I was astonished at Corvis's report.

He seemed to have found it from looking at the corpse of the spore.

"Lead the way, Corvis.", I commanded.

Corvis flew up and started to lead us through an intertwining and complex maze covered with mist and jail cells on the sides. The smell of rot was everywhere.

We came across more spores and other assimilated creatures with uncanny appearances, but they didn't prove to be that big of a threat anymore.

The traps were also easy to avoid, thanks to Corvis.

As we were walking through the corridors, we came across the remains of a few humans. Or at least I assumed them to be humans from their skeletal structures.

There were 3 of them. One was holding a sword, and wearing some rusty metal armour, and one was wearing some kind of robes. The last one looked like it was wearing some light clothing, with a quiver of some kind on its back.

'They must have been a party...', I thought before pushing forward.

We finally made it to the boss's room.

The gates separating it from the rest of the dungeon looked less grand than the one at the entrance of the dungeon.

'I wonder who the boss of my dungeon was... Was it the original owner of this body?', I wondered before gesturing to the minotaurs of open the gates.

Big mistake.

As soon as even a small slither of the interior was visible, a dark ray of magic heralded towards the minotaurs, instantly damaging them beyond repair.

"SHIT!", I cursed as I took cover as soon as possible. Desmond followed.

"How do we enter... Desmond! You have regained some of your mana, right?", I asked.

"Yes... My lord...", he replied.

"So use your earth magic to shield us from whatever that attack was!", I commanded

"As you command...", Desmond complied and prepared to fire a defensive earth spell.

I then slowly opened the gates again and as soon as I felt the mana in the room change, presumably because the attacker was charging up again, Desmond cast the spell.

"Rock Wall...", he chanted, erecting a 6-foot tall wall of rocks from the ground, in front of the gates.

The attack hit the wall and started making fizzing noises, following the sound of the wall cracking slowly.

I quickly got ready to enter the room and cast Shadow Bind on whatever was attacking us.

I took cover behind the rock wall and prepared to cast.

As soon as the wall looked unstable, I immediately cast the spell on the target.

The attack stopped after doing that and I got to finally see what our attacker looked like.

'Disgusting' was the only word that could describe the abhorrent creature in front of me.

A floating blob of meat with tentacles all over its sides and of course one giant eyeball staring at me with unholy emotions.

It was being suppressed by the black chains so it couldn't do anything to me.

[Eyeball Master]

[Race: Monster]

[Status: Wrathful, Bloodthirsty]

[HP: 90/100]

"Conjure Ice...", Demond chanted, freezing the creature's eyeball.

"Good call, it could have used that exploding tears attack if you didn't do that."

After getting it with the ice spell and my shadow bind, it was a one-sided battle.

I quickly managed to kill it along with Desmond's help.

'How anti-climactic... But due to my carelessness, I lost the two minotaur summons...'