
Road to Demon Lord.

Eric, an orphan from birth, leads an ordinary and unassuming life. Until he is killed in a traffic accident that is. But death is of course not the end for someone like a novel protagonist. Eric wakes up from his death slumber in the body of a demon that looks very similar to his original appearance. Also, it seems that the demon he possessed was the master of a dungeon. Although, the dungeon is completely annihilated and has nothing in it. Will Eric be able to repair the dungeon? Will he be able to get stronger? Will he become the Demon Lord? A few points to note before reading: 1) MC is a villain. Although he won't go out of his way to harm others, he will not hesitate to kill if it means his own survival. 2) The crow in the cover image is named 'Corvis' and he is the most important side character in the novel. 3) I don't plan on having romance in this novel.

Xeanos · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Repairing the Dungeon.

After subjugating the monster, I didn't even consider raising it as an undead. There was no way a thing like that would ever stay close to me!

But on a serious note, I couldn't raise the boss even if I wanted to, since the Raise Undead spell required the body of the summons to have working bones in it. I doubt this monster had bones in its eyes... It would be a waste of mana, which could prove deadly to me inside an unpredictable dungeon such as this one.

"Desmond, take out its magic crystal.", I commanded to which Desmond obliged.

After the tearing of flesh and other viscera, Desmond finally managed to get the magic crystal out of the corpse.

The magic crystal was bigger than that of the minotaur. The colour was also not a shade of blue but shimmered with a sinister, dark purple colour.

[Dark Magic Crystal]

[Type: Magic Crystal]

[Status: Stable]

[HP: 100/100]

'Is there a difference between dark magic crystals and regular magic crystals? I hope the dungeon core accepts this kind of crystal...'

We had hauled quite a good amount of magic crystals from this dungeon, but I still didn't quite have enough.

'I cleared this dungeon... There should be some kind of loot present here, right?', I wondered.

I started scanning the boss' room and sure enough, there seemed to be a door that was different from the entrance gates.

'Let's not get distracted and cocky now... There could be a monster behind that door...', I steeled myself, refusing to fall victim to carelessness again.

"Desmond, be prepared to cast spells. We are going into that room. Corvis, could you possibly help us by letting us know what that room has?", I asked.

Corvis sadly looked down and said "Craw..." in a sad tone.

"Haha, it's fine. I can't just depend on you all the time, can I?", I said as I made my way towards the door.

The door looked like it was once upon a time metallic, although time has taken a tremendous toll on the poor thing.

I went to the side and carefully pushed the door open, military style.


'Nothing?', I wondered.

"Craw! Craw!", Corvis seemed to have gotten the visuals inside the room.

"It's fine? Okay, if you say so...", I relaxed my guard and got up to enter the room.

After entering, only one word could describe the room perfectly.

'Laboratory...', I thought.

Although there are no remaining apparatus or instruments of science left intact in the room, it was clear that once upon a time, this place saw some serious experimenting.

As I was looking around the place, my eyes fell on a desk in the middle of the room.

Beside the desk, an old, withered skeleton sitting on a chair, leaning towards the desk.

The skeleton was wearing some extremely worn and torn robes.

On the desk was a book, covered with dust and filth.

My curiosity took over me and I instinctually picked up the book, dusting it with my gloved hands.

'Monster Bestiary...', the title read.

'*Sigh... as much as I'd like to read this, I'm low on time... I need to fix the dungeon before I can do anything...'

I exited the boss room, book and magic crystal in hand and looked at the broken minotaurs on the ground.

They were carrying the magic crystals on their backs...

"Shit...", I complained but to no avail.

Me and Desmond had to painstakingly pack up all of the magic crystals and carry them all the way to the dungeon room.

--- a few hours later ---

I put down the magic crystals and huffed in tiredness.

"Damn! I'm never doing something like that again! That was pain!", I grumbled.

"All that said, my minions have done a great job so far...", I mused as I looked at the giant pile of material in the corner of the dungeon core room.

The monsters I had summoned had worked very hard and piled up a ton of materials. Now, the only thing left was to make the bricks and finally repair the dungeon...

I took the bags of magic stones near the dungeon core.

[Magic Crystals detected.]

[Would you like to deposit them? Yes/No]

I clicked yes and all of the magic crystals in the bags disintegrated into purple dust and made their way into the core.

[Magic Crystals Completely absorbed.]

[Magic Threshold reached.]

'Magic threshold reached?'

[Congratulations! You have reached the first threshold of the Dungeon core.]

[Rewards: MAG: C -> MAG C+]

[Rewards: Necromancy II -> Necromancy III]

'Yoooo!', I was extremely happy with the rewards!

I immediately opened the console and checked my necromancy spells.

[{Raise Undead II (1/7)}, {Necroflame I}]

'Raise undead's level rose by one and my max summons are now 7! And Lesser Necroflame turned into Necroflame!', I examined the results of my hard work.

But this wasn't all.

Since my Raise undead skill level went up, Demond also became stronger!

I looked at Desmond bowing to me with respect and gratitude and felt good about myself.


[Race: Skeleton Sorcerer]

[Status: Humble, Respectful, Grateful]

[HP: 100/100]

'He became a skeleton sorcerer... Cool!'

"Let's start making the bricks right away, Desmond!", I commanded.

"As... you... command... my lord...", Desmond bowed one last time and went to the pile of material.

I watched as the rocks and small pebbles slowly transformed into actual bricks and were placed down neatly at the side.

My job was now done. I had collected my rewards and strengthened Desmond to work independently...

'This is the first time I relaxed after coming to this world...', I mused.

My mind went racing as I was zoning out.

'I haven't seen sunlight in so long... I wonder if this world even has sunlight... I'd like to meet its world's residents too... I mean, I'm sure they exist, from the first diary I found to the skeletons of that fallen party and also the Bestiary... Wait! Bestiary! Yeah! Let's read that!', I once again found a task to complete and was actually grateful for it.

I opened up the book and started reading it from top to bottom.

--- A few hours later ---

I got bored of reading and left the book mid-way.

The book had a lot of information about this new world's monsters and creatures. Judging from the drawings and text, this world seemed extremely similar to the ones I read about in fantasy stories. Although, this world does have some weird monsters and creatures.

The most interesting thing was that the race called 'Monsters' were actually seen as demons at first. But, after some more research, demons turned out to be a completely different race.

Monsters were hostile to every race, and the demons were also hostile to every race, so it was understandable if people confused them.

But there was a very big difference between the two.

Demons were intelligent and capable of speech, understanding and much more.

Demons had ranks among them. The highest of which was the Dungeon Masters.

Even though demons were intelligent, they did not bind together to be a single nation, however, as the humans, elves and dwarves did. They always hated each other and went by their own rules.

Openly attacking other races, disrespecting them, even going as far as to r@p(e)ing them...

Demons were seen as barbaric, war-loving creatures by the rest of the world.

'What bullshit... So if I go to the surface and meet other races, they'll think that I'm basically a monster? That's so unfair!', I grumbled.

All that said, I also learned the different sub-races of demons.

Goblins, Imps etc. were weak demons.

Orcs, Lizardmen etc. were neither weak nor strong.

Succubi, Liches, Vampires etc. were strong demons.

And lastly, the Arch-demons were the strongest.

'Thankfully... I'm one of the strongest demons in this world... At least there's one bright side...'

"My lord, I've made all the bricks I could...", Desmond said. His speech had become clearer than before.

I looked at the mammoth cuboid of bricks laid all neatly on the side of the core room and sighed.

'Back to work.'

lol, how's the story? is it good? or trash? I'd like to know.

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