
Draft 4

As I think that, I see her eyes become more focused and ever so slightly light up.

No way, right? I showed clear rejection. To think she was that kind of character... Even after all that, for her to develop a crush on me...

"You couldn't be more wrong if you think I've got a crush on you."


"Mindreading isn't an attractive trait, you know?

What are you doing this for, anyway?"

I gestured for her to seat beside me in front of a closed off store while taking out a Pocky box which I've had even before my entanglement with the Yakuza, offering her some, but not before taking a stick in the same manner an experienced smoker would.

There's a bit of blood stain on it since hoodies aren't exactly liquid proof, but I trust in the human mind's extraordinary ability to ignore irrelevant details.

"I was on my way to a mixer and was looking for a reason not to go."

Hmm? It's about that time, I guess. But to think she had this moment right before everything started for both her and that guy.


"You're weird, nee-chan.

You can just not go, right?"

Yep. There's no way she can be that willfull. It's clear she can't ignore other's opinion of her with how bothered she is with her arguably bad communication skills.

It's just that she improved somewhat as the series progressed. Was there a disconnect with her initial personality or did that guy actually had a positive effect on her?

Either way, it's best to keep her here. That way, she can think about her choice more clearly.

"It's more weird to not go without a proper reason when I already said yes." She sighed, seemingly exasperated by her obligation.

"That's easy.

Just tell your friends there's no point going since you found someone on your way there."

What's with that look? Why does this girl have to act like I performed a miracle when I used my head?

I know it's a stereotype for pretty faces to have small brains but to be treated like this... I'm a petty guy, you know. I might enroll in your school just so I can flex my academic superiority, or rather, I'll just use my memory and get by purely through cheats.

What can I say, life is unfair.

"You're good at this, uhm..."

She's cute when she fumbles. Is this the infamous gap moe? I wonder what would happen if I don't follow her social cues, it would be awkward but it's wor-

Ah, she's glaring.

"Seto Nao.

You can just call me Nao or even Nao-chan. I don't mind as long as it's cute, Nee-san."

"Rui. Tachibana Rui."


"Rui-nee." She said with determination, as if she wouldn't settle for anything less.

Stop cutting me off, woman. Anyway, isn't that too cozy for a first meeting. I know I acted like a total boytoy just now but to actually treat me like one.

At least buy me drinks first...



I'm bored anyway, so I might as well entertain her. But still, what should I do in this world? I can be anything, but at the same time, nothing I can obtain here would be worth anything in my eyes.

"Can you take a photo with me, Nao?"

Says Rui while fiddling with her phone.

Her friend asked for proof, huh?

Heh~ I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a little payback for being called a crazy, perverted sentimental narcissist.

"I mean I was the one to suggest you to do it, so sure."

I inched closer to her while wrapping my arms around her shoulder. Of course, she wouldn't feel it since I didn't make contact after all.

It's a perception trick and a damn good one at that.

"Why did you wrap your arm around me?"

What? Is she going to pretend I touched her? Sigh, Rui-nee. I thought you were better than that.

"When did I do that?

I wrapped my arm around air. Air.

You didn't feel it, right? You can't accuse me of something you didn't feel."

"I didn't feel it therefore it didn't happen?

That's something a criminal would say, Nao."

Oh, pretty witty, having instantly picked up on that. I expected her to take the lewd approach, though. But I guess it's too early for Tachibana-chan.

"Just send the picture, Rui-nee...

By the way, can I ask you a question?"

Rui raised her brows while continuing to fiddle with her phone, "Of course."

"How would you cope if you had all the power in the world but feel like you have nothing at the same time?"

Rui didn't immediately answer. She only looked at me, her eyes telling me she can see through whatever flimsy wall I've built up.

I wouldn't call her inhumanly perceptive, otherwise she wouldn't have found herself in the predicament she found herself in her original story.

If there's something different then it's having met me. It's that moment, isn't it? I don't know how I looked but my emotions must've been on my sleeve having fully immersed myself in that memory.

Initially, it was something I didn't mind showing to random passer-bys. They nor does this world matter to me. it's just that I didn't expect to be seen by one of this world's characters. The female lead at that.