

Fear was clearly evident in the mages voice as realization dawned upon him and the others members of his party. It was all over after all very few could have the power to combat a Draconic King on their own.

" RETREAT!!!!!" the leader shouted.

However they were to late to delay the inevitable . The rampaging Draconic King was unleashed his flaming breath. The nearby buildings that were not completely destroyed were now melting from the intensity of the heat. The adventures quickly perished under its fearsome attack. It continued its rampage in an attempt to quench its never ending anger.

Hale escaped from the city with the other residents . He was devastated . Everything was gone. He watched helplessly as the Dragon razed everything to the ground completely destroying the village. Hundreds perished from its might as nothing was left but a city of ashes and debris. It quickly spotted the remaining survivors. It turned its head as it said in a magisterial voice

[ Humans this is the consequences of taking my kin . An eye for an eye as you have lost yours as well ]

The Dragon returned to its dwelling deep within the forest. On that day the young hale quickly swore to achieve the ultimate strength. Powerful enough to slay magic beasts like that and dominate everything in his path. On this day an oath was made that bore legend to the strongest swordsman.


Hale was exploring the outer skirts of the Beast Holt . The atrocity of the young noble that led to the destruction of the city cam into light soon after the incident. The surviving villagers moved to other towns in hope of starting a fresh . Hale had decided to train on his own rather than being an adventurer. He decide to do it once he was strong enough. He was currently living in a nearby town were there was an orphanage willing to take him in.

These last two years had not been very productive but at least it was better than nothing .