
Rising of the Lesser Demon

Samuel, the undisputed Top Dog of his high school, had it all—charm, brains, and the kind of popularity everyone envied. But in a world where envy breeds betrayal, Samuel’s closest allies turned against him, leading to his untimely demise. Yet, a being twists Samuel's fate. Samuel awakens in the underworld, not as a lost soul, but reborn as a baby Zenith, a Lesser Demon. Zenith wishes for power and dreams to be the strongest being!

Zixper · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Boss

Chapter 1: The Boss

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the schoolyard as students bustled about, eager to start their weekend. Among them strode a figure that commanded attention—a young highschooler with an air of power and authority that seemed to have the properties of a King. His name was Samuel, but to everyone at Seongjin High School, he was known simply as the Boss.

With a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, Samuel surveyed his domain. He had worked hard to establish his reputation as the undisputed ruler of Seongjin High, and now, as he watched the other students bow their heads in deference, he knew that his efforts had not been in vain.

But just as Samuel was reveling in his triumph, a commotion erupted nearby. A panting student came sprinting towards him, his face pale with fear.

"Boss!" the boy gasped, clutching his side as he skidded to a halt in front of the Boss. "You need to listen to me. The gangs from the neighboring schools—they've joined forces. They're coming for us, Samuel. They're coming for you."

A thrill shot through Samuel at the news. It seemed that his recent exploits had caught the attention of some very unwelcome admirers.

But instead of feeling fear, Samuel felt exhilaration. This was what he had been waiting for—a challenge worthy of his skills, a chance to prove once and for all that he was the strongest, the most powerful.

A devilish smile spread across Samuel's face as he turned to address the assembled students. "Prepare for war," he commanded, his voice ringing out with authority. "We will show these wimps what it means to challenge the King of Seongjin High."

The students erupted into cheers, their fear replaced by a fierce determination to defend their turf at all costs. Samuel watched them with pride, his heart swelling with the knowledge that he had inspired such loyalty in his followers.

Armed with little more than baseball bats, knuckles, chains, and steel bars, Samuel and his ragtag army of students marched out to meet their adversaries. On the horizon, they could see the approaching forces of the rival gangs, their faces twisted with hatred and envy.

The battle that followed was fierce and bloody. Samuel fought like a man possessed, his baseball bat swinging with deadly accuracy as he laid waste to anyone who dared to stand in his way. His followers fought alongside him, their loyalty and fear to their leader unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the dust settled and the last of their enemies lay defeated at their feet, Samuel allowed himself a moment of triumph. But his victory was short-lived.

A sharp pain lanced through Samuel's back, and he stumbled forward, his vision swimming with agony. He turned to see the face of his attacker, expecting to find a member of the rival gangs. But what he saw instead was far worse.

It was his girlfriend, her eyes gleaming with malice as she drove the knife deeper into his flesh. Samuel's mind reeled with disbelief. How could she betray him like this, after everything they had been through together?

But as he looked into her eyes, he saw only contempt. She smiled at him, the same devilish smile that had once captivated him, and shouted- "You are supposed to die like a dog!"

Everyone was shocked but a few were relieved as they don't have to get beat and follow the orders of Samuel.

His girlfriend and every other students started to run in fear as they might get caught by the cops but a student was there laughing at Samuel, Samuel looked at the laughing student and recognizes him as his best friend, Johan.

And then everything went black...